Leon was actually not surprised when Mystique arrived, actually with his training it wasn't hard at all, so he acted normal.

But the moment he saw the man that came after Mystique, he was a little surprised. Because it was the Dead pool villain called Azax.

It wasn't that he was worried or anything. But he knew this psychopath and his way of dealing with mutants. But the question was why was Mystique, Magneto helping this lunatic

He was a little worried about Tony as he didn't have his full shit on, only his repulses on the holster. But Ajax wouldn't harm Tony because of his love for money. And he was right.

So when Ajax shot him he used his magic to fool him and he was better enough to use illusion magic to clone himself once. And that is how he got them.

"That was surprising and awesome at the same time. But don't do that." Tony said looking at Leon who had the situation under control.

"So, Miss. Can you tell me what the hell is happening here." Tony asked Mystique.

"You got nothing to do with this so stay out of this." She shouted back.

'I have to stop this mutant uprising or what not immediately. Discrimination is the last thing we need now.' Leon thought. He was thinking that it must be something to do with the Mutant uprising. But that was far from the truth.

Mystique wanted to speak but suddenly her eyes glowed blue for a second and she stops herself.

'What the hell... Did her eyes glowed just now, Is someone controlling them or anything? And who the hell is the doctor? Is it Charles? But why would he help the bad guys?" Leon was asking himself these questions.

"You know you are the one who is on the gunpoint now. So speak now." Spoke Tony. He also knew something was wrong and called his suit, immediately. And he had put on his Repulser gloves just to be safe.

"Am I?" Mystique spoke with a smirk on her face.

And as soon as she did Two portals opened one was at the side while the other was behind Tony.

Before anyone could take Mystique or Tony. Leon shot out lightning towards the portal. And also knocked out Mystique, just to not let her escape.

The Person who wanted to grab Tony was sent back through the portal. But the other one came through. And he looked different.

He was covered with Ice from Top to Bottom. It was even hard to make out his face because of the Ice. He grabbed Mystique's hand a shot out Huge chunks of Ice towards Tony.

Even though Tony had his repulsers Leon knew it would fatally wound Tony so he tried to stop the Iceman by Punching him

Yes, while Leon saw the two portals another portal was opened at the back of Leon. And it was the Portal maker called Blink. The mutant with the ability to make portals that she can see.

And she opened a portal that connected to outside. And pushed the portal to Leon's back. And now he was outside. And the portal closed. Before he could go in.

Blinks power is simple by creating portals she could transfer herself or others to different locations. She looked like an Asian girl.

As Leon looked around he was back to the front of the cave. The Iron man Suit was going into the Cave from the drones.

Leon also ran with drones. With his fast Agility, it took only a few seconds before he was there. When he got there he saw Tony fighting the Ice-Man with his repulsers.

The Iceman didn't fight back rather he was going through the portal. And Leon was further away to stop it.

"Shit… They got away." Tony cursed. He was half wearing his Ironman suit.


A/N: Thanks for the Support Kr0n.

I release all of my chapters two days earlier there, so EXTRA Chapters. I released chapter till 5 more chapters there.

And it would mean a lot if you guys joined.

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