As Leon speed up near the heist scene, he saw Spiderman who handed the bank robbers to the police. But some of the police man were pointing their firearms at him.

"Down on the ground. Your hands behind your head… NOW." Said a certain blonde police man.

Spiderman was a little injured as I saw a bullet wound.

'WTF that Idiot got shot… Sigh' Leon thought as he moved between the policeman and Spiderman.

"Hey… Hey… get out of the way. Or we will shoot." Said another as he saw Leon was standing in between them. 'And I thought that Daily Bugle wasn't that famous in this world.'

Spiderman saw me and dashed away with his web. Though some police man were shooting no bullets could hit him.

Leon just smiled. But wasn't in the best situation either. As the blonde police man came to him with angry look.

"Look here mister… You just helped an vigilantly get away."

"Hmm… Who are you... Never mind, I am with the Avengers." Said Leon with a carefree look. 'I always wanted to say that.' Though proudly but didn't show it in his face.

"Hey… you just can't say that." Said a cop breaking the silent.

And people started to agree with him. Leon just took out the badge that Tony gave him and pressed it. Which brought out a holographic image of Tony.

"What now… You just left the Tower." Grumbled Tony who looked tired as he was still checking for the remains of Ultron and upgrading his system.

"Hey… That's Tony Stark." Someone said it from the crowed. People all around grasped at it.

Tony looked at the cops and the people and smirked.

"This guy stole Stark Teck. Arrest him officers." Shouted Tony with a panicked look.

Leon hearing that almost puked out blood. The officer moved swiftly and pointed their guns at him, again.

"Hahaha… That's what you get kid… No I am just kidding. He's an Avenger. Though I wanted to have a press conference to announce that." Tony mumbled the last part.

The cops again put their gun down. And some cops even pulled out their cellphone to take pictures.

"So what's his Hero name" asked a civilian

"What's his super power, looks orderly to me." Asked a cop.


Leon just wanted to drove his bike off. But was stopped by the Blonde Cop again.

"You... really are an Avenger?"

"Yes, that's what the man said." Leon answered as he switched off the badge.

"Oh by the way, my name is George Stacy by the way." He said as he pulled out his hand for a hand shake.

'Hmm… that's why he looked familiar.' Leon though shaking his hand.

A/N: Guys I am back. I got well. And I am still weak because of the illness. So sorry for the short chap. I will start updating though not regularly. You can expect around 7 to 10 chapters per week.

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