[Hmm... You have cleared a mission.] it was Ultron.

'Oh, really and what did I get... I thought making my way towards Wanda.

[Mission: Save Sokavia from destruction.

Rewards: 100 SP, and a Cure-Potion.]

[Compleated with hidden requarements]

[Deal with Ultron alone (Failed)

Deal with Ultron before he gets away with Vibranium (Passed)

Deal with Ultron before he can kill anybody (Failed)

Deal with Ultron before he gets to Sokovia (Passed)

Secure Vibranium for yourself (Passed)]

[Additional reward: 200 SP & Appraisal]

I stopped looking at the rewards. 'That's quite a lot... I had to grind 3 monthes by stoping gangs around New York to get half of these SP.'

'And when did I Secure Vibranium for myself?' I asked myself.

[Well it was me. When you integrated me to the SYSTEM all the robots that were under control stopped. Meaning those that took away the Vibranium but actually I gave the robots auto control to take the Vibrainum to a place and guard it. So when you took me in they were auto-piloted and went somewhere.]

I was shocked, 'What do you mean went somewhere, what if some...'

[Let me stop you for a second... I can get the location in a matter of minutes just connect me to the internet and it won't take any time. But you have to give me order for that]

I sighed in relief, 'Ok just connect to the internet. Oh and don't get caught by Tony or Jarvis.'

3rd Person's POV,

As she was sitting at the corner of the jet she was looking outside from the windows.

"Why are you here?" she asked without looking towards me.

"Ah… I wanted to say hi… HI." Leon replied as he was sweating bullets.

"Sigh… I am sorry for…"

"Yes, I know. And I'm sorry I overreacted."

"Burning me up and sending me flying. Meh… I had worse..." I shrugged it off.

To which she looked at me with half-closed eyes. 'Shit… I messed up.' Leon thought.

"And… thank you… for saving me." She said. With a cute little smile on her face.

'*THUD… *THUD…*THUD… shit, my face just froze.' Leon though looking directly at Wanda's eyes. And after a few awkward moments, she looked away.

'Did she find me creepy… Ah… Who said being reincarnated and getting a haram was easy. Oh, God please help me.' Leon thought as he coughed and looked away.

"So... Want to tell me how you became…" Leon asked.

"A Witch or a Villian." She said with sadness in her voice.

"A Witch… please… My grandma was raised by witches. And I love her for that." Leon was trying to comfort him but soon found that he messed up.

'Did I just bring the L word to the table. Shit, I fuċkėd up.' As Wanda was looking at her directly at his eyes.

But to my surprise, she gave out a chuckle. 'Good your doing great just don't mess up.'

"Ahem… And your not a bad person. If you hadn't reacted fast 13 people would be dead. So please don't think lowly about yourself." I said trying to confront her.

"Yeah, that's what they all say. You did good work... then they try to use you as weapons. You know if I try I can read someone's mind. Just at the last moment when Ultron was killed, he was giving away his thoughts and I saw it... he was going to kill everyone." She said with sadness in her voice.

'Oh... so she saw Ultron's plan...' I thought looking at her.

"Everyone tries to use us for their own good. Maybe you guys will do it too eventually or take us, prisoners."

"NO… No… definitely no… We are not the same. See I am also a witch… NO, I man a Wizard or a mage whatever you like to call it." Leon spoke. 'Why can't this conversation be easy.'

Leon then made a magic circle with conjure magic. That had green ruins that glowed with a little green lightning, making a few sparks.

She looked at the glowing circle and gave a small giggle.

Seeing her laugh over-fried Leon's magic circle. As it made a few sparks and went up cracked up like a firework.

"Wow someone is having a sparky night…" Tony said sarcastically as he was walking by looking at the situation.

Leon glared at him hatefully. 'Really dude.' He thought.

He looked back to see a little redness in her cheeks as her lips curled up.

"Hmm… How did you get your… powers?" Leon asked trying to change the subject.

"It all happened because of Tony Stark and his toys… One day one of the missiles was sent towards our town. We were having a happy dinner that night." She said as she smiled a little.

"You see my father was a single dad. For us, he was our father and also our mother. He came to Sokovia form America when mom died. You know she was also a scientist like him. But sadly an experiment gone wrong and… Sigh," She added.

"He was a scientist working for the USA we hate now. He was working for a scientist who was researching with that blue box. But he left it all behind after Mom's accident. He came back to Sokovia with us as he wanted to give us a normal life." Her voice saddened.

"But one day one of Tony's missiles misdirected and came through our front yard. And our house wasn't even near the border. *Sob…. *Sob… He protected us. We didn't even find his body." She said as she started crying.

I pated her shoulder. 'Huh… now I miss my Mom… Sigh.' Leon thought, seeing her crying like that.

"Then Baron Strucker found us. And with the power of the scepter, we were gifted. He was our father's friend, he promised us that they were doing good and we could also get revenge on stark when the day comes. But he only used us just like Ultron. You know you guys took everything from us that night." It was Quicksilver.

He then looked around Wanda came up to him and hugged him. "Where are we now? Are we in jail? Or will you use us like everyone else." Asked Quicksilver.

"No, you aren't prisoners. You were just caught up in the situation." Leon answered. "I will give you both some time…" Leon said as he got out of his chair.

As Leon got out from the seat he started thinking.

--------- -------

[ Name: Leandros Herculesson.

Title: (None)

Job: (None)

Strength: 65

Agility: 35

Intelligence: 16

Endurance: 289

Mana: 114

Equipment: Poisoned Daggers

Skills: Hand to hand combat (LV 5)*Up, High reflexes (LV 4), Weapons Play (LV 4)*Up, Stealth (LV 3)*up, Semi-Perfect Aim (LV 2), Tattoo-Hide (LV 1), Illusion Magic(LV 2), Conjure Magic (LV 1)*New, Breath in Space (Passive), Curse Resistance (LV 3)*Up, Lightning magic of Thor (Divinity), Telepathy(LV 1)*New, Appraisal *New

Curse/Blessings: Curse of the 12 Olympian Gods(Active), Curse of Oden(Partially Sealed), Blessings of Frigga(Active), Blessings of Hela(Active), Blessings of Thor(Fully Active when near Thor or welding Mjolnir)]

Conjure Magic (LV 1)*New

A form of Magic used by ancient War-Mages. It's mostly used by Asgardians to do simple things. But some with enough mastery can use it offensively.

It is more of an Alchemy then magic as it changes molecules to form different things. With enough mastery, it can mimic and create anything.

Lightning magic of Thor (Divinity)

You are blessed and can use Lightning magic like the Asgardian Prince Thor. Though, it isn't your divinity you can use it to a certain extent. Most powerful carrying Thor's Hammer Mjolnir.

Telepathy(LV 1)*New

You can now speak to someone telepathically. You need to level it up if you want to use it for other things.

Curse Resistance (LV 3)*Up

The more Curse Resistance you have the more you will be able to fight without a burden. Level up your Curse Resistance to LV 5 to awaken your Divinity. And LV 10 to remove all curses.

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