"Don't go yet!"

"Is there anything else for Miss Liz?"

Lin Feng turned to look at Liz and asked with a smile.

"You... Where do you live?" Liz looked at Lin Feng, clenched her teeth and asked, "I don't know where you live. How can I find you? What if you stand me up like last time?"

Liz clenched her teeth and looked at Lin Feng.

An unmarried girl grabbed a man's clothes, which was somewhat ambiguous. Liz bowed her head and almost bled on her face.

She has dealt with countless people, but it is definitely her first time to deal with a rogue like Lin Feng, and the facts have proved that the degree of a rogue like Lin Feng is far more than ordinary people!

Where to live?

Lin Feng was in trouble for a while.

If you want to refine pills, this inn can't do it.

"I'm not sure yet. The inn here can't refine pills. I want to find a place where I can refine pills. It may take some time."

Lin Feng whispered, "I'll tell you when I'm sure."


Liz bowed her head with some regret on her face. If she couldn't absolutely confirm where Lin Feng was, she would be in trouble.

"Why don't you live in our house? Our house has a professional alchemy room, which must be more suitable for you." Liz whispered to Lin Feng, "what do you think? I can help you check out. "


Lin Feng didn't speak.

"There were few alchemists in the magic city, so there are not many fully equipped here. Our Ming family used to have alchemists resident, but now there are, and they are still very empty."

Liston said, "if you look for a place for alchemy, the Ming family is definitely the best."

"Just right." Lin Feng nodded, "alchemy is really not easy over there where I live."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Liz smiled and nodded.

"Well, let's go. My brother is waiting for me below. Also, if you praise me more in front of my brother, don't tell my brother about the unhappiness between us." Liz whispered to Lin Feng as she walked.

"My brother is a serious man."

"I'm afraid of your brother." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Of course I'm afraid. My brother is hundreds of years older than me. When I was born, my brother was very big and took care of me all the time. Later, my parents died again. It was my brother who carried the whole family. My brother was like my father."

Liz snorted, "brother and you are not people in the same world."

"I see. Let's go." Lin Feng put away the storage ring.

Mingzhe is still waiting below.

Seeing Lin Feng and Liz coming down, he immediately put on a smile.

"Are you ready?"

"I'm afraid brother Ming will be in trouble for some time." Lin Feng smiled bitterly and said.

Mingzhe was stunned for a moment, then waved his hand and resumed his smile again.

"It doesn't matter. It's rare for my little sister to invite guests home. Brother Lin, let's go and I'll lead the way."

Lin Feng follows Mingzhe.

Liz shuttled between the two old men. The three talked very well all the way. When they arrived at the Ming family, Lin Feng was not polite. She asked for the best alchemy room and went in.

"Little sister, what are you doing?" Seeing that Lin Feng went in, Mingzhe immediately pulled his face and looked serious, "I'm an alchemist. Where can I treat guests like this?

"I just want to find something for us to do. Besides, this guy is an alchemist. It's not surprising that he wants to refine some pills." Liz stuck out her tongue and whispered, "when I was in Dharma City, this guy had a small auction."

"I tell you, brother, this guy is very cunning. If we let him go, this guy will certainly run away!"

"Brother, just let him do it. Don't worry. With him, what we need will be ready soon!"


Liz is coquettish with Mingzhe.

Mingzhe sighed.

"Then you can't drag others to our house to refine pills."

Liz stuck out her tongue.

"I didn't catch this guy. This guy wanted it. I don't have the ability to hold this guy. If this guy doesn't want to do it."

Mingzhe sighed.

"You still look like you haven't grown up. Thanks to Taoist friend Lin, I don't care about you. If we change to other alchemists, we must cooperate with other practitioners in the magic city to deal with our Ming family! As a group of alchemists, you'd better offend less! "

"What do we lack most in magic city?" Mingzhe looked at Liz seriously. "An alchemist, an alchemist, it's all babies, not to mention a high-level alchemist like Lin Daoyou?"

Liz straightened her mind and stood there speechless.

Mingzhe's heart softened when he saw his little sister.

"You should listen to the opinions of the older generation more in the future. Don't go your own way and show off your cleverness. This time, you almost got into trouble!"

Hearing her brother's words, Liz stuck out her tongue.

"I know, brother. I'm familiar with Lin Feng. I did it because I know others."

Liz carefully raised her head and saw Mingzhe still with a face. She immediately lowered her head and didn't speak.

Mingzhe stood there with his hands on his back and saw that Liz looked angry and funny.

Thanks to the fact that Lin Feng and Liz knew each other, he had also been negligent before. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng was an alchemist.

"Can you solve things with this face?"

"Lin Feng, you talk!" Liz suddenly looked up and said, "are you willing to cooperate with us?"

"You old man, don't force me?" Lin Feng couldn't laugh or cry. "I did it a little too much before. Don't worry, this time we are mutually beneficial!"

Liz turns to look at Mingzhe and spits out her tongue.

"Brother, look, are you okay? I said, "Lin Feng is a good man!"

"You!" Mingzhe waved his hand, "forget it, it's up to you!"

With a smile, Liz hugged Mingzhe's arm and played coquettish.

"Don't worry, brother. I'll stay here. If Lin Feng needs anything, I'll show up immediately. It's like making amends. Are you optimistic?" Said Liz solemnly.

Mingzhe shakes his head.

"Do it yourself. I'll go first."

Liz sighed with relief as she watched Mingzhe go away.

A month passed quickly.

For a month, Lin Feng was always in the yard and didn't come out. Liz was also honest and always stayed behind the yard.

Every afternoon, Lin Feng will give lish a box and ask lish to move some raw stones back from the gambling quarry in the east of the city. Although she doesn't know what Lin Feng is going to do, she is now the gold owner. Naturally, lish sends people every day to take the raw stones designated by Lin Feng.

A pile of raw stones piled up outside the yard, but Lin Feng still didn't come out.

It's been a month.

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