Leon saw Peter waving at me across the road. As he crossed the road he stopped in front of him.

"Ahme... So I have been thinking... I do need some help in my line of work and having a little experience in fighting won't hurt."

"But first… I didn't catch your name?"

"Oh, names Leon."

He grabbed my hands and asked, "So Mr. Leon can you teach me How to Fight. Please... "

He smirked "Sure when do we start... But just call me Leon"

... ..... .... A few months later,

In these few months, New York was going crazy. The new Superhero Spiderman was cleaning up the streets of New York.

Many Criminals were put behind bars. The New Hero became a symbol of New York. Wearing Red & Blue costume with a big Spider Logo (Spiderman PS4 costume) he looked very Friendly to the New Yorkers.

They started calling him "The Friendly neighborhood Spiderman."

But with all that fame came a few people who disliked him. Like the Daily Bugle.

But the news station didn't have any pictures of Spiderman to criticize the hero with. So people just ignored the Bugle news.

And the news also reported that another person maybe helping Spiderman, according to statements of a few criminals. But they didn't have any pictures to show and prove the allegations.

3r person's POV,

In an abandoned warehouse,

The warehouse was reformed at one corner you could see a few tables with papers on it.

This used to be a Russian gang base outside of New York. No one was there except Peter and Leon who were fighting. No training to be specific.

"For the 48th time stop relying on your spider sense." Leon said as Peter was on the floor getting up.

"You punch like a bitc... " said as he got up holding his left side of the face.

"Ah... Ah... Language Spidey. " Leon said.

"What are you? My mom? " said as he laid on the ground. And was panting heavily.

"You should be slower than me, then how?" Peter asked.

Yes, the first thing they both did was to check out how much can both of them lift and their speed.

And Peter can lift up to 5 tons. Though I know in future he could lift probably 30 to 40.

And my score is 6.5 tons. But the damn Spider bests me in speed. As his body has more of a gymnastic build rather than my muscular build.

I found out that each point in Strength equals 1 ton of weight or force I can give. But having negative effects it becomes .1 ton.

"Well, if you know how to punch you can bring out more of your strength. You can't only win with strength and speed, you also need techniques to back it up. " Leon said as he got Peter up. Their workout session was over.

But in a few hours, all the marks would be gone.

"Leon, do you know why I became this... Spiderman. "

"Why," Leon asked knowing the answer. Leon was getting to know the Spider in the past few months. And even peter started looking up to him as an older brother.

And after that, he told him how his uncle died how he could stop it and the words, "With great power comes great responsibility. "

And then asked Leon about his family. Peter looked at Leon like an older brother he never had. So Leon told him.

Leon looked at Peter for a moment, "Well I do have family. It's just that... It's complicated. "

Peter was still looking at him for answers.

"Well, I do have one uncle that can shoot lightning. " Leon said.

"Yeah... Yeah... Next, your gonna tell me he is Raiden or Thor. Hahah" laughed Peter. To which Leon also laughed but not for the same reason.

"Hmm... Who's your favorite superhero? " Leon asked.

"Off course Caption America but Iron man is also cool. Oh... Did you know that the Averages have gone to Sokovia? " answered Peter.

"What? When and why? "

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