Lin Feng listened to Xuanwu quietly.

Some small things that have nothing to do with elegance, but these small things are closely related to the law world. What Xuanwu and Lin Feng say is the law world.

Lin Feng listened quietly with serious eyes.

He didn't know how long he had listened to it, but this continued, which made Lin Feng's mouth smile. Soon, it made Lin Feng's world a little more thinking.

He likes such quiet.

Tranquility made him more suitable for thinking. In this quiet atmosphere, Lin Feng's breath began to rise a little.

Familiar breath, familiar taste.

Lin Feng sighed deeply.

"I like it here."

"Hehe, it's time to leave. My old bone may fall into a deep sleep soon." Xuanwu smiled and said, "time is just a dream for us Xuanwu people."

Lin Feng nodded.

The Xuanwu people depend on this way to practice.

Lin Feng and Xuanwu talked about the changes in the mainland. They were more helpless than sighing.

The last time the three realms separated, it was sleeping. The three realms separated. It just woke up and looked for food several times, and then fell asleep again.

Xuanwu took Lin Feng all the way forward.

Soon they stopped at a harbor.

It's more a harbor than a towering stone tablet.

"This is the first blood hidden stone in the mainland, but this stone has long fallen asleep. It can no longer test the blood strength in the body for monsters."

Xuanwu dragged Lin Feng onto the blood hidden stone.

"The following is the harbor for the survival of monsters. Don't leave this blood hidden stone too far. Just stabilize your cultivation here."

"Thank you, master." Lin Feng's eyes are serious.

Six shuttles flew out and followed Lin Feng to look at the Xuanwu in front of him.

Liusuo looked a little strange.

The big guy in front of them, to be exact, should be their partner when they were young.

"You are really a good host next door. I think you should rise soon." When he left, Xuanwu said to liusuo, "I have lived to the present by relying on the talent of the family. I don't know if I can continue to live in the future, but you have found a way to survive by relying on your own strength."

Xuanwu and liusuo said a lot, but Lin Feng didn't listen. At this time, he was fighting with the sea animals below.

The sea animals here are at least at the level of Da Luo Jinxian.

Powerful force, powerful guy.

Under Lin Feng's battle, the cultivation of these guys became more and more powerful, and Lin Feng was also in such perception, and the battle became more and more difficult.

"What a powerful guy."

Sensing the power of these guys, Lin Feng muttered and killed a sea beast, and his whole body flew up the blood hidden stone.

Those sea beasts didn't come up, but just bared their teeth and looked at Lin Feng above.

Blood hidden stone is the holy land of these sea animals.

And this little human has set foot on their holy land!

Lin Feng has a lot of pills on hand.

Thanks to previous preparations.

Lin Feng didn't think that the pills he was going to use to absorb the blood of the Dragon came into play at this time.

Xuanwu eats not far away.

He ate a lot. After Xuanwu opened his mouth, the surrounding sea animals could not escape and all entered Xuanwu's mouth.

"Why don't you change your state and fight?" Xuanwu suddenly opened his mouth and whispered to Lin Feng, "your first strength is already very strong, and your fighting consciousness is also very strong, but under your other form, are you familiar with your way of fighting?"

Xuanwu's words made Lin Feng fall into meditation.

Entering the fairyland, in order to keep his secret and make his cultivation more convenient, Lin Feng always hides his breath. He is not unwilling to fight, but he doesn't want to cause too much trouble.

Therefore, Lin Feng's state has not been adjusted to the best.

Perhaps for others, this is a good state, but for Lin Feng, this is not.

His strongest combat effectiveness should be the appearance of turning into a dragon clan.

Xuanwu's words awakened Lin Feng.

Yes, he can't just rely on the existing strength to fight. There are more powerful forces, but he has never been in contact. Such a panic occupied Lin Feng's body. Lin Feng looked ahead and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's whole body began to change rapidly. A long golden dragon suddenly appeared in front of Xuanwu. Xuanwu looked up at Lin Feng now.

Lin Feng is in good condition.

Lin Feng's accomplishments are constantly improving.


As soon as the dragon form came out, the monsters below immediately began to crawl down. Lin Feng's killing intention directly shrouded these monsters. Under such a shrouding, those monsters began to retreat continuously. Their eyes were full of fear and looked at Lin Feng in front of them.

Lin Feng's breath is so strong that they can't resist at all!

In particular, in this breath, there is the breath they hate most.

This is a fear from the depths of their blood. They don't like or even hate being with the big guy in front of them.

"Come on, if you want to live, fight with me!" Lin Feng controlled his body and staggered down. Lin Feng was a little clumsy. He was with the monster, and six dragon blood was added to his body. Although Lin Feng looked embarrassed, he was not in a panic at all. Lin Feng looked at the monster below.

"Take your time!" Qianlong's combat experience has continuously entered Lin Feng's spiritual world. They are teaching Lin Feng how to fight with these big guys below, and telling Lin Feng how to maintain maximum physical strength under such circumstances.

Lin Feng pondered little by little.

Time passes day by day.

From the beginning when he was not good at fighting, Lin Feng's strength was constantly rising. Soon, Lin Feng began to be familiar with the surrounding battles. The more familiar he was, the stronger the battle was, and Lin Feng's breath began to become more and more concise.

Three months later, Lin Feng controlled his body and returned to the blood hidden stone.

Put away the appearance of the dragon family. Lin Feng looked at the floating blood below and breathed a sigh of relief.

Xuanwu sent Lin Feng's monster directly into his mouth and sent several big guys to Lin Feng.

"You get that fish soup and have another one." Xuanwu thought of the fish soup Lin Feng had prepared earlier, and his eyes flashed a hot light. He lived for hundreds of thousands of years. Xuanwu didn't like anything, but he never forgot Lin Feng's bowl of fish soup.

That's the best fish soup he's ever eaten!

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