As the Jet landed. Tony and Leon got out.

Leon looked back at the Jet. "Where's your suit?" asked as Tony was wearing his black Tuxedo.

"Oh… it's inside the jet with Happy. If I do have to suit up cover me will ya." Tony said as he put on his blue shades and walked forward.

"And another question, I thought that we were going to the destruction site of the building. But, why are we here?" Leon asked looking at where the jet is. It's on a small Island if he was right.

"Well, I got a lead on their location. Last night a boat was hijacked and you get the rest…"

Tony pressed a few buŧŧons on his phone and a few white drones came out of the plane and scattered everywhere.

"And now we wait. Oh by the way, can I get a blood sample of that pet dragon of yours?" asked Tony.

"No" Leon answered without skipping a beat.

"Tch… Okay, don't give it to me."

Leon wasn't stupid enough to give something like that. Because in one version of the marvel universe after Thor dies tony clones him. And that version of Thor was a lot brutal. And Leon didn't want that to happen.

Tik… Tik..

"Hmm… it was sooner than expected." Tony said looking at his phone.

"First we talk…" Tony said as he started walking forward. He pushed a few buŧŧons on his phone and a different set of drones launched from the plain.

Leon looked at the drones. 'Are these drones built for the Iron-man suit?' Leon thought.

"Isn't this too cliché… Is it A secret lair or a Dungun." Tony asked looking at the cave. "after You."

Leon rolled his eyes at Tony's antiques. As Leon went inside he saw a fire but no one was there.

"Cough… we come in Piece?" Leon said putting his hand up. Tony gave a questioning look.

"Everybody says that Hun." Answered a female voice from the shadows behind.

Tony got scared and, looked at the person. She was all blue. (A/N: Sanji should meet her ????, One Piece)

From the looks it was easy to say that it was mystique. Holding a gun at Tony's head.

"You know you could point that gun on his face." Tony said with a little sweat on his forehead.

"This brings back memories… But not the good kind." Tony added.

"Tony Stark… why is a Superhero in our Humble siting." A person came from behind Mistique.

"And this is where you releal your secret plan of conquireing earth." Tony joked. "You know this is a little too cliché."

"But we didn't came here for a fight. We have to speak to a certain someone. Metal man or magnet dad or Magneto." Tony spoke.

"Another word and I will pull the trigire."

"Tony stop it. Hey we are just looking for someone by the name Max." Leon asked.

The man looked at him for a minute and pulled out his gun shot Leon on his forhead.


Leon dropped like a ragdoll. Tony was shocked and angry at the same time. He tried to pull out his phone but…

"Do anything funny and the Jet will get smashed by a Rock." Spoke another voice who came out from the shadow as well. It was Max.

"What do you want with me." Asked Max.

"At first I was going to tell you that we are here to take you to your family. But…"

"What do you know about me family, these are my family." Shouted Max.

"Aren't you too old to throw a tantrum. What type of Amishia did you have to forget about your own childern" Spoke Tony with an Angry tone.

"No… you are lying." Max said holding his forhead.

"Blink… take Max to the doctor, he needs help." Said the person who shot Leon.

Soon a Asian girl came out form a portal and took Max away. Mistique was a little worried.

"Ajax you need lets see how intolerable are you to pain." A voice came out from behind Mistique and Ajax and put his hands on the back of their head makeinga a gun sign with his figure.

It was Leon. "Now, put your hands up. Will ya."

Everyone was shocked. Tony because he could see Leon. And Mistiue and Ajax because they saw that body on the ground dissipare with green light.

"Li…" before Ajax could finish Leon charged up his head with a few volts.

"Yeah… you were saying." Leon asked with an evil grin.

"Now, miss Mystique can we get him to the doctor." Leon said grabbing his body by the neck.


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