"Go, of course."

Lin Feng flew up directly. "Since we are all here, we should naturally have a good look. Besides, we are about to leave the demon world. There are so many magic coins on our body. It's no use taking them back to the fairy world. It's good if we can change some good things here."

Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Gambling stone depends on luck. One knife is poor and one knife is rich. Once you go down, you are likely to earn enough, but it is also possible that you can't earn at all."

Candle Yin turned to look at Lin Feng and said chilly.

"Now that they are here, they must make money." Lin Feng shook his head and said with a smile, "besides, trust your master me. My luck has always been good." Lin Feng looked at the front with his back, looking full of self-confidence.

"We'll come too."

Qianlong said with a smile, "I haven't had the foundation for a long time. Now I feel a little rusty."

"You're not fit to play this." Xingyu turned to look at Qianlong and said chilly, "don't forget that you lost your underpants."

"That was hundreds of thousands of years ago. It's different now."

"Estimates are the same."

"Gambling products are like character. You can see how your gambling products are by looking at your dragon products."


Lin Feng went to the island in the dispute of liusuo. As soon as he went up, the face of the whole island was displayed in front of Lin Feng.

The island floated in the air. After standing up, Lin Feng found that his body was very small.

"My guest, if you come to visit, go to the left. There is an auditorium over there. You can sit and watch. If you want to participate in gambling, please follow me." A big man appeared in front of Lin Feng and whispered, "my name is Zhang Yun. I'm the person in charge of the periphery. I'll take all the guests in."

"Thank you." Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Zhang Yun glanced at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looks very young. It's estimated that he came to try the ox knife again. There will be a little magic money on this small role, but the number is not large, but nine times out of ten, he can't dig anything. Thinking of this, Zhang Yun's attitude was flat and light, and took Lin Feng directly inside.

After walking into some, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly opened. The next moment, countless stones floated in the air. These stones were dark brown and floated there quietly. In the gap of the stones, several demon people were shuttling there.

At the next moment, a demon man hugged a stone and fell directly on the ground with the stone. The wind blew through the demon man's body. At the next moment, the whole stone began to change. With this change, the stone soon became a pair of stone powder and fell on the ground. In his hand, a long gun stood there quietly.

The long gun suddenly gave a long roar, and a red light rushed into the sky.

"Lord Ming has got a good thing this time." Zhang Yun turned his head and looked inside. "It shows that the adult's sister's birthday is coming soon. This must be prepared by adult Ming for his sister. He is worthy of being the first favorite sister of our magic city. This long gun is quite matched with Miss LISS."

Lin Feng just followed behind quietly. Hearing Liz's name, Lin Feng turned his head again and looked at the so-called Ming adult.

The guy played with the long gun in his hand. Obviously, he was very satisfied and left happily with the long gun.

Zhang Yun has brought Lin Feng to an old man.

The old man sat there with his back bent. When he saw Lin Feng coming, he looked up at Lin Feng and pointed.

"A million magic coins."

Lin Feng nodded and directly put a storage bag on the table.

Zhang Yun's mouth is slightly open.

"Sir, he's new here. The new ones are usually 10000 magic coins, and then go to the small market." Zhang Yun whispered to remind the old man in front of him.

"Have you ever seen such a small Luo Jinxian?" The old man raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. Instead, he was surprised, "boy, your bones are very young."

Lin Feng just smiled.

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't want to talk, the old man knew that Lin Feng certainly didn't want to expose anything. At present, he just waved his hand and said, "go and play by yourself. The environment here is good. How you want to play is your own business."

Hearing the old man's words, Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Lin Feng compared the size of the two fields.

The stones in big factories are very big, and the prices marked on them are also very high. As for the stones in small factories, they are very small, and the prices are not high.

"Thank you, master. I'm going to play in this big factory. This is a million magic coins."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the old man's eyes flashed a touch of surprise and nodded.

Lin Feng went straight inside.

"My Lord, is this... Is this something wrong?"

"It doesn't matter. This boy has high accomplishments. He shouldn't take this loss seriously. Let him go." The white haired old man waved his hand, "such a young Luo Jinxian strong man, which family and sect is this?"

The old man narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Lin Feng, who was far away, and fell into meditation.

Such a young strong man will not have no reputation on the road.

Even the hermit family should have a little wind.

"The old man is too dangerous." When Lin Feng came, Liu Suo came out and whispered.

"If there is no strong man in such a big market, if some gamblers are red eyed, there will be an accident." Lin Feng shook his head and said.

"Willing to gamble and admit defeat, since those guys have lost, they should put on a losing posture." Chihiro grunted.

"Gamblers, once addicted, naturally want to turn over, but in this world, where is the truth of turning over? Finally, they can't come out. If their wealth is exhausted, maybe they are really crazy?"

Lin Feng smiled and didn't speak.

On earth, such things exist.

And it often exists.

Liusuo was silent and stopped talking.

"Brother, good insight." A man in Tsing Yi stood behind Lin Feng. "It's the first time I've seen such a clear and bright brother in this casino. My name is Mingzhe. I don't know what to call my brother?"

It was Lord Ming in Zhang Yun's mouth.

"Lin Feng." Lin Feng turned his head and said with a smile. Mingzhe looked down at his body, turned his body and narrowed it to a state only a little higher than Lin Feng. Instead, he smiled sheepishly and said, "it can only be narrowed to this."

Hearing Mingzhe's words, Lin Feng smiled, waved his hand and said, "it doesn't hurt."

"Brother Lin is also here to gamble?" Mingzhe looked up and down at Lin Feng and asked with a smile.

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