It was a great day for Leon. He not only got to meet the avengers but be one. Now he was a permanent member. So he was happy about that. But…

'Sigh… He still won't meet me.' Leon thought with a hint of sadness.

Thor was giving every excuse to avoid him. But Leon was not going to leave until he meets him. So he stayed in the Avenger's Tower and told Tony not to tell Thor.

As Thor landed on Avengers tower he got into the elevator to go to where Tony was. 'I must tell everyone about the coming Calamity.' Thor thought. But the elevator stopped in the middle.

Someone was getting on. And it was Leon. After Seeing him Thor became stiff.

"Ahh… Hello Uncle."

"Ahem… Yes, Leon. I wanted to ask you something." asked Thor as both of them walked out of the elevator into Tony's Workshop.


"Well before it used to be my Mom's" answered without any hesitation.

"What in the NAME OF ODIN… So you are saying this hammer was used by someone other than me? But... But..." asked Thor.

"Hey, quite it down you two." Grumbled Tony as he got out of his workshop with stains on his clothes. But we both ignored him.

"Yes… Well, I don't know why grandpa and grandma hid the truth from you?" answered Leon with a hint of sadness.

Seeing the boy sad Thor tried to convince him, "man up little man." Said Thor patting his back.

"Wait then are you older than me?" asked Thor. Leon just nodded.

"I have to return to Asgard to know it from All-father. He must have the answers." Said Thor

"Hmm… can you not do that Uncle. How about you ask him… sometime later." Replied Leon, 'Even though I want to reunite with my family… Sigh… I don't know Odin… What if he wants to kill me.' Thought Leon.

Thor looked at Leon for a few seconds and, "I don't know why but… Sigh… But Ok. It's a good thing that I know that you are not lying." Thor tried to come up with reasons to say no but found none.

"It's with me." Answered Leon.

"Good... keep it. It's the Mind Stone. It's one of the six Infinity Stones, the greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities. There are 5 more of these but I don't know about them." Thor answered seriously but shrugged at the last part.

"Wo… wo… wo, what do you mean there are 5 more of these." Asked Tony.

After that Thor shared everything about what he knew about the stones. And Leon also shared some information about the stones. But not all of it as it may cause red flags knowing stuff that you are not supposed to.

It was already evening when Leon got out of the Tower.

After Leon got out of the avenger's tower he felt better, Thor was surprisingly accepting towards him after seeing the 'future', what he likes to call his visions.

'I got this, thanks to Tony for this babe.' Leon thought as he was driving the new Custom Red Sport-Bike that Stark gave him saying, 'It's a gift for clearing up my mess.'

The bike looks like any normal Sportbike with bulky body. But it was far from it having an arc reactor & an inbuilt AI and all. Though Ultron didn't like it for some reason.

A/N: Guys sorry I have a cold and fever so this is a short chap.

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