By this time, Lin Feng had left the sea.

Liz gave the most complete map.

Compared with the maps taken by those boatmans, this map should be more concise. Most of the real demons live in the vast sea area. Their familiarity with the sea is much stronger than those practitioners.

Lin Feng hardly stopped all the way.

Qianlong watched the wind above. Once there was a situation, Lin Feng would stop at the first time. After walking like this for about a month, the outline of a city was exposed in the distance.


Lin Feng and Wu Suo both breathed a sigh of relief and looked at a little starlight in the vast sea area.

"Come back." Lin Feng put away the five shuttles and flew directly towards the city.

There is no no air raid in the city.

As soon as he entered the city, the excitement immediately flooded Lin Feng's surroundings. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and his eardrums were still a little uncomfortable. Lin Feng only adapted to it for several minutes. For a long time, Lin Feng thought of something.

"You said, is there a transmission array connection between there and here?"

If there is a transmission array connection, wouldn't you have been blind for three months?

"There shouldn't be such a long distance. It's almost like building a cross-border transmission array. Such a large transmission array can't be established unless it is sent or established by the gate of Shiyin sect's Qianji gate."

The violent death shook his head and whispered, "moreover, the practitioners on both sides may not really need to contact. After all, the practitioners in the sea area are different from those on the mainland in many ways."

Lin Feng nodded.

Walking around the city, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Liz, that woman is very nice to him. The city is still some distance from the center of the demon cult, and the ships from Haicheng will only be there. Therefore, Bai Cang will not appear in this place.

However, to go to the address of the Dragon tomb given by Liz, Lin Feng needs to go through there. There is a way from here.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's get ready and start." Lin Feng paused. "The customs here are different from those in the mainland. The most important thing is to adapt here so as not to cause trouble."

Wusuo immediately sneaked into the surrounding area. Lin Feng walked slowly in the street. After buying some necessities, Wusuo also returned to Lin Feng and shared the news they got to Lin Feng one by one.

Sea cities are not big. These cities coexist with mortals and practitioners. Among these cities, Lin Feng found a transmission array.

There was a transmission array, and Lin Feng left that afternoon.

At dusk, a ship docked at the edge of the town.

Bai Cang went ashore directly with the disciples of the Shiyin sect.

"Elder, we have checked. It's the nearest from here." The disciples of the corpse Yin sect, with the maps in their hands, said to Bai Cang with a serious face, "this time, we can certainly find there as soon as possible."

"You don't need to go." Bai Cang suddenly stopped, "just wait for me to come back from Haicheng. By the way, give me the boy Lin Feng. You want to see people when you live and corpses when you die. Do you hear me?"

The disciples of the corpse Yin sect shouted to their feet. With some hesitation in their eyes, they saw Bai Cang's cold look. These disciples of the corpse Yin sect stopped talking and left Bai Cang one after another.

Obviously, the elders don't need them this time.

Bai Cang left in the transmission array.

Lin Feng was sitting in the restaurant to rest. Suddenly, a familiar figure attracted Lin Feng's attention.

"Bai Cang?" Lin Feng's mind immediately converged. Bai Cang passed from below and went straight to the next transmission array.

"How did this old thing appear here?" Seeing Bai Cang appear, Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of caution. If Bai Cang appeared here, does that mean that the people over there came from here?

What a trouble!

Seeing Bai Cang, Lin Feng had more helplessness in his eyes. What Lin Feng didn't expect was that the old man also set out from here.

"My lord?"

Qianlong fell on Lin Feng's shoulder and asked in a low voice.

"Let's have a rest for two days before we go. Is it difficult for this old man to have a map?" Lin Feng lowered his head and muttered, and a touch of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"The boatman should also have a map. The nearest place to go there is from here. The map Lisi gave you is the nearest. When you get to the sea area, Bai Cang must have a way to get it." Hearing Qianlong's words, Lin Feng nodded.

He does not deny this.

"Just two days off." Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. "Maybe after the past, we can sit and reap the benefits."


Wusuo stopped talking.

For them, the most dangerous thing now is white.

"My Lord, there are disciples of the corpse Yin sect." Just as Lin Feng was joking, two disciples of the corpse Yin sect went upstairs and their eyes fell directly on Lin Feng. Lin Feng turned to look at the two disciples of the corpse Yin sect, and a faint smile arose from the corners of his mouth.

"Lin Feng!" The two disciples of the corpse Yin sect rushed directly towards Lin Feng's position. Lin Feng put down the magic coin and went out directly from the window.

Out of Haicheng, there was a vast sea outside, and more than a dozen disciples of the corpse Yin sect followed.

These disciples of the corpse Yin sect are the elites of the corpse Yin sect. The lowest accomplishments are at the level of Da Luo Jinxian. Lin Feng licked his lips and glanced at these disciples of the corpse Yin sect.

It seems that this is a fierce battle.

Lin Feng, holding Feng Tong's sword in his hand, glanced around, suddenly raised his breath, and rushed directly to the front disciple of the corpse Yin sect.

Lin Feng's move was quick. The disciple of the corpse Yin sect had not reacted yet. Lin Feng's long sword had been across his neck.

An attack appeared behind Lin Feng, and a body washed directly towards Lin Feng.

"Try mine." Lin Feng waved his hand and the bodies rushed towards those bodies.

The field and potential energy position of the sword were expanded with the help of Lin Feng, in which the purple and black robbery thunder was hidden and washed away towards the disciples of the corpse Yin sect.

The disciples of the corpse Yin sect are most afraid of the power of lightning. As soon as Lin Feng's thunder appeared, all the disciples of the corpse Yin sect retreated quickly as if they had seen a ghost. Seeing the appearance of these disciples of the corpse Yin sect, Lin Feng sneered at their birth.

"It seems that you can't!"

"What a dish!"

After killing a disciple of the corpse Yin sect, Lin Feng's mind moved, and the inflammation of the earth's heart and robbery thunder were combined, which exploded in the middle of several other disciples of the corpse Yin sect.

The fire waves were rising layer upon layer, and the disciples of the corpse Yin sect wailed in pain. The water waves washed up and attacked these disciples of the corpse Yin sect again.

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