"Yes." Lin Feng smiled and nodded, "I heard that the gambling stone field in the magic city is the largest gambling stone field in the whole demon world, so come and have a look."

Then Lin Feng's whole body flew directly.

As soon as he went up, the vastness of the above was completely beyond Lin Feng's imagination. Countless smells lingered around him. Among these smells, there were countless small things. These small things wound around him and went up directly.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng flashed an exclamation in his eyes.

It's so beautiful.

Above is the boundless starry sky. Countless breath under the starlight gather here. Under the gathering of these breath, countless raw stones float quietly in the air.

Lin Feng's body shuttles through the original stone.

"Any ideas?" Mingzhe followed Lin Feng and asked with a smile.

"Still watching." Lin Feng shook his head and said with a smile, "there are too many raw stones below. I'm still looking. What about you?"

Lin Feng turns to look at Mingzhe.

"I've got what I want. Let's have a look. If there's something I like, we'll do it again."

Lin Feng nodded,.

"Let's meet next." Mingzhe smiled, waved his hand, turned and left. Lin Feng stroked Mingzhe's back and shook his head. It seems that he thought too much. The previous Yunshen thing made him very suspicious. Lin Feng also had some reservations about Mingzhe.

Mingzhe seemed to see his mind and took the initiative to walk away.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng shook his head.

I was still hurt by that guy. I didn't have so many ideas before.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's look was a little more comfortable. He breathed a sigh of relief and went directly to the front. Lin Feng's eyes swept around and finally fixed his eyes on a small original stone.

The price of the original stone is not high, only 300000 magic coins.

Lin Feng walked around the stone.

"Master, what's the matter?" Qianlong climbed out, "this original stone has been here for 2000 years, and no one has taken it?"

The sound of Qianlong's surprise pulled Lin Feng's eyes over. Lin Feng's eyes fell on the original stone. Indeed, the original stone marked the placement time. This original stone has been placed for 2000 years.

"So many people have seen it and haven't taken it away. There must be nothing good in this original stone." Qianlong waved his hand and said with a disgusted face.

Lin Feng shook his head.

"When I passed this stone just now, my mind moved. The longan opened itself, but I couldn't see the inside. It seemed to be wrapped by something."

Lin Feng looked at the original stone in front of him and whispered, "I'm standing here now. My longan is still ready to move."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qianlong stopped talking.

Sometimes people's perception is a very strange thing, which is even above luck.

"Then take it." Houtu whispered, "the price is not high anyway."

"The price tag has not been changed for a long time. It is estimated that the previous price was very high." Xingyu whispered, and Lin Feng nodded.

Lin Feng didn't hurry to get the original stone, but wandered around in the air again.

Soon, Lin Feng and Mingzhe met.

"The price of this stone has fallen again and again. It has been here for 2000 years. I can't bear to put it out here. I didn't expect you to take it away." Mingzhe said with a smile.

Lin Feng nodded.

"Maybe we have fate."

Mingzhe didn't say anything more. He pointed to the original stone in front of him and said, "what do you think of my stone?"

"Very good."

Lin Feng smiled and said.

He didn't just talk about it. It's this stone. It's really good.

He had already practiced Tong Gong. With the blessing of longan, Lin Feng's eyes could see through most of the vanity in the world.

This original stone, of course.

But Lin Feng didn't show it.

Here, after all, is someone else's business place.

"That's him." Mingzhe clapped his hands, put away the original stone and fell directly. Lin Feng smiled, glanced around, and finally locked an original stone of about 700000 magic coins.

The old figure appeared in front of Lin Feng.

"Senior." Lin Feng took the original stone and said with a smile.

"Your eyes are strange." The old man's eyes swept around Lin Feng, and his mind focused on Lin Feng's eyes. The next moment, the old man quickly retreated, shook his head, and said:

"It's not suitable here. Don't come in the future."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Stingy old man!"

Qianlong whispered.

"Master, it's open. It's understandable that people don't let the master come over."

"But the old man's breath is very familiar."

Lin Feng's ears moved and his eyes looked directly at the old man. An old dragon plate swirled in the old man's body. Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise.

"It seems that not all the Dragon families have not appeared on the mainland. First there is the Dragon mother-in-law, and then there is the old man in front of us. They are all dragon families."

Lin Feng's mind gave feedback to liusuo.

Liusuo was silent at once.

Lin Feng fell down with the stone in his arms. The two stones were quickly turned into powder. Lin Feng took away the things of the small original stone with lightning speed, leaving only an ancient meteorite mined from the large original stone.

This thing can't be found.

"Brother Lin, good luck. This ancient meteorite iron is a good material for making weapons. You can't ask for it. Brother Lin, this is the first time to gamble?"

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"For the first and last time, the old man said that I will not be welcome in the gambling quarry in the future." Lin Feng shook his head, helpless in his eyes.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Mingzhe flashed a touch of surprise in his eyes and looked at the old man behind Lin Feng. The old man stood there with his hands on his back and didn't speak. For a long time, Mingzhe just hit the corner of his mouth and said:

"You are also the first person to be prevented from entering the casino by the casino."

Lin Feng touched his nose and didn't speak.

"Do you sell this ancient meteorite iron, little brother?" The old man stood in front of Lin Feng and whispered, "you bid, I'll buy it."

Lin Feng shook his head.

I just ate the old man's shriveled food. Lin Feng doesn't want to benefit him any more now.

Lin Feng didn't speak, but put away his things. "My weapon is just needed."

Lin Feng pointed to the Feng Tong sword beside him.

The old man stopped talking, but sighed with regret. He knew that some people with Tong Gong had natural advantages in this gambling arena, but the little guy in front of him, Tong Gong has reached the highest level. Such a guy is not suitable to appear here!

"Since brother Lin doesn't want to sell, let's leave now. Thanks to brother Lin, I can make a lot of money this time. Don't you treat me?" Mingzhe smiled at Lin Feng and made a gesture of invitation.

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