"Wait until you absorb the blood of the dragon, master." Thick soil paused for a while, "maybe the island will become a ruin at that time."

"Don't say that. I'm not the kind of saboteur." Lin Feng said with a serious face.

"Yes, it's beautiful to think about it." Qianlong also nodded.

"I agree!"

"The island is so big that even if it is destroyed, it will only destroy a small half at most."


"You can reclaim land from the sea. As long as it is what the owner wants, there are ways, aren't there?" Qianlong suddenly said solemnly, and Wusuo immediately became silent. Lin Feng turned to look at these guys, shook his head and said:

"Let's continue the discussion."

Lin Feng slowly went deep.

There are two monsters living on the island. The cultivation of monsters is not high. Under Lin Feng's coercion and inducement, they soon relaxed their guard and followed Lin Feng.

There is a small pond in the center of the island, but the pond is filled with seawater. Lin Feng sweeps around and nods with satisfaction.

The environment here coincides with the environment he wants.

"Nice place." Lin Feng nodded and looked up at the sky. "It's just this place. I'll finish my new round of absorption here."

Lin Feng looked at the dragon's blood in his hand.

"The master can actually take it back to the fairy world to absorb it again." For a while, Qianlong whispered.

"Qianjimen, the corpse Yin sect and the demon sect may have known that the master has dragon blood at this time. If the master doesn't absorb it at this time, take it with him, the dragon blood will only become the master's trouble. Therefore, at this time, the master's idea is right, and absorption is the best way."

The star paused for a moment and looked at Lin Feng who had entered the settled state and breathed a sigh of relief.

"The host has absorbed it now, and it will also be of great help to his journey."

"Listen to your master." For a long time, poche whispered.

Soon, the array was arranged around. Candle Yin stood aside and smiled at the busy and clumsy appearance of the group, but soon he couldn't laugh.

Wusuo is preparing for Lin Feng.

The whole island assassin has been shrouded by the array. Wusuo quietly guards Lin Feng and doesn't mean to disturb Lin Feng.

They are working for Lin Feng wholeheartedly.

At the beginning, they were willing to follow Lin Feng because of Lin Feng's bullying or coercion and inducement.

But the result at this moment was somewhat beyond his expectation.

Candle Yin's body swayed around and finally walked towards Qianlong.

Qianlong is drunk with Lin Feng. Although he is a chatterbox, Qianlong's heart is absolutely good.

The candle Yin passed and was just about to speak, but they felt that the five shuttles were in different directions. Their minds were connected. Naturally, their purpose was to deal with the possible danger at any time.

"Is it worth it?" After a long pause, the candle hoarsely asked, "is it worth it to do all this?"

"There is no saying whether it is worth it or not." Qianlong slowly opened his eyes, "when we follow the master, in fact, we think clearly. One day, there will be a master with us."

"But the master is different from him."

"The master is sincere to us. No matter when, he will always make perfect preparations for us. Under all these preparations, he will be ready for what we need. Therefore, we just have to wait for everything at ease."

Qianlong opened his eyes and looked at candlelight.

"We have been transformed and our strength has been continuously strengthened. When our soul power is not strong enough, the master has always been around us to help us. When we need help, even if it is a near death, the master will be duty bound for us. That's enough."

That's enough

Candle Yin pondered this sentence.

Following Lin Feng for a while, he only saw the good side of Lin Feng. He was relaxed and relaxed in practice, had means to do things, cared about things, and didn't say anything, but he would definitely do things well in the fastest time. He wouldn't be wordy or say a word more.

Candle Yin couldn't help thinking.

Is he willing to follow Lin Feng?

Are you willing to do everything he looks very stupid for Lin Feng?

Lin Feng will accept him, okay?

Candle Yin looked at Lin Feng below and was a little distracted.

"Don't think too much. There will be no mistake following the master. When I follow the master, the master has just entered the immortal period."

Xingyu suddenly whispered, "and along the way, he fought with blood, and even rarely used his own final skills. He only used all his skills when dealing with several practitioners who are much higher than him."

"Didn't you see it?"

Candle Yin nodded.

He saw Lin Feng's ruthlessness when dealing with Bai Cang.

"I'll think." After a while, candle Yin whispered, "however, there is her. I have to think about her. Her dragon blood is in that boy, but I can't feel her."

Candle Yin bowed her head. "I want to find her."

"I know you have a deep love. Maybe she will be at the thousand machine gate. With the help of the master, let's sneak in and have a look. A corpse Yin sect will go in. Do you have to worry that one thousand machine gate can't go?"

"Just use the same technique once, and it's easy to help the second time!"


Wusuo is still chattering.

Time passed little by little in such chatter. Lin Feng adjusted his state to the best state and opened his eyes. In his hand, the blood of the dragon was emitting a faint light.

The heart is beating unsuccessfully, and the stirring speed is faster and faster. Lin Feng can feel the excitement brought to him by the heart.

He needs this dragon blood, which is an urgent need.

"Don't worry." Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the dragon's blood at hand. "Soon, you can be one."

Lin Feng swallowed the dragon's blood.

At the entrance of the dragon's blood, a powerful force suddenly spread around Lin Feng. Lin Feng could clearly feel that the surrounding forces were constantly increasing. The spiritual power began to gather here from all directions. Lin Feng was moved. Countless spiritual stones appeared around Lin Feng, and these spiritual stones were constantly piled up around Lin Feng, Soon Lin Feng's whole body was shrouded in it.

The spirit stone radiated colorful light in the sun. Several guys above looked at the glittering spirit stone below, and their saliva flowed out one by one.

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