"No matter where it is, as long as we return to the dragon family, it's just a small thousand machine door. We will find it at that time." Seeing the meditation on Lin Feng's face, the violent death snorted coldly and said, "since you are up, even if qianjimen wants to be the enemy with you, we should also consider the position of our dragon family!"

"Don't forget the violent death. In recent years, the dragon family has not only no Dragon Emperor, but also no dragon at the beginning of our twelve years. The whole dragon family is a plate of loose sand. Can't you think there will be anything else in it?"

The voice of Xingyu was long, "the master took our twelve dragon back. Maybe he can get some other things from here. If it's just the master, I'm sure the master may not be able to get well."

Lin Feng nodded.


Then Lin Feng looked up at the sky, "this is also a big trouble."

With that, Lin Feng turned and went directly down the restaurant. Not long after Lin Feng left, Tang Hao appeared in the restaurant, and two shadows quietly appeared beside Tang Hao.

"Young master, we have basically determined that this boy has not come out of the inn these days. Today is the first time to come out. He has just gone downstairs. The boy is very vigilant. We dare not follow him out of the restaurant."

"You've done a good job. Go down and pay attention to Qianqian all the time to see what she's thinking." Tang Hao stands at Lin Feng's previous position, and can just see Lin Feng disappear at the corner. Tang Hao laughs. It's fun.

This is the first time Qianqian bumped into someone else in front of him!

Tang Hao thought a little more in his eyes.

Leaving the corner, Lin Feng's mind quickly spread around.

Tang Hao's eyes are still behind his head. Lin Feng can feel the guy's strong hostility to him.

"Another straw bag." The sudden death snorted coldly, "this guy still wants to be the leader of my dragon family. Dream!"

Lin Feng shook his head.

"You're stupid. That guy is just a little suspicious. This also shows that he has a full mind for my woman. Tut Tut, I don't know. It turns out that someone still likes my woman so much."

Lin Feng shook his head, snorted coldly, and swept away from Lin Feng. The next moment, a man in the corner spit out blood directly, fell and sat on the ground without a sound.

Wusuo immediately shut up and stopped talking.

Lin Feng walked around the city for three days.

Three days, nothing.

If qianjimen had not been here, Lin Feng would not have thought of this place at all. It would be the place where the Dragon tomb existed.

What's wrong with negligence?

Lying in the yard, Lin Feng went through the whole city in his mind. He didn't miss every corner.

"Master, Mrs. Qianqian." Qianlong put a note in Lin Feng's hand, "Mrs. Qianqian gave it to me just now."

Lin Feng took a look at the note.


Seeing the words on the note, Lin Feng frowned. Suddenly, Lin Feng's whole body jumped up, and the corners of his eyes were a little softer. Yes, the aborigines, most of the established residents, should come from behind. Only the most primitive residents here will be 100% familiar with here.

"Master, where can we find these aborigines?" Seeing the note in Lin Feng's hand, Qianlong muttered.

"The villagers here, of course." Lin Feng shook his head. "Tang Hao is very clever."

"It's just the wisdom of the whole machine door." The sudden death snorted coldly.

"If you want to find aborigines in the city, you can't do without too much information. We certainly don't have the ability to read them now, but there are ordinary people here." Lin Feng smiled. "Those ordinary people who depend on fishing in this city must also know some of the past. Their ability is limited and it is impossible to leave. Even for their own safety, they will not choose to leave. In this case, it will be easy for us to ask for some information."

Then Lin Feng got up and went outside.

"Those villagers don't have to remember so many things. They don't even know a word. Master, you have to ask if there's some trouble." But the star whispered and said.

"They pass it on from mouth to mouth. What is handed down by the villagers is the most important." Houtu whispered, "in order to hide some unknown past, those Da gentry and noble families will appropriately transform their history. Let's ask them the news they get, which may not be 100% good news, because for those guys, it's just to whitewash a little peace."

Houtu paused for a moment and said, "on the contrary, these fishermen provide us with what they pass on from mouth to mouth, which is more accurate."

"Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but there are Qianqian over there. We don't need to worry too much. We just need to know the surrounding villagers and ask them if they see any strange places, or if their elders have passed some incredible events."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Wusuo nodded.

Lin Feng left the city and rented a boat instead.

Under the guidance of the boatman, Lin Feng soon arrived at an island, which was large and accumulated thousands of villagers.

Lin Feng said goodbye to the boatman and went ashore. He got a lot of things to carry by the sea.

Some villagers saw Lin Feng with sharp eyes, and Lin Feng immediately gathered together.

"Hello, uncle. I'll find a family called Zhang Daquan for a while. I'm his nephew. When my mother was young, she went with a Xiuxian adult. It's been decades. Now I miss her very much. Let me come and see my uncle."

"Zhang Daquan?"

The villager frowned and shook his head.

"We don't know each other. It's been many years. The immortal doesn't know the flow of age at all. Young man, you and I can go to the village and ask about it. Maybe we can ask his descendants." Then the big man walked in front, "my name is Niu San. What do you call me, young man?"

"Lin Feng." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Lin Feng, that's a good name." Niu San smiled and said, "only the names of those immortals are so beautiful."

Lin Feng just smiled.

The villagers' eyes swept around Lin Feng's hands and took Lin Feng forward. They talked with Lin Feng all the way. Lin Feng just listened with a smile and echoed one or two words from time to time. Soon Niu San became familiar with Lin Feng and introduced everything in the village to Lin Feng with a smile.

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