"What? When and why? "

Peter raised an eyebrow, "Didn't you hear the news?"

"No my phone broke at the last raid." Answered Leon.

"Oh yeah, I forgot… Well, they brought down a Hydra base in Sokovia. It's all over the internet." Peter cheered like a fanboy.

But Leon was thinking hard about what he could remember about the movie. If he was right, then tonight will be when Ultron is born.

And Leon read the comics to know that Ultron was near immortal. He is a program, if he is created then all hell will break loose.

"Hey, Peter how good of a programmer are you?" Leon asked.


"So you are better than him in 'Hacking'? " Leon asked to make sure.

And Ned was on his ŀȧptop. And Peter was watching. They were in his apartment.

"Yup, I am the best." bosted Ned.

Leon whispered, "Peter does he know about... "

Peter quickly shook his head denying. So Ned still doesn't know about him being Spiderman.

"Yes, I am. But I not doing something illegal am I?" asked Ned.

"No, Of course not," Leon said. 'Well, even I don't know. It may not be the most legal way' Leon thought in his head.

"But... Are you sure going into the Avenger's tower even though I can give you a guest pass? You still have to disguise as him." said Ned as he pointed at the African-American on the ŀȧptop screen.

The Person on the screen declined to join the party that was being held in the Avengers tower. So it's not that hard to do something about it… And make it look like he was just late for the party.

"Will this do?" Leon said as his face started morphing before turning exactly like the person on screen.

Peter and Ned were shocked, before saying "Cool" at the same time.

I told them beforehand I could use magic. These past months I wasn't just training Peter. I was also learning Asgardian Illusion and Conjure magic from 'Alena'.

Even though his illusion magic was nowhere near Loki's he could change his face and skin color if he concentrated.

And after that, the teenagers fired rapid questions at Leon. It took a few minutes to explain… And Ned pleaded to Leon to teach him Magic. To which he answered, "I will think about that."

Then Ned thought for a moment before asking, "Can't you just change your appearance and use illusions go into the Avenger's tower? "

"Well, I doubt Tony didn't make preparation after the New York incident. " I said.

And he also needed a tech guy who could check fluctuations in security. Because when Ultron was born the first thing he did was to mess up the Security system on the Tower.

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