As Tony found no traces of Ultron on the web, they were now secure.

"Guys this calls for a party…" smiled Tony.

Everyone in the room just glared at him. Making him go stiff.

"Ok… Oh Peper called…" said Tony as he left the room making a fake excuse.

Steve walked towards Wanda, Pietro, and Leon who were having a friendly conversation.

Mostly Leon was trying hard to have a conversation with Wanda. Who's English by the wasn't that good. And Pietro was bored to death but didn't say anything.

"Well you guys get along well," said Cap.

"Well, we are at the same age," Leon answered.

"And we are also basically Orphans so that helps." Scoffed Pietro (QuickSilver)

Cap just sighed. They were using the latest technology to find Max but it will still take time.

What they didn't know was that Max changed his identity to Eric after he lost his memory 3 years ago. But for someway or another Leon forgot about the information.

"I just wanted you guys to know that we will be staying with us… There is a New Avengers Base that Tony built." Cap said.

To which the twins didn't complain. They needed a place to live and Leon said he would visit from time to time.

"And do you need a place to live?" asked Cap to Leon.

"Nah… I have to patrol the streets of new work at night. Someone needs to solve the issues with low-level criminals" said Leon.

"Well, you can also do that… But we were thinking you could Join the Avengers." Said Cap.

Leon froze for a moment and jumped out of his seat, "Holly Molly… You sure… Well, this is my first job." he was freaking out from excitement.

"Well I was in Space floating around" Leon answered, to which Petro Laughed.

"Finally... What that wasn't a joke?" Pietro mostly found Leon's jokes boring unlike his sister so he thought he was still joking.

To which Leon shooke his head. Pietro opened his mouth to speak but couldn't say anything.

"And I landed here on Earth." Leon finished his story to Steve. But he did hide a few information.

'Well, Fury thought that you were the same as Thor having no records.' Stave thought smiling holding out his hand for a Handshake. "But hey welcome to the team."

With a huge grin on his face, he shook his hand.


[New Job acquired]

[Job: Hero LV: 1]

[Job description: Hero]

[You have met certain conditions to acquire this job. From now on you are a Hero. As you help people by fighting crime or saving their lives your Job Level will increase. As your Job level increases you will gain additional perks like Status points or skills]

[Title description: Avenger]

[You have met certain conditions to acquire this title. As you are now an Avenger it will help with your job 'Hero'. Giving you a 2x boost in that Job.]

Seeing the perks Leon couldn't help but smile.

[ Name: Leandros Herculesson.

Status: Normal (Only 35% of status usable)

Title: Avenger

Job: Hero LV: 1

Agility: 35

Intelligence: 16

Endurance: 289

Mana: 114

Equipment: Poisoned Daggers

Skills: Hand to hand combat (LV 5)*Up, High reflexes (LV 4), Weapons Play (LV 4)*Up, Stealth (LV 3)*up, Semi-Perfect Aim (LV 2), Tattoo-Hide (LV 1), Illusion Magic(LV 2), Conjure Magic (LV 1)*New, Breath in Space (Passive), Curse Resistance (LV 3)*Up, Lightning magic of Thor (Divinity), Telepathy(LV 1)*New

Curse/Blessings: Curse of the 12 Olympian Gods(Active), Curse of Oden(Partially Sealed), Blessings of Frigga(Active), Blessings of Hela(Active), Blessings of Thor(Fully Active when near Thor or welding Mjolnir)]

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