"Kill this bastard!" Qianlong also stood up and followed behind the violent death, "violent death, you first, don't worry, I will always be your strongest backing!"


The other four shuttle's eyes all fell on Qianlong, with contempt in their eyes.

This guy is really not ordinary greedy for life and afraid of death.

No wonder the host always said that this guy was a pig teammate. Now they understand the meaning of this sentence.

Qianlong, who is greedy for life and afraid of death, is more than a pig teammate

"Think again." Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the candle Yin, "look."

Lin Feng's hand was a little, and the images of Wusuo following Lin Feng fell into the candle Yin mental world, "I won't force you, but I won't let someone who is familiar with me and may bring me danger at any time leave alone."

With a wave of Lin Feng's hand, Feng Tong's sword fell on the ground and trembled slightly. The meaning of each sword directly locked the candle Yin.

There was a killing intention to pass by Zhuyin. The strong idea made Zhuyin's body tremble. She looked down at Lin Feng and looked complex.

The shot just now was very fast, but he still felt, very strong willpower!

This guy is a strong man who has climbed all the way through the blood rain of corpse mountain!

Candle Yin's mind moved, and his body was not so tight.

Seeing the appearance of candle Yin, Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile, "how's it going? Is it exciting? I don't guarantee that you can eat and drink spicy food with me, and I don't have that ability, but I can be willing that if you follow me, your life will never be too bad. I will guarantee that your life will be very comfortable. "

Lin Feng bowed his head and burst out a powerful all the time. Under such a will, those things that were still spreading became particularly tall at this time.

Lin Feng's voice was not heavy, but it seemed that something had taken root in his heart and sprouted constantly.

Lin Feng's words and those images hit him like a heavy hammer.

Candle Yin looked down at Lin Feng.

"But you don't have her."

Zhu Yin's eyes still hesitated. Of course, Tang Hao was satisfied, not because of how powerful Tang Hao was, but because Tang Hao had the beginning of light in his hand.

They are husband and wife.

"As long as you are willing to follow me, I will bring her back to you. Believe me, you and her will be reunited sooner or later."

Lin Feng said with a smile, "trust me."

Lin Feng added these three words again.

Believe me, the three words completely woke up candle Yin at this moment. Candle Yin's eyes were finally a little more struggling.

"Boy, you want to die!" Tang Hao's voice came from the depths. The array inside was still emitting a strong smell. Lin Feng turned his head and looked at it. He sat there in no hurry.

Candle Yin looked down at Lin Feng.

The corridor is full of traces of array.

Lin Feng used these arrays to stop Tang Hao.

Compared with Tang Hao, Lin Feng is more ruthless in front of him.

It's not cruel. In the cultivation world where people eat people, they can't survive. For a long time, the candle Yin seems to have made a decision. The breath of the whole body suddenly weakens. The next moment, a small shuttle appears in front of Lin Feng. The small version of the candle Yin falls on the shuttle and looks up at Lin Feng with a complex look.

This man is about to become his master.

"I won't hire you at this time. I want you to be willing to follow me." Lin Feng put away the candle Yin shuttle and turned to relax. "It's long enough to come out. Let's go back now."

With that, Lin Feng turned directly and walked outside.

Out of the Dragon tomb, standing on the island, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

The original vibrant smile, now it has become a piece of ruins.

All those who should have gone and those who should not have gone were gone. The corpses were piled up on this smile. It was obvious that the disciples of the demon cult and the corpse Yin sect had enjoyed a tragic battle here. After this battle, all those who should have gone and no one left.

What a tragedy!

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng couldn't help shaking his head and couldn't bear it in his eyes.

He did not expect that such a fierce battle would break out here in the end.

"Uncle, here, here!"

Lin Feng was just about to leave. A pretty girl pulled a big man into Lin Feng's sight. The girl was wearing a light pink dress and looked around. Behind the girl, the big man's face was a little helpless.

"Is that him?" Seeing the big man, Lin Feng was stunned.

Isn't this the little quack you used to have?

I didn't expect to see you again in this place.

"Master, shall we go?" Qianlong came together.

"Let's go first." Lin Feng waved his hand and walked directly towards the outside. The island was full of corpses of disciples of demon sect and corpse Yin sect. Lin Feng shuttled through the corpses and just wore them to the other side. There were two more people in front of Lin Feng.

"Ah, Lin Feng!" The girl's surprised voice sounded. Lin Feng turned and looked at the little girl in front of him, frowning.

"Do we know each other?"

"Of course. My uncle and I met you before. We haven't seen each other for a few months. Don't you know me?" The girl looked at Lin Feng with her head tilted. Her eyes were a little curious. When she smiled, she showed two little tiger teeth.

"Jiao Jiao, it's normal not to know you. You've grown up now." Kuaqi nodded at Lin Feng and whispered.

"Yes, I have grown up." Jiao Jiao looked at her figure and raised her head. When she looked at Lin Feng once, her face was a little softer, "how could you be here?"

"Little?" Lin Feng looked up and down at the little girl in front of him and turned to the corner of his mouth. Is Xiaobu a girl?

When he thought of the little thing who was only four or five years old with him, he looked at the big guy in front of him. Lin Feng couldn't believe it. This little thing, how long has it been? This change... It's a little too big.

"Long time no see." Lin Feng greeted Li Zi with a smile, "kuaqi tree."

"Me too!" Jiao Jiao danced around Lin Feng, "I've always missed you. Lin Feng, let's take a risk again next time. By the way, why are you here? Aren't you in the north? It's far from the North! "

Lin Feng shook his head. The girl's silver bell like voice lingered in his ears, which made Lin Feng think of something he had not seen for a long time.

"Who is this big sister?" For a long time, Jiao Jiao's eyes fell on Qian Qian.

"I'm Lin Feng's wife."

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