This is their favorite spirit stone.

A strong smell of blood spread around. Liusuo could feel that Lin Feng inside seemed to be making a strong change.

Every three parts of dragon blood will be more difficult to absorb.

At this time, Lin Feng's dragon blood already had five parts. When he joined in, the six became one. The powerful force spread rapidly around. This force made Lin Feng's body tremble.


The power was spreading around, and Lin Feng's body trembled slightly.

"Master..." Qianlong looked at the constantly shaking Lingshi pile below, and the worry in his eyes appeared.

"He's fine." Candle Yin looked down and looked a little complicated. At the next moment, a powerful force rushed into the sky. After this force was washed, the spirit stone that was still emitting light was dimmed at this time, turned into powder and floated around.

Lin Feng's body appeared in front of them.

Lin Feng still kept the posture of cultivation, but there was no fluctuation of divine consciousness on him.

Lin Feng's brain.

A cluster of black flames appeared abruptly.

As soon as the black flame appeared, it immediately turned into countless strands of flame, which was always burning after Lin Feng's mind.

"Die!" Feeling the domineering flame, Lin Feng snorted coldly, "young master, how can you deal with it?"

Lin Feng's divine power twisted into a wave and washed away towards the flame.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's body trembled.

His mental world seemed to collapse in an instant. Lin Feng's body looked down from a height. Qianqian and Tang Hao were standing there hand in hand. They snuggled together happily, with a satisfied smile on Qianqian's face.

"Tang Hao, let's go back. It's getting late."

"Sit a little longer."

"But our child is beginning to be naughty in his stomach?" Qianqian touched her stomach and frowned slightly.

"Then let's go back." Tang Hao held Qianqian's hand. They passed by Lin Feng, but they didn't seem to know Lin Feng at all. They didn't speak until they were far away.

"Is that the man who saved you before? Qian Qian, you're by his side. It's hard for you? "

"Why? He is also pathetic. Everyone has left him. The sisters now have their own happiness. He is just a waste with nothing. "

The sound faded away.

They all left and had their own happiness?

Lin Feng spread his hand and looked helpless.

"No!" The next moment, Lin Feng's breath suddenly became fierce.

"My woman, absolutely can't be with others, I don't allow it!" With a roar, Lin Feng's whole body momentum suddenly lifted up. A strong breath spread around, and the whole island was ravaged by Lin Feng's breath.

Lin Feng's expression directly changed into the appearance of the dragon family under the unconscious state, and a powerful force constantly gathered and attacked him.

Battle of body and form.

Liusuo gathered around Lin Feng and waited to pull Lin Feng back. Lin Feng is now in his mind world and can't feel the outside state at all.

"Master, it's always easy to deal with heart demon robbery. What's the matter this time?"

"The master's cultivation is getting stronger and stronger, and the heart demon robbery will naturally become stronger and stronger. It's not impossible to do so."

"Yes, maybe it's just because the master's power is getting stronger and stronger."

"The more powerful the mind evil robbery, the stronger the attitude of the realm this time. This is a good thing for the master."

"Master, that's great!"

"It was the precipitation of the master that lasted long enough. This precipitation made the master completely explode after absorbing the blood of the dragon. With this outbreak, I believe the master's cultivation will become more and more powerful."


"Don't talk about flattering the master. Let's get ready. If the master gets too deep, we'll pull the master out anyway and never let the master settle down like this."

Xingyu looked back at Wusuo, and finally his eyes fell on Zhuyin.

"If the master has passed this time, will you follow the master?"

Candle Yin didn't speak, but looked at Lin Feng below and fell into meditation.

With or without?

With, of course,.

He had no other choice. He saw Lin Feng's ruthlessness. If he didn't follow Lin Feng, Zhu Yin knew that once Lin Feng woke up, he would directly deal with him.

"I'll help him." For a long time, the candle Yin just said, "because there is no mark of me, this wave of mental power will be more powerful. I don't know what state he is in now."

With that, candle Yin slowly closed her eyes.

On the center of Zhuyin's eyebrows, a small mark appeared. The mark flew directly towards Lin Feng and fell on Lin Feng. The mark fell into silence. The next moment, Zhuyin suddenly opened her eyes.

Kill everywhere.

The breath of candle Yin was faint.

"What's the matter?"

Wusuo came up.

Seeing the five shuttles around, a touch of complexity flashed in candle Yin's eyes.

"Master... There is a bloody battle in the world of his mind."

Wusuo was silent.

In fact, they all know that it is normal for Lin Feng to do so. Lin Feng stepped on the body all the way up.

"Every cultivator who stands on the peak steps on other people's bodies." Xingyu breathed a sigh of relief. "Fighting, for the master, whether it's the mind world or not, is giving the master the best hint."

"The master fought with those strong men who had fought with me. There are some of my memories in this dragon blood. Those memories have released all the compressed things in the past. Now the muzzle of the gun is a little in my eyes."

Candle Yin saw that Wusuo was indifferent, and then said, "it's not safe."

"It's all right. You have to trust the master. The master can definitely turn this insecurity into safety and make all preparations for us, so you can wait for the result at ease."

Hearing the words of candle Yin, Qianlong waved his hand, "soon, the master will wake up."

The corner of the candle Yin's mouth smoked.

Lin Feng's breath is fading a little.

Wusuo followed behind Zhuyin. Although the picture said that, he still wanted to know whether Zhuyin kept in touch with this side and make things clear anyway.

At this time, it is impossible for them to make a move.

Even if they are willing to forcibly terminate Lin Feng, Lin Feng's mind has fallen into it.

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