'Didn't that need a fling ring or something?' Leon thought as he looked at the ancient one go through the portal. And as the gate was still open Leon followed along before it closed.

Leon then saw that it was them. Kaecilius and his group of Trump… cough Dormamu followers.

And they were getting their ȧss handed to them by the Ancient one.

As Kaecilius was making the run for it Leon kicked him in his face as he smashed to the nearby wall.

"Huh take that. Magic Pants." Leon said.

The Ancient one looked at Kaecilius for a moment before dealing with the rest of them, mostly killing them. Leon was a bit uncomfortable as he saw the sight.

"Thank you for giving me a hand." The Ancient one said.

"No, it was a Leg actually," Leon answered hoping for a laugh or two.


"I kicked him… Forget it, it was a joke."

"Ahh." As if getting a revalution she figured it out.


"Damn you. Dormamu will not let you be." He shouted.

The Ancient one wanted to behead him right there but Leon held her hand.

"Wait there, lady. No need for violence. Can't we just…"

"Don't say you want to give him to the police." The Ancient one spoke as she face-palmed.

"Some people are better off dead."

"But he could change and someday come good towards society."

"No that won't happen. I saw his future he is an evil man to the bone." The Ancient one with power in her voice not moving from her decision.

"And you are still nieve give it a few time and you will also come to my answer to fighting fire with fire." She added.

"But… we shouldn't…" Leon's dramatic speech was cut off as a huge Neon Blue light came out of the inventory in front of him and gave off a fireball at the direction of the Ancient one.

She sidestepped and the Blue dark fireball hit Kicilus in his face. Burning the man in seconds.

Within a few seconds, after he got hit, Kaecilius was no more. He didn't have ay ash to remember him with.

The Ancient one raised an eyebrow, "Talk about being a hypocrite."

"No, that's… What is this." Leon saw a blue snake-like creature hanging on his shirt.

The thing was 1 foot long, resembling a blue snake with neon blue scales. It looked like a snake but if you look carefully there were 4 limbs that were on its side of the belly.

A/N: Guys sorry for not posting regularly. It's just that I have worked as most of the things are open now. But hey I have some good news, I will post a Photo Manipulation of Kratos. But I want to know where should I post it.

If you guys want I can post it on my Instagram or should I make a discord server? I don't know so I am asking for your recommendations.

And what could you guys help me come up with a NAME for the creature?

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