Aura lingered around Yuanying. As soon as Yuanying opened his eyes, Lin Feng immediately felt that the law forces around him were rapidly returning to him.

The best is like water.

In the area surrounded by sea water, Lin Feng naturally felt the law of water ability more easily. The array was opened again. Lin Feng's mind was all shrouded in his array. He felt the increasing power around him, and Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile.

The surrounding world presents another color. In front of Lin Feng, those things that were not very clear begin to become different in this transformation.

Strange smell, familiar taste.

The surrounding world is no longer a blank blue sea area. It is displayed in front of Lin Feng in another form. In this form, there are too many things that make everyone obsessed.

In such a form, Lin Feng clearly felt the different breath of the world he existed.

"Does it exist or does it not exist?"

Lin Feng couldn't help murmuring. The colorful world passed in Lin Feng's palm. They followed Lin Feng closely, like elves, laughing around Lin Feng. They told Lin Feng about the changes of the four seasons, their excitement and their helplessness. They stuck to Lin Feng like a newborn baby, Crazy absorb the breath of Lin Feng.

They like Lin Feng.

They are willing to live with Lin Feng forever.

The soft breath is like the embrace of his mother, enveloping Lin Feng's whole body. Lin Feng has realized too much in this world.

The corners of Yuanying's mouth hooked up, as if laughing. With Lin Feng's understanding, the gold on his body became more and more rich, and more immortal Qi lingered around him.

There seemed to be bursts of Sanskrit singing in the distance. Lin Feng's whole Dantian began to change rapidly. The chaotic seed entered Yuanying's body. The whole chaotic world was clearly displayed in front of Lin Feng. It also stretched out its hand to Lin Feng and poured out its own needs.

It needs Lin Feng's help to become stronger and stronger.

"Do you need me, too?" The corners of Lin Feng's mouth slowly hooked up. The next moment, Lin Feng's mind trembled, and the invisible forces directly entered Lin Feng's mind. The originally stagnant mind power began to rise rapidly at this time.

With the improvement of power, the world around Lin Feng began to change one by one.

Powerful power?

Lin Feng spread out his hands. The surrounding forces are constantly filling his dry Dantian. Lin Feng's cultivation is also rising a little.

The first floor of Da Luo Jinxian

Second floor

The third floor

It was not until the fifth floor of the middle period of Da Luo Jinxian that Lin Feng's rising posture stopped. At this time, the power of liking is still rising.

"Master's mental power, is there any hope to break through the great Luo Jinxian?" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, liusuo's eyes were shocked.

"It's better not to improve your accomplishments too fast. It's more useful for your master's future cultivation." For a long time, the candle Yin said dryly.

"Yes, but according to what the master is like now, it's estimated that he can't stop. The master's cultivation now doesn't mean to stop at all." Qianlong sighed and said helplessly.

This is due to the precipitation of Lin Feng some time ago.

No matter the feeling or practice gained from fighting, Lin Feng's state has reached the best. In this best state, coupled with his understanding of the laws of heaven and earth, Lin Feng's cultivation began to rise madly.

This climbing speed has never stopped.

"The master is really great."

Feeling Lin Feng's appearance, Houtu whispered, "follow along all the way. The master's cultivation has been continuously improving. Such a master is my best pride."

"As you know, the master is the pride of all of us."

I don't know who offended. Houtu immediately calmed down and looked at Lin Feng below.

Lin Feng is still improving.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's body trembled. At the next moment, Lin Feng's mental strength began to be compressed. Finally, it was compressed to the Ninth level of Da Luo Jinxian's high level. Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes and turned to a bitter smile.

The improvement of cultivation this time is too big.

Such a span is both good and bad.

The good thing is that Shi Yinzong never expected him to break through to such a level so soon, and Tang Hao is just like da Luo Jinxian now. Therefore, if he goes up there at this time, both Shi Yinzong and Tang Hao will suffer.

The disadvantage is that cultivation improves too fast and spiritual power appears very impetuous. It is estimated that it will take a lot of time to stabilize this state.

"Your boy has some skills."

A powerful voice lingered around Lin Feng. Lin Feng lowered his head, stretched out a huge head and looked at Lin Feng in parallel.

Lin Feng looked down. He was the big guy who swam away before.

The big guy is a huge turtle. Lin Feng can't feel his cultivation, but his body lingers around Lin Feng. His huge body makes Lin Feng take a breath.

On the turtle's back, plants grow all over it.

This is it.

Looking at the island where he had previously practiced, Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

"I am Xuanwu." Xuanwu smiled. "Unexpectedly, I can see the birth of the New Dragon Emperor. Boy, you got the true story of the last Dragon Emperor."

Hearing Xuanwu's words, Lin Feng just smiled embarrassed.

Xuanwu didn't think so and made a gesture of invitation, "come on, I'll take you to a place. You must need a lot of fighting to precipitate your accomplishments now, don't you?"

Hearing Xuanwu's words, Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, master."

Xuanwu controlled his huge body to turn a corner.

Lin Feng fell on the back of Xuanwu. Xuanwu slowly went forward. As they walked, Xuanwu and Lin Feng said.

"This time, I don't know how long I slept. I was awakened by you boy."

The sound of Xuanwu was kind. Lin Feng stood on the back of Xuanwu and felt very down-to-earth.

"Some people came and went on my back. At first, they were just sea animals. They played on my back, and then they came to the soil and plants on the seabed, and then human beings. Finally, my sadness became a hill. Occasionally, monsters and human beings took a nap in my sadness. Only these two little guys didn't know how to come, Always living on it. "

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