Liz tooted her mouth and looked unhappy.

"This guy is deliberately bullying me!"

Liz stood up. Leng Buding ran into a man's arms and stepped back. Only then did she see Lin Feng standing there with a smile.

Liz patted her chest.

"How can you walk without a sound? I'm scared to death!"

Hearing Liz's words, Lin Feng smiled.

"Here you are."

What will be given to Liz are some boxes.

There are pill bottles in the box. Liz opens them. They are all pills, and there are more than ten pills in each bottle!

Liz received the pill with a smile. Seeing Liz's happy face, Lin Feng sighed and said, "don't guard my yard. Don't worry. I'll inform you as soon as I have the pill."

"I still have to keep it. You are my God of wealth now. If I don't keep you, who should I keep? By the way, I've brought back your original stones. What are you going to do?"

Lin Feng walked around the original stone pile, nodded and said:

"It seems that your people are still very smart. They are the raw stones I need."

"Of course, you've made it so clear. If I still find you a pile of raw stones that are not what you need, I'll lose a lot. How about I do a good job."

Liz stuck out her tongue and said with a smile.

Hearing Liz's words, Lin Feng shook his head, "thank you."

"You work for me and I work for you. We can't thank you for making rational use of it." Liz waved her hand and said with a smile, "but you have to refuel. There are still a lot of things to do next!"

Lin Feng waved his hand.

"Come on!"

With that, Lin Feng went straight back to the yard.

Lin Feng can also see that Liz is an out and out interest complex. Everything can be put aside for the sake of interest.

Lin Feng went in. Liz still asked the people below to do things, but she did her best to do things for herself.

Liz is happier and sadder when she takes the pill. She puts Lin Feng first. In order not to make trouble for Lin Feng, Liz arranges different people to go to the gambling quarry in the east of the city every day to get the gambling stones.

Gambling stones were piled up in yard and not cut.


Mingzhe frowned when he saw the gambling stones piled up in the yard.

"What's going on?"

"Lin Feng asked me to get it out. I don't know what he wants to do." Liz shrugged, stuck out her tongue and whispered, "I guess this guy is going to empty the gambling quarry in the east of the city. I opened two pieces. The things inside are good."

Mingzhe nods.

"Brother Lin has good luck, otherwise he won't be banned from entering Longyu's gambling ground."

"No entry?" Liz opened her mouth slightly, hit the corner of her mouth and said, "this is a good way. This guy is a disaster. If you can't help but control it, you don't know what harm this guy will do."


Mingzhe said helplessly.

Liz stopped talking at once. This guy is still in the yard!

"I say, Miss Liz, you'll be stabbed in the back."

Liz turned to look at Lin Feng.

"You... How did you get out?"

"Of course, I came out to see you." Lin Feng said with a smile, "how lonely miss lish is here alone."


Liz looked at Lin Feng suspiciously.

"There is not enough medicine." Lin Feng sent a list to Liz. "Since it's all refined, it's a one-stop service. I'm not easy to sell. By the way, in addition to the pills that should be given to you, you can calculate the price of other pills, and then convert them into herbs. Just give me the materials. I don't need magic coins."

Lin Feng looked at Liz with a smile.

Liz opened Lin Feng's list.

The list is full of herbs. Although they are not very valuable herbs, the Ming family really can't get so many herbs at one time. If they go to the whole city to buy them, the Ming family will become the target of everyone's attention!

It's no joke that so many herbs come out all at once!

"You're still not going too far." Liz's words were squeezed out of her teeth.

"As you said, you only need ten of each. I'm giving you at least thirty now. Won't you want me to suffer? You see, I haven't slept for three months. I haven't survived my depression. Now I'm at an important juncture, and you won't do it again. If this goes on, I can't work. "

Lin Feng smiled happily and was a chicken thief.

Liz's hand trembled with the list. Lin Feng understood that we are now grasshoppers on a rope. If you don't do it, I can't continue. If you can't continue, we'll lose money together.

Liz was speechless.

"I didn't say I wouldn't settle for you, but our materials are not enough to pay you for the time being." Liz said viciously, biting her teeth.

"It doesn't matter if it's not enough for the time being. Let's just continue." Lin Feng smiled happily.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Liz rolled her eyes.

"Wait a minute, I'll prepare the materials." With that, Liz turned and went straight away.

Mingzhe smiled bitterly.

"Brother Lin, my little sister has been spoiled by me since she was a child. She is lawless. Don't be surprised."

Hearing Mingzhe's words, Lin Feng waved his hand, "brother Ming laughed. Miss lish is very cute."

Mingzhe just smiles.

"Brother Lin, do you want to open these gambling stones?" Mingzhe pointed to the gambling stone above, "brother Lin has a good eye. These stones are not artificial stones."

"I've practiced pupil skill. Although I can't tell what's inside, I can still tell whether it's true or false." Lin Feng smiled. "Although there are many stones, they are divided into one stone and another in my eyes."

Lin Feng walked around the stone and picked out several original stones. Mingzhe stood and watched. He often picked the original stones. The original stones picked out by Lin Feng are very good!

"No wonder."

Mingzhe smiled and nodded. A flash of clarity flashed in his eyes. "I said brother Lin was so good. It turned out that he had practiced."

"Yes, my pupil skill is different from others. My pupil skill is somewhat special. Although I can't see through the original stone, it's much easier than ordinary people to choose the original stone."

"Is that why elder Longyu banned you from entering?"

"The old man is very smart. He's afraid I'll take the good things away." Lin Feng waved his hand and said helplessly.

However, in a few words, the relationship between the two people immediately became closer.

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