Mingzhe wanted to make friends with Lin Feng. Lin Feng said it casually. He didn't think too much about what he said in the real sense. It happened that these two people talked about going together at this time.

"Open?" After a while, Mingzhe turned to look at Lin Feng and asked.

In the past three months, Lin Feng has been refining pills. This is the first time Lin Feng came out to observe these raw stones.

Lin Feng nodded.

Mingzhe called the master. Soon, all the stones were opened. There were not many amazing things in them, but only two or three. There were also some materials. Lin Feng received the materials and what he needed, and gave all the others to Mingzhe.

"I'll take care of it." Mingzhe tacitly takes it, turns around and goes out directly.

When he left, Mingzhe took a breath.

In three months, there were 308 stones. Each stone had material. Although Lin Feng collected only about 100 stones, those stones actually made Mingzhe breathe.

He often gambles, but Lin Feng really doesn't have the ability.

This is no longer pupil work. It has to be explained.

This is bad luck!

Mingzhe is not a fool and can support a family. Although the demon people are said to be the most upright race, Mingzhe's brain is not stupid at all. Lin Feng's all this, he looks in his eyes and wants to be in his heart. He can be said to admire Lin Feng's action.

Mingzhe never thought that Lin Feng would give him such a big shock.

This also requires Mingzhe to make up his mind.

In the future, you must not offend Lin Feng!

Lin Feng can only serve as an uncle!

Such a person has offended him. Unless you can crush him completely, no one can resist Lin Feng if he comes back for revenge in the future!

Mingzhe works very fast.

After processing the materials, Lin Feng soon handed over the magic coin to Lin Feng. In addition to buying the magic coin of the original stone, there were many left. Lin Feng directly handed it over to Mingzhe for management.

Mingzhe smashed the corner of his mouth. Lin Feng was indifferent to these magic coins.

"Brother Lin, this is a magic coin!"

Nevertheless, Mingzhe couldn't help saying.

So many magic coins were given to him. Lin Feng didn't think too much at all, as if these magic coins were not important! This is not as simple as moving in a few words or two!

"Brother Ming, I won't hide it from you. What I want is materials." Lin Feng smiled bitterly and said, "these magic coins are really useless to me."

"OK, I'll collect it for you, but the magic city certainly doesn't have so many. I need to go out to buy it. I'll replace it with materials as soon as possible." Mingzhe said with a smile.

Lin Feng nodded.

"Thank you, brother Ming."

Mingzhe waved his hand.

"You have done so much for the Ming family and refined so many pills. I should do something for you."

Compared with Liz, Mingzhe is obviously more mature and steady. Long Yu has a high evaluation of Mingzhe. Lin Feng knows Mingzhe well these days.

Long Yu's evaluation is not too much.

"Thank you, brother Ming."

"You're welcome. I should thank brother Lin. these things have been transported to the auction house. The profits of our auction house this year will double compared with previous years, and the pills you refined. These are treasures. Even here, there is a price without a market."

Mingzhe breathed a sigh of relief. His eyes fell on Lin Feng, with stars shining in his eyes.

Lin Feng just smiled.

Mingzhe said politely, and Lin Feng naturally wouldn't take Mingzhe's polite words to heart.

No matter how good private friends are, in business, one is one and two is two.

As the saying goes, his brother Mingzhe is so honest that he can do business with him, which makes Lin Feng feel more or less moved.

This man is worth making friends with!

For Mingzhe, Lin Feng can be said to have released his 12 points of sincerity.

Of course, Mingzhe did not live up to Lin Feng's trust. The accounts of each magic coin were clear and clear.

Mingzhe finished his business and took Lin Feng to drink together. The two talked about the way of cultivation. Mingzhe told Lin Feng about the soul city.

"The elder is right. It's better to go to the ghost city later." Mingzhe nodded.

"At that time, like all practitioners, I couldn't wait to go to the divine soul city as soon as I entered the realm of Da Luo Jinxian. As a result, my divine soul was almost broken up. Fortunately, an old elder pulled me and let me save my life."

Mingzhe's words are full of words.

That world is not so easy to deal with.

Everyone who enters the spirit city is an expert. When an expert arrives in that world, he not only exists because of the world, but also wants to replace others and become an expert in that world.

Of course, the soul city has the rules of the soul city. The rules inside are even better than those outside. It is precisely because of those rules that the world is better to go less. If you go more, you may not be able to get good there.

That world is the world of the strong.

And Da Luo Jinxian is just the threshold there.

When Mingzhe finished, Lin Feng couldn't help sighing. Sure enough, as long as it was the world, there was darkness.

"Thank you, brother Ming." Lin Feng said with a serious face.

"It doesn't matter. It's just some small things." Mingzhe waved his hand. After this conversation, the relationship between Lin Feng and Mingzhe took another step.

A hedge between keeps friendship green.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he came out of Mingzhe's yard.

This time, Lin Feng naturally got a lot of news from Mingzhe. Although the two people had little communication, Lin Feng really remembered this good friend in his heart.

"You and your brother have been communicating for too long!" Liz stood outside waiting for Lin Feng. When she saw Lin Feng coming out, she stamped her feet and said.

"Yes, I talked about some things about cultivation, and unconsciously the time came." Lin Feng said to Liz with a smile.

"What's the matter with Miss Liz?"

"Can't I come to you without something?" Liz snorted.

"Of course, if you're all right, you certainly don't want to come to me at this time." Lin Feng was very sure, and Liz snorted.

Liz had already prepared the herbs and handed them to Lin Feng. She was a little reluctant, "Lin Feng, you hate it!"

"I don't hate it. I'm working for you. You're picky." Lin Feng said helplessly, "be careful, I won't work for you."

"Our auction house is going to send an additional auction on the 1st of next month. There are only seven days left. Do you want to participate?" Liz whispered to Lin Feng, "but the auction is basically your stuff."

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