With the introduction of Niu San, Lin Feng deliberately guided him. Soon, the topic of the two people extended to what Lin Feng wanted to know most.

Niu San was in a good mood and didn't hide it when he said it. Lin Feng and Niu San went all the way and communicated a lot with the villagers. Lin Feng probably knew something from the mouth of the village,

There was no one to find, but the enthusiasm of the villagers kept Lin Feng. Lin Feng taught these villagers to learn traditional ancient martial arts and how to hunt sea animals. These villagers were enthusiastic and eager to learn. They almost regarded Lin Feng as their God, knowing everything and saying everything.

With the continuous introduction of these villagers, the information Lin Feng needed soon rolled in.

Villagers have their own way of inheritance. Although such inheritance may not be 100% beneficial, at least in Lin Feng's view, these inheritance still helped him a lot.

Half a month later, Lin Feng said goodbye to the villagers.

The villagers enthusiastically sent it to the outside of the island. The boat was ready there. Niu San smiled and waved to Lin Feng.

"Brother Lin, come often when you are free."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded. After waving goodbye to everyone, he set foot on the road back to the city.

After half a month together, Lin Feng missed the simplicity and kindness of these villagers a little more.

Although such a day is simple, its beauty has long been better than others.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Feng slowly closed his eyes and faced the sea breeze. Lin Feng's mind was still churning with the words of the villagers. The innocent and empty voice lingered in Lin Feng's ears. Somewhere in his mind, a thin and broken sound came from the ship, and a flash of light flashed in Lin Feng's eyes.


Although it was only a breakthrough of sister Xiaojing, this breakthrough made Lin Feng's mind immediately follow.


Lin Feng licked his lips. Although this small breakthrough is nothing, it is definitely a great progress for Lin Feng!

He is further away from the realm of Da Luo Jinxian!

"Congratulations, master!" Qianlong timely climbed out and said to Lin Feng with a smile, "when the master breaks through the level of Da Luo Jinxian, the possibility of obtaining the Dragon tomb will increase again."

Lin Feng shook his head.

"Go back first. I don't know how Qianqian is."

"Mrs. Qianqian is sure to be fine. Besides, the boy's eyes can't wait to be pasted on Mrs. Qianqian. Mrs. Qianqian won't have anything." Qianlong said with a smile, "Mrs. Qianqian is not such a weak person."

Lin Feng did not speak, but frowned a little unhappy.

His women, of course, he doesn't want them to be in danger, but now Qianqian's situation is very dangerous.

Lin Feng sent information to Qianqian several times to come back, but Qianqian stubbornly wanted to continue the matter, which made Lin Feng powerless and very dissatisfied with the decision made by Qianqian. He wanted to pull the little woman over and beat her up and ask why the little woman made such a decision!

Back in the city, Lin Feng went straight back to the inn.

After another month's rent, Lin Feng returned to his garden.

Tang Hao is standing there at the gate of the yard.

"I've been waiting for you for days." Tang Hao's face was a little feminine, and his eyes swept around Lin Feng, "your eyes have been following my woman, brother, is it too much?"

Tang Hao's voice was not high, and the warning in his words was very obvious,

"I think you're wrong. I know if I'm staring at anyone, but you don't know one thing." Lin Feng gathered forward, "that's the beautiful things. There, I have a pair of eyes to appreciate the beauty. Are you not surprised when you say I see?"

Lin Feng walked forward a little, not afraid of Tang Hao.

"Then I'll dig your eyes." Tang Hao suddenly sighed and stabbed Lin Feng's eyes with one hand. Lin Feng snorted coldly and grabbed Tang Hao's hand. The next moment, the two people were directly together.

The field of sword was spread out at Lin Feng's feet. A touch of gloom flashed in Lin Feng's eyes, and the two men flew directly towards the sky.

The battle was in full swing. Tang Hao's eyes flashed an accident and looked at Lin Feng. No wonder the boy was so unscrupulous. He turned out to be a little capable. Tang Hao sneered, accelerated his speed and attacked Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's body retreated quickly. Seeing Tang Hao's hand, he sneered. His body turned over, and the two fell down again.

"Stop!" Qianqian's body crossed between the two people. Lin Feng waved his hand and directly clasped Qianqian's body into his arms.

"Don't go back to this guy." Lin Feng's voice was full of jealousy. Tang Hao's look became more and more gloomy. His eyes fell on Qian Qian and accelerated to attack Lin Feng.

"Boy, this is Zhao Shu!"

Tang Hao's eyes were gloomy, and his breath suddenly began to change.

"Ha ha, bye!" Lin Feng waved his hand, and his whole body retreated quickly and disappeared directly in front of Tang Hao. Qianlong shuttle flew away from this area with Lin Feng. Soon, the party returned to the yard.

The shopkeeper stood there with a bitter face and said to Tang Hao. Tang Hao's face was gloomy. He felt Lin Feng's breath and returned to the yard again. Tang Hao came to Lin Feng again.

"Young master, I beg you, just let the little one go." The old man's face was helpless, and he couldn't help twitching all over his body. "The small family depends on it. Our inn can't stand the second time because of your toss."

The shopkeeper's face was helpless.

"Go away!" With a wave of Tang Hao's hand, the shopkeeper's whole body flew out directly and kicked the door. Tang Hao looked at Lin Feng sitting under the yard with a gloomy face. In front of Lin Feng, Qian Qian was sitting there quietly.

"Let go of Qianqian!" Tang Hao's eyes exuded a faint red light. His eyes fell on Lin Feng's hand on Qianqian's waist, which became colder and colder.

Damn it, he has never touched Qianqian. This bastard dares to touch it!

"Why not?" Lin Feng sat there with a smile. "I'm a vulgar person. If you want this woman, get out of my yard quietly. Maybe I'll let her go as soon as I'm in a good mood, won't I?"

Lin Feng glanced at Tang Hao. "Of course, if you don't listen to me, don't blame me for not reminding you in advance. I am a vulgar person. Once I make any decision, don't blame me for what I will do next if the other party doesn't listen."

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