Under Lin Feng's control, the combat effectiveness of the inner earth fire and the nether fire also began to rise continuously. The nether fire had no pressure from the beginning. After feeling the battle between the inner earth fire and the nether fire, the flame began to decrease a little.

"Don't love war." A spirit directly entered the fire in the heart of the earth and the nether fire. Lin Feng fought all the way forward with the fire.

Soon, Lin Feng passed through the area where the Youming fire was located. After the past, the Youming fire did not follow up, but stood at the entrance of the corridor with a black light.


Lin Feng had no time to breathe. The next moment, a huge explosion began.

"NIMA!" Lin Feng didn't react yet. His whole body was directly washed out by the flame of Youming fire.



Lin Feng's body fell on the ground. At the next moment, Lin Feng's body bounced up. The golden armor protected Lin Feng's back when he landed, but Lin Feng's appearance was still very ugly, especially where he was washed by the fire. His blood was already blurred.

This damn candle shade!

Lin Feng showed the pain on his face, and the burning pain reminded Lin Feng that he had just made up his mind.

"Master?" Qianlong shouted in some uncertainty, "are you okay?"

"It's all right. I just got hurt." Lin Feng waved his hand and moved his mind. The spirit water in the chaotic seed began to spread continuously. Under this spread, Lin Feng's body soon returned to its usual appearance. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, it has long been reserved."

"Master, I'm afraid it's a little useless to keep it." The voice of Xingyu was a little faint, and Lin Feng's heart trembled.

Listening to Xingyu's words, Lin Feng turned around and drew from the corners of his mouth.

In front of him, there were dozens of demon sect disciples crawling on the ground. These demon sect disciples had long been controlled by his coat. They worked in a candle Yin position. What made Lin Feng more headache was that there were other things in the eyes of these disciples.

These controlled demon sect disciples are obviously different from those outside.

These demon sect disciples also maintained some of their initial state of mind.

This is trouble.

Seeing the appearance of these demon sect disciples, Lin Feng sighed.

It's really... A headache.

"It's up to you." Lin Feng fell to the ground again and used his troops for a thousand days. At this time, it is also the time for Wusuo to perform.

"Master, are you sure you want us to do it?" Qianlong turned his head and looked at Lin Feng. He was still a little excited in his eyes. Lin Feng had not opened his mouth, and thick soil had set up his position. At the next moment, several bullets rushed directly towards the disciples of the evil cult.

Then came Borch.


The excitement of these guys is far beyond Lin Feng's expectation. However, how can they always feel a little strange?

Seeing the shots of these guys, Lin Feng didn't feel happy at all. In particular, these guys kept hitting the bombs.

Lin Feng restrained his mind and began to recover his body quickly. As for the guy Su Ge, I want these five guys to fight well.

The battle continued, and Lin Feng's body soon began to recover. Lin Feng was not in a hurry. Although Wusuo was fighting alone, Lin Feng could see that they were obviously good at dealing with the following demon sect disciples.

Trouble, trouble.

Looking at the battle below, Lin Feng walked quietly towards the front, restrained by five shuttles. Lin Feng soon passed through here and directly put away the five shuttles. Lin Feng only felt that he turned around in front of him. The next moment, Lin Feng's body appeared in a land of birds and flowers.

"Here we are."

It seemed that a voice sounded from the bottom of his heart. The next moment, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. In front of him, a black and gold dragon was hovering there. Although it was a sculpture, the majesty of his whole body was not reduced at all.

"What a broken iron shoe." Lin Feng looked at the big guy in front and tut tut sighed, "the hiding work of candle Yin is very good. When you sleep, you will think that the Dragon tomb will exist in such a corner?"

Lin Feng's eyes swept around.

They have left Haodi. To be exact, this place should be on the sea, and Lin Feng can see that it should be on an island.

But the island was shielded by the array. You can't enter the island at all. Everything that comes is directly controlled by candle Yin.

"Master, let's take the blood of the dragon and go." The voice of Xingyu was solemn, "there are corpse Yin sect and demon sect thousand machine gate outside. It's not good for us to delay too long."

Lin Feng nodded.

Indeed, this time is not a time to talk about children and women. It takes too long here. On the contrary, it gives others a chance.

Lin Feng's body flew directly towards the dragon.

The closer to the dragon, the stronger Lin Feng's perception became. It was the blood of the dragon.

That powerful force made every hair of Lin Feng stand up, as if a breeze had blown over him, and his whole body became comfortable.

Here, there's what he needs.

"Boy, you are cruel!" Longan suddenly emitted a strong light, and a black flame washed directly towards Lin Feng.

"Come back!" Feeling the energy of the flame, Lin Feng snorted coldly, and his breath suddenly lifted up. The next moment, a powerful breath flew from Lin Feng's body and washed directly in front of him.

The energy of the two burst out at the moment of collision in the air. The energy kept destroying the Dragon itself. Suddenly, the whole dragon emitted a faint soft light.

The beating of his heart once again reached an unprecedented height. Lin Feng was happy on his face and grabbed it directly inside.

One hand came out of Lin Feng's oblique and grabbed the dragon's blood. It didn't mean to let go at all.

"Dare you rob my things?" Lin Feng snorted coldly, and the inflammation of the earth's core spread directly over there. When the spirit power exploded, both sides could not see each other, so they had to rely on the most original strength to fight.

Both of them targeted the dragon blood in the middle, and no one meant to let go.

"Qian Qian!" A surprised voice sounded behind Lin Feng. Lin Feng didn't look back, but continued to fight with Tang Hao. At the next moment, a colorful spiritual power competition passed through the middle of the two people and took the blood of the dragon.

"Give it to me!" Tang Hao's face was excited and stretched out his hand to Qianqian.

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