Lin Feng shook his head and whispered, "the real role of this woman is in such a large auction. Only such a place can reflect her value, but such a large auction can not be presided over by Shi Ningxue alone."

Lin Bian stopped talking.

What Lin Feng said is the truth. Of course, if he were someone else, he would not talk so much.

"I see." For a long time, Lin Bian nodded.

Lin Feng nodded.

What he is most worried about is that he is afraid that the children will never come out again in a model. Anyway, for children, the road ahead is still very long, and they have a variety of roads to go. It is far better to look around in one place.

The auction will begin soon.

All these auctioned things can be said to be surprises. The most important thing is the price and use. Some are suitable for low-level practitioners and some are suitable for high-level practitioners. However, driven by the atmosphere of Shi Ningxue, although the number of people is good, the price is getting higher and higher.

In the face of Shi Ningxue's cunning, the people below can only silently accept such price changes.

The income this time far exceeded Lin Feng's imagination.

The final finale was auctioned off at a price of 100 million yuan. Although he lost blood once, Lin Feng was relieved to get such a good price.

After paying all the prices and excluding the costs, this time, they made a net profit of nearly 100 million yuan of top-grade immortal stone.

The warehouse became full at once.

After dealing with the last point, Lin Feng went to the life and death arena again.

There are still two thousand machine gate disciples waiting for Lin Feng. In a one-on-one battle, Lin Feng and the two thousand machine gate disciples fought for a day and a night before they were disposed of.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he returned from the life and death arena.

Qianjimen is not a fool. Those people who come out now are more and more powerful. It is obviously slower and slower for him to kill these disciples.

However, it will have to be dealt with sooner or later.

After a good rest, Lin Feng went to the life and death arena again.

A whole year.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he killed the last Qianji gate disciple there.

After a year of failure, these disciples of Qianji sect finally gave up fighting with Lin Feng in the life and death arena.

"I should be the king of thousands of games."

When he went to hand in the ID card, Lin Feng looked at the person at the front desk with a smile, "I remember that the king of thousands of games seems to be a hundred million top-grade Fairy Spirit stone. In all likelihood, you bet on me to win this year's battle, and won a lot!"

Lin Feng smiled heartily.

"Our arena will not default."

The man at the front desk clenched his teeth and said, "but there are too many rewards. It will take some time to come down."

Lin Feng nodded.

"I know, you see, or I'll come in a month." Lin Feng smiled at the person in front of him and said again.

A month later?

The man glanced at Lin Feng and nodded.

If you come in a month, it's almost done.

Lin Feng turned and left the fighting field.

Lin Feng didn't wait to collect the 100 million immortal stone, but handed it to Sifeng. Lin Feng left Zhongzhou city directly.

As soon as he left Zhongzhou City, Lin Feng quickly had several more followers behind him.

Still tracking.

Feeling the look of these guys, Lin Feng shook his head.

These guys really don't want to give up.

Lin Feng went on and walked for a long time. Lin Feng met Li Yutong Zixia in the town.

"Husband!" The second daughter immediately gathered in front of Lin Feng and hugged Lin Feng's body. "How did you leave so soon?"

"I miss you." Lin Feng kissed the second daughter on the face, "where are they?"

"They have followed the sect ahead of time. That's the nightmare beast you saw in the quicksand, husband. I don't know what happened to the nightmare beast. They suddenly launched an attack. Now it's very dangerous outside."

Li Yutong whispered to Lin Feng, "we're going to deal with that guy now."

Lin Feng nodded.

"Go first."

Zixia's body paused, and Lin Feng nodded.

"Don't worry about these thousand machine door guys. Let's just go there directly. These guys have good cultivation skills, but they won't pose a threat to us."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the second daughter nodded.

Although these are the disciples of Qianji gate, Lin Feng knows that the real core disciples of Qianji gate have not yet appeared. He has the blood of dragon. Although Qianji gate wants to kill him, Lin Feng can be sure that these disciples will not kill him.

At least, Tang Hao should be around when he was killed.

Want the dragon blood on him?

Lin Feng's mouth was hooked.

"Lin Feng?" An uncertain voice sounded behind Lin Feng. Lin Feng turned back and Yun XiuXiu stood there. Seeing that it was Lin Feng, she immediately put on a smile and walked towards Lin Feng.

"I had some doubts that it wasn't you. I'll know it was you when you look back."

Yun XiuXiu glanced at Li Yutong and Zixia.

"Who are these two?"

"My wife, Yutong, Zixia."

Yun XiuXiu paused and looked at Lin Feng with a strange look

Li Yutong and Zixia, these two people are also the favored children of heaven. She naturally knows them. They are the double beauties of Yuanmen. Their physique is Yin and Yang. The most important thing is that the two women are sisters!

This is unmatched by others

"Ha ha!" Yun XiuXiu smiled and nodded, "I remember you are also a disciple of the yuan clan."

Lin Feng nodded.

"Are you going to quicksand, too?" Yun XiuXiu suddenly smiled at Lin Feng and asked, "what a coincidence, so am I. why don't we go together?"

"Miss Yun, I'm sorry. We're traveling with the sect this time. I'm afraid we can't take you with us." Li Yutong walked forward a little with a smile and said, "if Miss Yun wants to take pictures, it's best to go with the cloud family to avoid any accidents."

Yun XiuXiu nodded with a little loss on her face.

However, seeing that Li Yutong didn't want to take her, she naturally didn't insist. She waved her hand and walked away.

"Isn't it bad to refuse like this?" Lin Feng whispered. Anyway, he and Yun XiuXiu have explored the Dragon tomb together, although they haven't gone in yet.

"Then... Husband, will you coax me back?" Li Yutong raised his eyebrows and his voice grew longer.

"Cough, it's all right. Let's go." Lin Feng touched his nose and offered Qianlong shuttle, "Qianlong shuttle took us. Our speed in the past must not be slow."

"Let's go!" Li Yutong smiled and fell directly on the Qianlong shuttle.

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