As Leon was entered the Avenger's tower after checkup he sighed.

'I was holding my breath this entire time. As I asked the people about the party they said that it was almost over.'

'So, at this time Jarvis will be occupied with Ultron. It's the best time. I should try to stop the damn thing before it could leave with the scepter.'

Even though it may raise questions about how I knew all of this but at least people in Sokovia can be saved.

'Though if I help taking out Ultron in Sokovia I would gain fame but what if me trying to play hero, kills civilians. It would all be on my shoulders.'

He was thinking as he used the elevator to go to the top floor. And there was a call from my earpiece.

Leon received it it was Ned, "Ah... Leon what did you do the whole Stark Industry programs are causing change rapidly. "

Leon panicked 'I was late, what should I do?'.

"Ned be careful. If you think that you have been hacked destroy your ŀȧptop and go out with Peter. And say to him it's a code Red. "

But Ned refused, "Hey I just bought this one"

"Bro, I will buy you a Mac or even those new ones from Stark. Just do it it's an emergency. And give the call to Peter. "

"Ah... Are you serious... what will you do. I... " it was Peter because he got the message.

Leon's POV

"Peter just believe me. It's code red. And I am trying to save them. Okay," I said as I exited the elevator.

And sprinted over where they all were gathered. As the broken Ultron was speaking to the Avengers.

"I hope I still can hold you."

As I was sprinting I pulled out my hand…

I grabbed Mjolnir and threw it and smashing the robot.

And I accidentally deactivated my illusion.

Fuck my luck.

Hack eye and most of them were now pointing their weapons at me.

Only Thor was shocked at me wielding Mjolnir. Well, it's not like I am worthy or anything. After I held the hammer I made excuses to play with the hammer.

She enchanted the hammer for me to wield. Was giving a child to wield one of the most powerful weapons in the universe a good Idea? No.

And did Mother spoil me? Yes.

And Tony being Tony asked, "So you were behind all this?"

"Hell no. You and Banner built the damn Ultron from the Spector, not me." I said as Cap looked at Tony with doubtful eyes.

But before he could say anything robots burst into the room.

Everyone tried to stop the robots. I brought out my dual Desert Eagles, as I have a good amount of strength I don't have to worry about the recoil. The only problem was aiming but after a bit of practice, I gained the skill [Semi-perfect Aim] though the skill is only Lv 2 it should be good.

One of my guns needs to be reloaded.

'Bullseye' but then I saw that one of the robots was going to push down Tony, I threw the gun with all my might destroying the gun and robot in the process.

I also gained another skill from 'Alena��. It was a spell that hid weapons and leaves a tattoo on skin. And when I learned it, I gained [Tattoo-Hide] as it is a level 1 skill I can only carry my dagger.

So when people look at my right forearm they see a harmless tattoo. But It's far from it. Even though I can carry it in the inventory but it saves a full slot where I can carry other things.

I take my dagger out jump at one of the robots and destroy it without a problem. It was made out of Antarctic Vibranium also known as Anti-Metal. So it went through like a hot knife through buŧŧer.

Soon a robot fell in pieces because of the strikes.

As others were having a problem dealing with the bots I saw one take the Spector.

I didn't do anything. I let it be.

As all of the robots were down I look at the situation. I am in front of my favorite heroes. Though the situation could be better. I see them bickering and shouting at each other.

I sigh, "Yo... Can you all think of a way to get that damn robot under control? If you guys can't no one can.

And by the way Captain America, huge fan."

"Oh great... Now we got a listen to a kid. By the way, who are you?" Tony asked as he was irritated.

I coughed, "I am Leon. A new hero working in New York."

But this time Thor spoke, "You are not a Midgardian are you? "

I looked at him, "No... Uncle"

------------ --------- --------

[ Name: Leandros Herculesson.

Status: Normal (Only 30% of status usable)

Job: (None)

Strength: 65

Agility: 28

Intelligence: 16

Endurance: 263

Mana: 114

Equipment: Poisoned Daggers, Dual Guns

Skills: Hand to hand combat (LV 3)*up, High reflexes (LV 4)*up, Weapons Play (LV 3)*up, Stealth (LV 3)*up, Semi-Perfect Aim (LV 2), Tattoo-Hide (LV 1), Illusion Magic(LV 2), Conjure Magic (LV 0)*not learned yet, Breath in Space (Passive), Curse Resistance (LV 2)

Curse/Blessings: Curse of the 12 Olympian Gods(Active), Curse of Oden(Partially Sealed), Blessings of Frigga(Active), Blessings of Hela(Active), Blessings of Thor(Fully Active when near Thor or welding Mjolnir)]

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