"Master, you let Zhuyin take you. The guy of Zhuyin is really fast!" Qianlong wants to cry without tears. Why can't his master take care of his old dragon who has been single for hundreds of thousands of years?

"Candle Yin is busy!" Lin Feng waved his hand and directly released the candle Yin. Li Yutong and Zixia sat in danger and looked forward to the candle Yin.

Before that, Lin Feng had told Zhuyin everything about Li Yutong and Zixia.

There are many wonders in the world, but there is only one pair like Li Yutong and Zixia.

The second daughter explored carefully and Zhu Yin gave directions. On the contrary, Lin Feng was idle. He had nothing to do to make something for the second daughter to eat, get something, see the scenery and practice.

They didn't choose to go to the city, but flew directly. Lin Feng let Qianlong ghost control the speed along the way.

"Master, the thousand machine gate disciples behind us, let's get rid of three."

Qianlong said excitedly to Lin Feng, "tut Tut, I thought how proud these guys are. It seems that they can't!"

"The speed is too slow!"

Seeing Qianlong's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head speechless.

There was Qianlong playing with the disciples of Qianji gate. Instead, Lin Feng relaxed his mind and had nothing to discuss cultivation with Jisuo. It could be said that he was very comfortable along the way.

A month later, Li Yutong and Zixia came out with the candle Yin. They looked a little tired, but they couldn't hide their excitement. Seeing the appearance of the second daughter, Lin Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, he hoped that the second daughter would be good. Seeing the second daughter, he sincerely let go. Somewhere in Lin Feng's heart, he also completely let go at this time.

Second daughter's good is his final choice.

"How are you?" Lin Feng came up to the second daughter and asked in a low voice.

The second daughter nodded.

"We learned a lot from master Zhuyin." Li Yutong said to Lin Feng in a soft voice. His eyes fell on Zhuyin. They were all grateful and respected. "Although Zixia and I were born together, now we have a solution."

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"As long as you can, no matter what you need, just tell me and I'll get it."

The second daughter nodded.

"Let them stabilize the realm first." Candle Yin whispered, "I still need something. I must ask you to prepare."

Lin Feng nodded and looked at Zhuyin.

Li Yutong and Zixia went in. Lin Feng and Zhuyin sat at the end of the shuttle.

"The two women are the same body. Although they can exist in two shapes now, there are still many things missing from them. If you want the two women to maintain this state all the time, you need to prepare two grade 8 pills for the two ladies to stabilize their souls and completely separate their souls."

Candle Yin looked down at Lin Feng and whispered.

Lin Feng nodded.

"This is the prescription." Zhuyin gave the prescription to Lin Feng. Lin Feng took a look at it. There was a great demand for the herbs of the pill. Even if Lin Feng had a lot of herbs, the herbs in it were still bad.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

It is obviously not easy to find these herbs.

"This must be fast." Candle Yin whispered, "as their cultivation continues to improve, if their souls cannot be perfected alone, the souls of the two women will speed up the integration."

Candle Yin looked down at Lin Feng and whispered, "the slowest is to prepare pills for the second daughter within three years."

What did Zhu Yin say to Lin Feng later? Lin Feng didn't know, but what he said earlier was enough for Lin Feng to be serious.

The herbs here are very cumbersome. In addition to the existing ones, Lin Feng still needs thirteen herbs. Lin Feng has not seen these thirteen herbs for many years. Even if there are, it is definitely a treasure at the bottom of the box. He won't take them out easily.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng had a headache again.

"This guy is really ready to give you a lot of trouble." Qianlong said discontentedly, "there is a herb in it. It grows in the cold place. It can be said that it is in the ghost cave. It's not easy for you to go in and get it, master."

"Just have a place." Lin Feng put away the list, "I'm afraid I can't find it."

Lin Feng looked at the second daughter's room, and his face softened a lot.

"Sister Tongtong has done enough for me over the years. This is what I should do for her."

Lin Feng's voice is very soft. Among all women, Li Yutong is definitely Lin Feng's most trusted. She always does a good job for Lin Feng. It's dark in the evening, so that Lin Feng can have no worries about backup.

No one else can match this.

She gave almost everything she had for him.

"Ladies, you are true love to your master." For a long time, Qianlong whispered.

He has been with Lin Feng for the longest time. Naturally, he knows the attitude of these women towards Lin Feng. They are all Lin Feng's good hearts. Why aren't they working hard for Lin Feng?


For a long time, Lin Feng just came back.

"Let's speed up and move on. It's best to go earlier. Maybe we can pick up the leak!"

Lin Feng perked up and said with a smile.

"Yes, master!"

Qianlong speeds up and walks halfway. Lin Feng receives the news from Xiaobai and Zhao Qingluo. Their husband and wife also come.

Lin Feng picked up Xiaobai and Zhao Qingluo on the way. Xiaobai has broken through the realm of Da Luo Jinxian. The whole atmosphere has changed a lot and become more and more masculine. As for Zhao Qingluo, he has a gentle face, holding his stomach and kindness on his face.


On Zhao Qingluo's stomach, Lin Feng gave Xiao Bai a thumbs up.

So soon, two people have the crystallization of love. There are a lot of sports.

Li Yutong and Zixia snuggle up to Lin Feng. Their eyes are more warm. However, they also know that their bodies are incomplete and can't conceive children alone now.

"There will always be." Lin Feng whispered to the second daughter.

The second daughter nodded.

"Come on, let's speed up. I don't know if the nightmare beast has come out?"

Thinking of the original nightmare beast, Lin Feng licked his lips and his eyes were more warm. If he could get the skull of the nightmare beast, he could arrange a powerful dream array.

The most important thing is, of course, there are many good babies on the nightmare beast.

"What are you thinking?" Li Yutong turned to look at Lin Feng and asked in a low voice.

"Thinking about the nightmare beast." Lin Feng whispered, "I don't know if that guy has given in now."

Lin Feng smiled bitterly and thought a little more in his eyes.

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