My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 113: The Scum's Thoughts

"Mr. Ma, I have admired your name for a long time. When I saw you today, you are really extraordinary. You are the beacon of our young people, the target we are chasing after!"

Suppressing the horror in his heart, Li Zhenxing here also started his main purpose of coming here, which is to flatter the President of Malaysia.

In fact, Da Ma always doesn't know that he is flattering, but as the old saying goes, if you don't wear flattery, as long as you don't pat on the horse's legs, then it's not a big problem.

"Hehe, the lighthouse is not considered as a target, but it is not a good thing to target me. In fact, you should target Mr. Zhuo."

Hearing Li Zhenxing's words, Mr. Da Ma was really not angry, and turned his head to give Zhuo Rong a lift.

"This Mr. Zhuo is..."

As soon as he heard President Malaysia's words, Peter Foster here immediately asked.

"Let me introduce, this Mr. Zhuo is the largest natural person shareholder of our group." Hearing what Peter Foster said, a company executive next to him also introduced it with a smile.

After all, it is a listed company, so there will be announcements and materials for changes in the top management.

Zhuo Rong's identity had already been on the company's network this afternoon, so even if he didn't introduce it, as long as someone with a heart checks, he can still find Zhuo Rong. 01

Hearing that Zhuo Rong turned out to be the largest natural person shareholder of Ali Group, Peter Foster and Li Zhenxing couldn't help but gasped.

Especially Li Zhenxing, he had already thought about Zhuo Rong's various identities, but he never thought that Zhuo Rong would have such an identity and relationship.

Ali Group's largest natural person shareholder


Why is it him and not me!

Well, people like Li Zhenxing will not be convinced, nor will they self-criticize. In his view, it is absolutely impossible for him to be wrong in the whole world.

If he is not as powerful as the other party, then it is only possible that God is unfair.

For example, if the other party is a rich second generation and you are not, this is God's injustice.

At this moment, in his opinion, Zhuo Rong should be the rich second generation, but when he was in school, he was very low-key, so he didn't know it.

A sharp light flashed in his eyes.

But it was quickly hidden by him.

Then he greeted Zhuo Rong with a smile, but unfortunately, Zhuo Rong caught his stern light. In fact, even without that stern light, Zhuo Rong would not let Li Zhenxing take advantage of any loopholes.

This guy, Zhuo Rong, didn't have any affection for him from the very beginning.

Even if he wanted to come here to please him, he would never accept it.

This Peter Foster and Li Zhenxing are just here to toast, so naturally they can't stay here for a long time, so after drinking tea instead of wine, Zhuo Rong doesn't seem to want to pay attention to them, they also He retreated by himself.

After they left, Mr. Yin Ma also looked at Zhuo Rong.

"Mr. Zhuo knows them?"

Although the time with Zhuo Rong is not long, Da Ma always knows that Zhuo Rong is a person who can live on the scene, so it is not his usual style that he was so indifferent just now, it should be because he knows this person One of the two.

"Well, that Li Zhenxing is my junior high school classmate. This person may have no problem with his ability, but his character is too big. I don't want to have anything to do with him."

Taking a sip of the tea in front of him lightly, Zhuo Rong also looked at President Da Ma and said.

"Oh?" Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Mr. Da Ma also looked at Zhuo Rong with doubts. Did they want to pay attention to others behind their backs, but the matter of character, which really needs to be carefully considered

Looking at President Ma's eyes, Zhuo Rong also briefly explained what Li Zhenxing had done. After hearing that Li Zhenxing had abandoned his wife, son, and even his parents, the top executives here couldn't help frowning.

Although a businessman says that there is no evil and no business, if a businessman does not even have the bottom line of the most basic life, it will be really difficult for people to cooperate with him.

Li Zhenxing here naturally didn't know that after Zhuo Rong left, he revealed all his bad things. At this time, after he returned to their box, Peter Foster also asked Li Zhenxing what happened just now thing.

He took him to see Mr. Ma, not to see him in a daze. He was like this just now, but it made this Peter Foster very passive.

"Boss, I'm sorry, I was really surprised just now. That Mr. Zhuo is actually my former classmate." Hearing Peter Foster's words, Li Zhenxing said immediately.

"Oh? Are you classmates with that Mr. Zhuo?" Hearing what Li Zhenxing said, Peter Foster's eyes lit up instantly.

The reason why he dug a hole today to meet President Da Ma was to open up his contacts, but in fact, the most important thing was that he wanted to get Ali's capital injection, and then go public to collect money, but only relying on He and Da Ma have always met in person, which is obviously not good.

But if Li Zhenxing and Zhuo Rong, the major shareholder, are classmates, then Zhuo Rong's strength in Ali can be imagined.

"Well, he is a classmate, and he has a very good relationship. He is here in Shanghai, and there is a Longtengjiayuan community. I have been living with him since I returned to China. Didn't I also save some money not long ago? Thinking about it I can't always take advantage of my old classmates, so I moved out."

I have to say that Li Zhenxing's ability to make up nonsense is really good.

Hearing what Li Zhenxing said, the boss became even more enthusiastic about him.

Because the boss of 767 knew about his move, and because of this, Li Zhenxing asked for a three-day leave. He was not very willing at the beginning, but now it seems that this leave is a good one!

"Zhenxing, you know about the listing of the company. Since Mr. Zhuo is your classmate, please help me out. If the company is successfully listed, I will give you one-thousandth of the shares!"

Patting Li Zhenxing on the shoulder, the boss here said earnestly.

After hearing his words, Li Zhenxing also nodded with a smile, but in his heart he was already thinking about how to persuade him to bring him the capital injection.

But think about it, the relationship between Zhuo Rong and Yang Sheng is better, they obviously don't care about themselves, if Zhuo Rong can't make sense here, then they have to start with the people around Zhuo Rong.

Suddenly, he thought of the three girls around Zhuo Rong today.

That beautiful face, although sitting, but still an exaggerated figure, and most importantly, that look of not getting deep into things, made him can't help but move his mind.

Sure enough, Qin Shuhua's assistant was right in guessing that some people would make their minds on the women around Zhuo Rong, but for them, Zhuo Rong has a hundred and twenty hearts

Li Zhenxing's idea is bound to only steal chickens and lose money!

And with Zhuo Rong's cautious attitude, it is very likely that he will not be able to make trouble this time. .

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