As Leon parked his bike in front of the New York sanctum he remembered that it was the time when Dr. Strange's story should begin. And with a quick search form the daily Google, yup he was right, Strange fell into an accident recently.

'Let's meet the Ancient one shall we.' Leon thought as he opened the door and got in.

The place was huge looking mansion decorated with beautiful decoration giving off an elegant vintage vibe.

And there was no one except the bald lady sitting on the chair with sunglasses on… wait we are inside right or… is she asleep.

'Na that can't be.' Leon thought as he casually walked towards only to hear her snoring.

"cough… cough… COUGH… waaa." 'First cough no reaction, second same, so I dialed up a notch with a loud cough only to be hanged up her weird powers.' Leon thought as he was plastered on the wall opposite to the Ancient One. Who yawned and looked at him.

The Ancient one looked at me as she took off her glass. Showing the eyebags under her eyes. She rubbed her eyes and looked at Leon again.

"Ah… low on employes?" Leon asked trying to make it less awkward. He was just happy that at least he had some superpowers coming into this world. You get thrown away from literary anything in this world.

'How did I not get notified when he came into the sanctum.' Thought the Ancient one.

"Cough… what do you want Asgardian." Asked the Ancient one.

"For one can we have a conversation the normal way, with a chai or tea maybe?" asked Leon with an awkward face.

"I apologize for the inconvenience. Hope you don't mind me asking… why are you here." Asked the Ancient one as he sat on her chair and brought a tea cattle from god knows where.

"Ah… I just wanted some help… I want to learn sorcery." Leon asked.

Leon didn't ask about Hela right away as she maybe an antagonist figure here on earth as well. So he wanted to become her student, as he remembered all sorcerers gain free access to loads on knowledge about the history and ancient language. So maybe he can find out something about it.

"Oh… Well, I am busy dealing with… some misguided students. But you can join but I will have to guide you at later dates. So self study." The Ancient one said.

She looked weak, having eye bags under her eyes. But wasn't she some powerful soccer or something. Hmm… It always felt weird that they nerfed the Ancient one and Strange way too much from the comics.

"Well, I can do that. But you look…"

"Horrible… Weak… I have been working for the past week nonstop to put a stop to a devil-worshiping cult what else do you expect." The Ancient one replied with pissed of mode.

"Ah… I can help you?" Leon asked or proposed.

"If it was that easy. The person I am looking for is…" the Ancient one looked at a certain direction and made a gate with a snap of her fingers. And went through it.

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