"Well, yes, this manor is so big, in fact, you should raise a few more dogs. I heard before that a good dog is even more useful than a person. You are so big, and you will have to raise cattle and sheep in the future. Yes, more care is inevitable."

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, his mother also spoke up here.

"You big black dog is quite beautiful, but this bitch, why is it so gray, it doesn't look like a dog..."

At this time, Zhuo Rong's father also asked hesitantly.

"Hey, as expected of you, old man, your eyes are poisonous. This is actually not a dog, but a wolf. It is Fudou's wife. I became attached to Fudou. There is also a story. I went to the village for a drink that day. When I came back, it happened to be I met the injured one, and then saved it, and it also knew how to be grateful. Since then, it has been here to help me watch the gate at night..."

Looking at his father's gaze, Zhuo Rong also started talking with a smile.

But after he said Ashes were wolves, it was obvious that Zhuo Rong's parents were taken aback.

Because in their cognition, wolves cannot be kept as pets.

Well, it’s not only their cognition, but normal people cannot keep wolves as pets. This kind of wild and untamed creature will attack humans even if it is raised from childhood. This is engraved in They are in the bones.

It took human ancestors thousands, even tens of thousands of years to tame wolves into dogs.

Even if the technology is advanced now, if you want to tame it, it will definitely not be achieved in a short time.

But they didn't panic when they saw Zhuo Rong, it must be that their son had other means.

Then they heard the story between Zhuo Rong and Fu Dou.

I have to say, from their point of view, this fight is really kind and righteous, and the most important thing is that it is very smart.

And after confirming that Zhuo Rong's ashes will not attack people, they are actually still very curious about wolves.

I always look at them from time to time, but Fudou and Ashes will not easily touch humans, even if these two humans have their familiar smell (the smell of Zhuo Rong), they will not overdo it. close.

But they are not close, it does not mean that the four grays will not be close.

After seeing outsiders in the house, the four little guys ran over, tilted their heads and looked at Zhuo Rong's father and mother. Looking at the four cute little guys, Zhuo Rong's father pulled his hands and wanted to Touch them, and then they lie down very consciously, with their bellies turned up.

"Hey, it's no different from a puppy, it's quite fun.

While scratching them, Zhuo Rong's father laughed and said.

"Originally there is no difference. After all, their father is indeed a dog. Why do these words seem to be scolding... Hahahaha, stop playing, wash your hands and eat first, what they eat is in their Over there at the kennel.

Seeing his parents happy, Zhuo Rong also laughed.

He was even thinking about whether to give one of the four mixed-race little guys to his parents, but thinking about it, it's still too early, and it has to be cultivated, trained, and then placed next to his parents , not only can accompany and relieve boredom, but if there is any danger, they can also help.

But that's all after they grow up. Now these little puppies will grow up slowly under the care of Fu Dou and Ashes.

After a lunch, Zhuo Rong's parents were quite satisfied, but Zhuo Rong's mother also felt a little disappointed in her heart. These daughter-in-laws are too perfect, and it seems that they can do less and less. .

But after thinking about it, she felt a little sorry for Jia Min and the others.

These daughter-in-laws are so excellent, but they all followed her son. Hey, I get tangled up thinking about it.

In the afternoon, they followed Zhuo Rong directly to the old wharf. They also boarded Zhuo Rong's yacht for the first time and went to the sea for a round. Zhuo Rong also specially took his father to experience the fun of sea fishing .

Zhuo Rong didn't sell the fish he caught today, and planned to bring them back to his parents tomorrow.

It was already night when we returned from the sea.

A group of more than a dozen people sat in the car and arrived at home.

After eating a sumptuous dinner, they also washed up and went back to their rooms to rest.

Lying on the high-tech soft mattress, Zhuo Rong's mother looked at the ceiling, and suddenly became worried.

"Sleep!" Compared to Zhuo Rong's mother, Zhuo Rong's father was quite happy.

Today he took a lot of photos, Zhuo Rong's villa, Zhuo Rong's lunch and dinner, Zhuo Rong's yacht, the scenery when going out to sea, and the sea fish he caught. He carefully selected nine photos and posted them Looking at the rapidly increasing number of likes and comments in the circle of friends, he was really happy, and picked out some replies that he had a good relationship with.

0 · Seeking flowers 0…

After making sure there were no new comments, he was also ready to go to bed.

"Old Zhuo, are you still asleep?"

"What's the matter? Are you not tired today? Are you still not asleep?" Zhuo Rong's father also looked at her suspiciously after hearing Zhuo Rong's mother's words.

"It's okay to be tired, but I'm always a little worried."

Hearing what Zhuo Rong's father said, Zhuo Ying's mother said with some confusion.

"What else is there to worry about?" Listening to Zhuo Rong's mother's words, Zhuo Rong's father was dumbfounded.

From his point of view, his son's place is no longer a good place, but a very good place. He needs money, land and land, and his wife has fifteen beautiful beauties.

If you are willing to follow your son, what is there to worry about?

"It's like you don't have a long heart. I'm worried about these girls. It's really great. I think our son deserves one. It may be okay, but fifteen is definitely not worthy, and I I asked, these girls are all eighteen years old this year, and they are ten years younger than our son, so I am afraid that they will run away in the future..."

Looking at her old man, Zhuo Rong's mother was already worried about the future.

"Okay, don't think about it here, don't you see that the little... sixteen people are having a good time? What are you doing here, sleep, sleep!"

Listening to Zhuo Rong's father's words, Zhuo Rong's mother also looked blankly at Zhuo Rong's father, and then thought about it, indeed, I was thinking too much, who knows what will happen in the future?

At least now it seems that they are really happy, so let's not get involved.

Thinking of this, she also turned around and fell asleep.

One night passed like this, and the next day came in a blink of an eye.

Elderly people don't feel much at first, but Zhuo Rong's mother woke up around 6 o'clock the next morning, and she originally wanted to go to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone.

As a result, when I got to the kitchen, I found that Jia Min and the others had woken up early and were busy in the kitchen. After seeing this scene, I was even more convinced that Zhuo Rong's mother must let Zhuo Rong treat these things well. Sister, she really feels that her son may not be worthy of these girls five!.

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