As long as Lin Feng says yes, she believes that Lin Feng can do it.

Qianqian's mouth has a gentle smile.

"I believe you."

Hearing Qianqian's gentle words, Lin Feng hugged Qianqian in his arms, "not to believe me, but to follow me unconditionally."

Hearing Lin Feng's words with a little jealousy, Qian Qian smiled and took the initiative to hold Lin Feng.

"Since I met you, my world can no longer hold others." Qianqian turned and looked at Lin Feng. The tenderness in her eyes seemed to melt the ice and snow in early spring.

"That's about the same." Lin Feng pinched Qianqian's nose, "well, let's go and find our long lost good friend first!"

Lin Feng's eyes were full of smiles and looked at the front, "find our good friends and our strength can be improved a lot!"

Hearing the words, Qianqian nodded with a smile, his face quickly returned to ruddy, and his breath was raised.

It is also about to break through the level of Da Luo Jinxian.

Lin Feng swallowed his saliva and looked at Qianqian. Qianqian pursed his mouth and smiled, "we've been working hard. We should try to keep up with you so that we can help you in the future, don't we?"

Qianqian bowed his head, and the tenderness in his eyes shrouded Lin Feng in an instant. Lin Feng's heart trembled and hugged Qianqian in his arms.

"It's not that you want to keep up with me, but that I want to give you a happy life." Lin Feng lowered his head and the tenderness in his eyes dazzled Qianqian's eyes.

Suddenly, the surrounding air changed.

Lin Feng's breath suddenly lifted up. The next moment, an attack fell directly in front. With the fall of Lin Feng's attack, a body with a bit of transparency turned and was about to leave.

"Be taken away!" Lin Feng gave a low cry and directly followed up, "Qianlong, thick soil, you pursue from top to bottom, violent death, Xingyu, you track directly!" Lin Feng arranged while flying, "Boqi, you wait in place!"

"Yes, master!"


"I see!"

Wusuo appeared where he wanted to appear in the fastest time and pursued Zhuyin.

The speed of candle Yin was very fast, but with the follow of Wusuo, Lin Feng and Qianqian shot. Soon, candle Yin was surrounded in the middle.

"Boy, I won't let you go!" Candle Yin looked at Lin Feng and said indifferently, "I only obey the real strong, and you are just a suckling boy. Don't dream."

Candle Yin floated in the air, looked at Lin Feng and said fiercely.

Lin Feng took out his ears.

"I said your IQ is a little too low. Can you change a sentence next time? To be honest, I'm vulgar. Each of you always have to say this to me. Do you think I have a headache?"

Lin Feng sighed, "besides, your dragon blood has come into my hands. Even if you want to revive in the future, are you sure you can revive without me?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at the big guy in front of him, "no, isn't it?"

Lin Feng's luxuriance with a smile, "since you can't, it shows that you still have to follow me. If you don't follow me, you can only live in this form all your life. Even if the soul power can be cultivated, I think the speed of extinction after exposure is faster than that of your cultivation?"

Candle Yin looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng had a smile on his face, and his white teeth showed up. He was very punctual, but how did he feel that the boy was deceiving him?

Candle Yin looked down at Lin Feng.

The smile on Lin Feng's face became deeper and deeper.

"You have to think about it. There will be no shop after this village. Do you want to disappear in heaven and earth and accomplish nothing in your life? Did you spend it with a cruel voice? "

Lin Feng's voice was not high, and some movement appeared on the candle Yin's face.

He was naturally unconvinced, and his life passed like this!

But what if you're not convinced?

Candle Yin looked down at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's mouth is wearing a gentle smile. However, this smile is very cheap.

Lin Feng is right. He wants to recover and grow. He must follow a master who can give him strong strength.

Lin Feng's side is followed by Wusuo, and even Lin Feng has half of the blood of muzhishi dragon. Following Lin Feng is nothing more than a good choice, but he is unwilling.

After so many years, he survived here, and his strength dissipated a little. He knew what he needed. As one of the first Dragons of the dragon family, he followed the Dragon Emperor to fight this land. He slept here waiting for the next Dragon Emperor to come.

But the boy in front of me still wants to be the Dragon Emperor?

"Boy, are you too confident in me?" The candle snorted coldly, looked up and down at Lin Feng, "do you really think you want to convince me with your current cultivation?"

"When I found them, my accomplishments were lower. Didn't I still convince them?" Lin Feng's eyes fell on Wusuo, "believe me, go with me, I let you feel the blood of life."

Lin Feng looked at Zhuyin with a gentle smile at the corners of his mouth, and stretched out his hand towards Zhuyin again.

Candle Yin looked at Lin Feng and didn't speak.

Lin Feng was not in a hurry. He knew that it was not easy to make a choice.

Lin Feng sat there with a gentle smile at the corners of his mouth and looked at the candle Yin choice. Finally, he took out the hot pot and slowly made it, "you think slowly. I'll be surprised to eat something."

Lin Feng's movements were slow. Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Zhu Yin was stunned. This guy ate hot pot in front of him? Does he know what he's doing?

Wusuo fell beside Lin Feng, but seeing the shadow of the candle, Wusuo opened his mouth.

"Follow our master. You must believe that you will never regret following our master in the future. We have been around our master for several years. We all know our master very well." The first thing to speak is thick soil. Thick soil is calm and quiet. Even among the twelve first dragons, thick soil's words also have weight. Although thick soil doesn't say much, it can be taken seriously.

"Why should I trust you?" The candle snorted coldly, "I won't participate in this matter."

Candle Yin is still stubborn there, unwilling to let go.

"What are you talking about? Let's fight one of the five. We can't make such a guy. Just shoot together!" The sudden death made a cold hum, and the whole body burst into flames, "candle Yin, come on, let's fight directly!"

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