Houtu sighed.

What candle Yin is good at is playing with people's hearts.

The dark start dragon not only represents darkness, but also represents the supremacy of his means of playing with mental skills. Therefore, among the twelve start dragons, except the light start dragon and the dark start dragon have a good relationship, other start dragons are not very willing to approach the candle Yin guy.

Thick soil and his party were also on guard against candle shade.

Hearing the words of thick soil, Lin Feng nodded and Qianlong turned his mouth.

"What this guy likes most is playing with people."

Playing with people?

Lin Feng's eyes fell on Zhu Yin. Tang Hao is not a fool. He probably came in at this time. If he likes to play with people's hearts? Lin Feng's eyes twinkled with strange light, and he was very uncomfortable looking at the candle Yin.

"I said, old man, I don't think you look good." Lin Feng shook his head and said helplessly, "I don't remember coming in alone. You're going to spend it with me today and want to dominate the world. I said, old man, you can't even keep your own things."

"Boy, don't try to set me up. You can't cross this level without my permission!" Candle Yin looked down at Lin Feng and turned his whole body into a young man.

The man was very handsome and looked at Lin Feng gloomily with a thick inflammation of the earth's heart on his pale face.

"Sure enough, do men have to be beautiful and women have to stand aside?" Seeing the appearance of candle Yin, Lin Feng smiled and shook his head. "She looks very beautiful. She must have been fascinated by thousands of young men before!"

"Die!" Candle Yin rushed towards Lin Feng quickly.

Lin Feng leaned aside and sneered.

The candle Yin attack passed by Lin Feng, and the backhand attacked Lin Feng again.

"Go!" Lin Feng waved his hand, and the long sword turned around. At the next moment, a strong breath appeared directly around Lin Feng, washed towards Lin Feng again, felt the continuous change of the surrounding breath, and the breath of Lin Feng's whole body was raised again.

The next moment, a breath passed through Lin Feng's attack. Tang Hao stood in front of him immediately, his whole body emitting a strong light.

"Tut Tut, little white dragon." Lin Feng stood behind with a strange light in his eyes.

Qianlong leaned against Lin Feng's shoulder.

"Master, are you not going to do it?"

"If you don't run at this time, when will you stay?" Lin Feng smiled and went down directly through the two opposing guys. "The blood of the dragon is sealed below, and that guy will just hold the door there."

Lin Feng's speed is very fast.


Wusuo followed Lin Feng directly forward. Lin Feng's body passed through the small space. When shuttling through, Lin Feng directly appeared at the place he had entered.

"Damn it!" Lin Feng stood outside with a strange look.

"Maybe it's a small array of touring." The violent death snorted coldly, "this old bastard didn't play with us less before!"

Come out from the inside and speak only after the violent death.

"Tut Tut, it seems that the past achievements have been terrible." Lin Feng's mood suddenly got better and began to walk along the darkness around him.

Suddenly, Lin Feng stopped.

"It's really a trace of the array." Lin Feng swept around. Several demon sect disciples were crawling around, but those guys didn't rush over. Lin Feng looked at these demon sect disciples and fell into meditation in his eyes.

Will candlelight Yin use the materials of these guys to make this array? If so, you must pass through this array to pass.

And these demon sect disciples must have a hiding place.

Lin Feng kept retreating with these demon sect disciples. In fear, these demon sect disciples began to go to their own nest.

"Master, what are you doing?" Wusuo followed Lin Feng and saw that Lin Feng went outside. He looked disapproval.

"Find the real place." Lin Feng's expression was a little calm, "these demon sect disciples are hard trained by him, so these guys must have a nest. Maybe that place is where the real dragon tomb is."

Lin Feng had a gentle smile on his lips.

"I don't think it's reliable. These demon sect disciples are just ready."

"These demon sect disciples are not only the bridge for him to contact the outside world, but also the main way for him to obtain resources. Therefore, these demon sect disciples are not so unimportant." Lin Feng followed a demon sect disciple through a path of Yao Ziyi. A roar lingered in Lin Feng's ears.

"Boy, you dare!"

"We found the right one!" Lin Feng slid down the path directly.

A chill suddenly penetrated Lin Feng's whole body and reached the depths of Lin Feng's soul.

What is this?

Mature nether karma fire.

A cluster of flames lingered in front of Lin Feng and rushed directly towards Lin Feng the next moment.

"Roar!" With a loud roar, the fire in the heart of the earth and the netherworld fire penetrated directly from the forehead and body. The two flames lingered around, and then directly attacked Lin Feng towards the netherworld fire in front.

The two collided, and the energy of the flame exploded in an instant. Lin Feng's body was washed out directly. The inflammation of the earth and the nether fire rushed towards the nether fire in front again. Lin Feng followed behind. His mind controlled the flame to avoid the powerful attack of the nether fire and rushed towards the nether fire again.

The fighting on both sides was very obvious. Lin Feng stood there and looked at it with serious eyes.

"Master, no, this mature Youming fire is too powerful. Youming fire is not an opponent at all." Qianlong sighed and whispered, "if we go on like this, although we have the help of geocentric inflammation, Youming fire still has to suffer."

Lin Feng shook his head.

He did not expect that the candle Yin guy would prepare a mature nether karma fire to block the progress in the aisle.

This guy, this is still satisfied. He doesn't want to be brought to the dragon blood below.

"Don't worry first. Let the inflammation of the earth's heart and the nether fire have fun first." Lin Feng looked at the magnificent Youming fire, waved his hand and whispered, "Youming fire is really powerful, but we have so many helpers. There should be no big problem to solve a flame. Besides, the inflammation of the earth is also a mature flame. After promotion, it is complementary to Youming fire. We should believe that, The inflammation of the earth's core can solve the immediate problem. "

Lin Feng looked at the fire still fighting below, and his heart was also meditating.

The battle below was very hot, but Lin Feng didn't mean to disturb the battle below, but his mind kept controlling the fire in the center of the earth and the battle of netherworld fire.

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