Leon's POV.

'Hmmm… form what I know it's Tony's weapon are usually good. Enough not to get this type of mistake. Hmm... I will just ask him.' I thought.

Tony was now talking with Rhodey. I approached them.

"Ahh…Sorry to disturb you but… You know… it's about the twin's father..." I asked Tony.

"Yes…" with a sadness in his voice. "That was... Sigh… I really regret my past choices." He added.

"I was actually first to know when it all happened," Rhodey said. So he also knows. 'Well, he does work for the military.'

"This kind of mistake was our first and last. One of the missiles misdirected… It's just that… it wasn't supposed to happen." Rhodey said with a little frustration in his voice.

"No, it's my mistake." Said Tony. Clenching his fist.

"Wait… What wasn't supposed to happen?" Leon asked quickly.

"Well… It's just that the missile wasn't supposed to do that." Said Rhodey.

Tony tried to stop him but.

"When I checked the video feed of the operation it was at fault. It was showing us something that was impossible." Rodney finished with a complex expression.

"Tony's weapons never had any issues and one having this much of an issue."

I narrowed my eyes, "Why do you say that."

"Well, it's just not possible … The missile was getting pulled out of the way towards the town where Maximofs lived. Luckily the missile did…" Rodney was about to finish when I cut him off.

"Yes… Every weapon is made out of metal" Tony answered looking at Leon if he was a retard.

I smiled. "Hmmm… Hey Tony can you find out what the Twins father was working on before coming to Sokovia, I mean did it involve an accident or anything. If it did what was the effect. Was it related to the Scepter." I asked.

"What you think their father also had powers" Tony argued.

"Yup, It's not impossible… just do it. I might have solved the misery." I smiled.

"If it was that easy," Tony said with a sadness in his voice though his eyes showed a little hope. And if I was right then it wasn't his fault. Well, it's a pretty big burden to live with, knowing that you destroyed someone's family.

Tony took to the Holographic computer and with a few clicks, he found everything he needed to know. And what pecked his interest was that his information was saved in the Shield's old database which he had hacked and made a copy before Shield was destroyed.

Max Eisenhard & Marya Maximoff were scientists working on the scepter as an ȧssistant of Doctor. Erik Selvig. There was an accident which was private and at the same accident his wife died.

It was one of Shield or HYDRA who had control at the time made scientists experiment without giving them free choice. And it was before even Dr. Erik Selvig was head of the project working with Max.

In that fatal accident, the kids lost their mother and luckily he didn't get any huge injuries. And left the USA. And didn't contact his colleges ever again.

"Nah… I had a hunch." Leon just shrugged it off.


On the same night on the other side of New York a certain doctor had a huge accident.

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