"Fuck you!" Lin Feng stabbed Tang Hao with Fengtong sword in his hand. Tang Hao was caught off guard and was attacked by Lin Feng. His whole body fell down.

"Are you okay?" Lin Feng turned to look at Qianqian. He didn't expect that Qianqian finally followed him, and at the last point of time, Qianqian took the blood of the Dragon into his hand.

"I'm fine." Qian Qian's face was pale. The next moment, his whole body was crooked in Lin Feng's arms. He put the blood of the Dragon into Lin Feng's hands. Qian Qian's mouth aroused a gentle smile, "I got it, Lin Feng, it's all right."

"Don't talk." Lin Feng put the healing pill into Qianqian's mouth and whispered, "you're by my side."

"Lin Feng, let go of Qianqian!" Tang Hao's body flew to the opposite side of Lin Feng, looked at Lin Feng with a gloomy face, and his whole body's breath suddenly lifted up, "I can't take care of you at the thousand machine gate. You'd better let go of Qian Qian, or I'll kill you!"

Tang Hao's eyes fell on Qianqian. Qianqian's breath was listless. Now it was in Lin Feng's hands. The whole body was lying in Lin Feng's arms and couldn't move.

Blame yourself!

If he hadn't been so happy, it wouldn't have happened!

The gloom in Tang Hao's eyes became heavier and heavier. His eyes swept over Lin Feng, and the breath of his whole body was raised again. His eyes swept around Lin Feng and finally fell on Qian Qian.

At this time, Tang Hao blamed himself.

The dragon's blood didn't come to hand, and the woman he liked also fell into the hands of others!

"What, want?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and looked down at the woman in his arms and kissed her directly.

"Tut Tut, it tastes good." Lin Feng raised his head and said with a smile, "childe Tang has a good eye, but are you wrong, childe Tang? My woman doesn't mean to marry you."

The smile on Lin Feng's face looked very bright, but in Tang Hao's view, it was so dazzling that he wanted to slap Dao Lin Feng.

This damn bastard is clearly threatening him at this time!

What a shame!

He has never seen such a shameful guy!

Tang Hao's breath is fluctuating all over his body. His eyes are on Lin Feng. He wants to see what Lin Feng wants to do!

Lin Feng stood there with a gentle smile. Seeing Tang Hao's appearance, he just shook his head and sighed.

"Childe Tang, have fun, I won't accompany you!"

Then Lin Feng turned and left.

The dragon's blood has been obtained. Next, I'm going to deal with candle Yin.

If he could keep candle Yin around, his combat effectiveness would be stronger in the future. Thinking of this, Lin Feng felt a little more urgent.

Although candle Yin was domineering, it was domineering. It showed that the combat effectiveness was strong. Lin Feng licked his lips and twinkled stars in his eyes.

"Master, let's just ignore whether Tang Hao is a little bad." Qianlong came to Lin Feng's ear and whispered, "I don't think this guy wants to let go of his master. What do you mean?"

"Let go if you don't let go." Lin Feng smiled, "isn't the thousand machine gate the best mechanism array?" Lin Feng licked his lips, "then give it a good surprise." Lin Feng's mouth lifted up and waved his hand. The next moment, Tang Hao, who was about to rush over, was blocked by a wall.

Tang Hao looked at Lin Feng more and more gloomy.

This boy doesn't know the array!

Lin Feng smiled at Tang Hao in the array and shook his head.

"Qianji gate is the sect that is best at mechanism array in the whole fairyland. Tang Hao, as the little master of Qianji gate, is also very proficient." Lin Feng's eyes searched Tang Hao's body. Tang Hao stood there and wanted to tear Lin Feng.

Since the meeting, the boy's means have emerged one after another. Whether it's Qianqian or previous things, the boy has always been in the middle and looks like he doesn't want to be beaten.

"Boy, what do you want? I didn't offend you!" Tang Hao snorted coldly. His eyes stayed on Lin Feng's face for a few seconds. It doesn't matter. At this point, Tang Hao really saw some familiar looks from Lin Feng's face.

Looks like some people.

Lin Xiangyang, Lin Feng

Tang Hao thought about the two names in his mind. The next moment, Tang Hao suddenly stared at Lin Feng.

"Are you a traitor, Lin Xiangyang?"

"You're out of your mind!" Lin Feng turned his eyes. "I'm so handsome. Can I be Lin Xiangyang's frustrated guy?"

Lin Feng sighed, shook his head, waved his hand and said, "enjoy it, eh... Young master Tang?"

With that, Lin Feng turned and left directly.

Tang Hao's attack fell heavily on the front array, but the array was indifferent. He couldn't deal with the array in front of him at all.

"Damn it!" Tang Hao looked at Lin Feng's figure with Qian Qian away, and his eyes quickly dimmed. The array was xianpin level 6. At this time, he couldn't deal with the array in front of him. The boy was intentional!

Thinking of this, Tang Hao's look became more and more gloomy.

What a deliberate boy!

Tang Hao looked down at Lin Feng. Soon, Tang Hao sneered.

"Boy, sooner or later, I will make your life worse than death!" Tang Hao's voice seemed to come from the underworld of Cao. After Lin Feng, who was looking for candle Yin, heard Tang Hao's words, he just shook his head.

What a fool.

"How could qianjimen want such a fool to be the young master?" Lin Feng sighed.

"There are countless institutions under the thousand machine gate. Tang Hao is just the young leader of the martial arts hall. In addition, his father is the manager of the thousand machine gate, so Tang Hao's identity is very important. If you really say that, Tang Hao's brain is just like that. The real fear of the thousand machine gate is the closed disciple trained by the manager. If you meet him in the future, you must be careful."

Qianqian followed Lin Feng and whispered, "the water at the thousand gate is unfathomable."

"Soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. If he doesn't provoke me, I naturally won't go back to provoke him. If he wants to provoke the door..." Lin Feng sneered, "even if he is the king of heaven, he won't want to survive!"

Qianqian smiled and nodded.

She knows Lin Feng's ability clearly. The little man in front of her will always give unexpected surprises and always do many things that others can't understand. Officially, because of this, she has full trust in Lin Feng.

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