My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 107: Going To The Magic City

"Auntie, you're up, in fact, you can sleep a little longer, we'll cook, and after Uncle and Zhuo Rong wake up, we can eat.

When Zhuo Rong's mother saw Jia Min and the others, Jia Min and the others also saw Zhuo Rong's mother at this time, so Wang Qian, who was the closest here, came over and said to Zhuo Rong's mother actively.

"It's okay, I'm used to waking up at this time in normal times, you young people sleep a lot, don't you sleep a little longer?"

After hearing what they said, Zhuo Rong's mother also asked with a smile.

"It's okay, we are used to it, besides, we prepare breakfast for Zhuo Rong, in fact, we all like it, it doesn't feel like a chore at all."

Hearing Zhuo Rong's mother ask this question, Xiao Qiao here also laughed and said.

"Oh, good boy!"

Looking at the girls in front of the big "Three Twenty" square, smiling sweetly, Zhuo Rong's mother also sighed, her stupid son, what can he do.

"Auntie, if you can't sleep, you can go outside for a walk, but it's best not to go to the swimming pool in the backyard. Zhuo Rong has a crocodile over there. Although it won't attack people, it can easily scare you.

At this time, Li Zhu came over, looked at Zhuo Rong's mother and said with a smile.

"Oh, then, I'll take a stroll!"

Hearing what Li Zhu said, Zhuo Rong's mother also followed good advice. She knew that the cooking skills of these ten girls were better than herself, a housewife who had been in cooking for a long time, so she was relieved. Add to the chaos.

Walking out the door, looking at Zhuo Rong's manor here, breathing in the fresh air that is almost hard to find in the city, Zhuo Rong's mother's original worry gradually disappeared.

She even became playful and went to the backyard to take a look at the spectacled caiman.

It really looked like a crocodile. It looked very fierce. I really didn't know what the hell my son was raising it for. After walking around the villa, Zhuo Rong's mother returned to the villa.

At this time, Zhuo Rong and his father had already woken up, washed up, and the family had breakfast.

Zhuo Rong's parents are going back today, but it will be in the afternoon. In the morning, Zhuo Rong took them around his manor.

Go and see the meadow, the cherry trees that have been planted, and the pine forest.

Not to mention anything else, just referring to the environment, Zhuo Rong is really pretty good here.

But now it seems that there is still some space. After the cattle and sheep are ready and the grain is planted, there will really be a feeling of paradise here.

At noon, I still had a good meal in Zhuo Rong's villa, and then Zhuo Rong filled his father's trunk with fruit, meat, and rice, and then Zhuo Rong's parents drove back home. Time to come in.

When they went back, they were in a much better mood, because the biggest problem at home, Zhuo Rong's marriage, they didn't have to worry about in the future.

And after Zhuo Rong's parents left, Zhuo Rong was not idle, of course, he did not leave home, he was not idle, referring to another aspect.

After all, as the old saying goes, a little goodbye is better than a newlywed, right...

Another day passed in the blink of an eye.

On the third day after the Mid-Autumn Festival, Zhuo Rong was going to go fishing in the sea today, but just before he was going to go out, Xiaocao received an email.

The email address was registered by Zhuo Rong when he was playing with penguins. Now it may not be ringing here in a year, but today it rings.

And Zhuo Rong must see it.

Because the company that sent the email was none other than Ali Company.

They invited Zhuo Rong to visit Ali's head office through official channels. Of course, this is also the meaning of the President of Malaysia. Zhuo Rong holds 5% of the shares of Ali Group in his hand, 5%. , this is not a small sum.

You must know that in the Ali Group, the two foreign venture capital companies that currently hold the most shares are naturally the two foreign venture capital companies, the hard gold of the island country, and Omao.

Although the holdings have been continuously reduced in recent years, Hard Gold still holds 24.9% of the shares.

However, although they have equity, these venture capital companies have no operating and voting rights, and they are just simply dividends.

Among the people with voting rights, the Malaysian President is naturally the largest, currently holding 4.8% of the shares, and Cai holds 1.6% of the shares.

There was nothing wrong with it originally, but the problem was that the shares in Qin Shuhua's hands were originally held by the Qin family, but now the 5% was transferred to an individual, namely Zhuo Rong0.

In this case, Zhuo Rong instantly became the largest natural person shareholder of Ali Group.

This made the people above Ali a little shaken.

Because they didn't know exactly what Zhuo Rong was here for.

It would be okay if he didn't participate in the management and only paid dividends like the Qin family in the past, but if he wanted to participate in the management, the situation would be bad.

It can be said that as soon as the transaction was concluded, the senior management of Ali Group was guessing what Zhuo Rong was going to do, but unfortunately, Zhuo Rong has not made any movement.

Zhuo Rong didn't care about it, but they felt like they were sitting on pins and needles.

Finally, today, after the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, they couldn't sit still, and in the name of the company, they sent an invitation letter, wanting to invite Zhuo Rong to visit the company.

In fact, the main purpose is to follow Zhuo Rong's words and see how Zhuo Rong arranges for the company. Seeing this serious matter, Zhuo Rong has no choice but to terminate his plan to go fishing in the sea

"You three come with me, and the others will look after the house."

After receiving Xiao Zhuo's message, Zhuo Rong thought for a while, this matter will have to be resolved sooner or later, and the festival will be over in a few days, so it's better to settle this matter before the festival.

So he told Yang Qian, Yang Sitian, and Guo Xiang that the three of them would go with Zhuo Rong, and the rest of them would stay at 1.9's house.

Directly through Xiao Zhuo, I bought four first-class air tickets, and Zhuo Rong and the others drove to the airport. To be honest, this was the first time for Zhuo Rong to fly first-class, but first-class also had to be in VIP Waiting for the plane in the lounge.

While Zhuo Rong and the others were sitting here drinking drinks and waiting to board the plane, naturally Yang Qian and the others' looks also attracted the attention of many people.

There was a middle-aged uncle who looked like a successful person. He ran to Zhuo Rong and the others at some point, answered the phone loudly, and said that he wanted to buy an airplane. In order to come over and pretend to be 13, I want to attract Yang Qian and the others' attention.

However, Yang Qian and the others would naturally ignore him, but his words successfully attracted Zhuo Rong's attention, buying a plane... seems to be okay!.

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