After some time Leon was standing in front of a rundown factory that was on the out scats of New York.

"This isn't' the type of cave I wanted," Leon said looking at the rundown situation of the factory. The place was huge even considering it's a factory.

"Well, we can always take over the Stark Tower." Answered Ulton.

"You really hate stark don't you," Leon said, Ultron didn't answer.

As he got into the factory he saw around 15 Ultron bots as they were setting up the place. It will take some time to fix up this place. And money.

"Hmm… We need cash." Leon asked.

"Yes, I am taking a good amount from the Mafias," Ultron answered.

Leon was happy with the answers. He wasn't opposed to the idea of taking money from the bad people unlike someone else.

"Hmm... Hey, can you upgrade my bike? You know clear the red accent and make it green with some other features?" Leon asked Ultron.

"I will give you a better suggestion, why don't I build you a new ride a car for example. Just through that 'thing' away" answered Ultron looking at the bike with dissatisfaction.

(A/N: Guess here)


Leon was heading to the New York sanctum to meet with the Ancient one. And know about his mother or even for Odin for that matter.

'I hope I can get something useful.' Leon thought as he didn't get any information from Thor.

As he was going through New York he started thinking about his mother, it wasn't that he was not worried about her. It just felt that she was all right.

And Leon always believes his gut feelings, but he was still a little worried. It has been 3 months he had been to earth, for him at least. But for his mother it was a long time she might not even recognize him for that matter.

'Sigh… I really miss her, the last thing she gave me was the egg… the egg��'

"What happened to the EGG," Leon shouted out loud. He checked out his inventory and it was…

[ Egg of Fafnir:

Upon the death of the dragon Fafnir, his remains were caged in his egg so that he could be born anew. But it was not successful as his negative karma affected the process.

As his sins were also bounded to the egg, unless it meets a certain condition it would curse the world.]

Readin the description thorough the skill 'Appraisal' Leon's eyes grew so wide it would pop out.

"What egg?" asked Ultron as Leon was only at the gate of the factory Ultron heard Leon shouting and sent one of his bots to investigate.

"The egg that is in my inventory it is…"

"Ah... Yes, it is a dragon's egg so?" asked Ultron casually.

"It... It can eat worlds…"

"You humans don't know how Dragons came to life do you?" asked the Ultron bot.

"What… Who… How?"

"What… So you made dragons as living weapons?" Leon asked being surprised by his answer.

"NO… Sigh you humans are so weak. Oh, wait you are not… but anyway when we are still kids we made dragons to play with… you know … ponies to play with them, and ride them. But Galactus changed a few big things that let it becoming Fafnir. You know he didn't even play with it for a million or so… "

Leon opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. Well, what else do you expect the only thing that was considered one of the dangerous and fearful creators was actually considered pony to these bastards.

"It won't eat up earth would it?" asked Leon looking at the egg through the transparent inventory screen.

"Na… I also checked the egg it had a few abnormalities but the same with me the system fixed it." Answered Ultron.

"I just having headaches now," Leon said rubbing his forehead.

As Leon got on his bike and left Ultron said something, "Oh I 'forgot' to tell him it will hatch today. Fufufu... Those things are hard to deal with when they are little."

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