My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 114: Cows And Sheep Flock

After meeting Mr. Da Ma, Zhuo Rong left the next day.

It is true that there is nothing to stay in Shanghai, Zhuo Rong is already feeling homesick.

But after returning home, he still needs to take a plane to the imperial capital. There are still three sets of courtyard houses in the imperial capital that he needs to take over and check.

I stayed in the imperial capital for another day, and it was okay to look at the house.

Just check carefully after you go there, but Zhuo Rong is very happy to eat here in the imperial capital, boiled mutton, this way of eating, used to be eaten in Zhuo Rong's house.

But he knows that different sheep have different tastes.

In the serious mutton restaurant in the imperial capital, the mutton used is the Ujimqin sheep from Mongolia.

Facts have proved that this kind of hot-boiled mutton is indeed the best.

Taking this opportunity, Zhuo Rong also checked the breed of sheep and so on.

Because after he goes back, he will start to prepare for raising cattle, sheep, and pigs.

In China, in addition to regional characteristics, the recognized best mutton, the top three, are Jingyuan sheep in Gansu Province, Yanchitan sheep in Ningxia Province [and Ujumya in Mongolia.

However, although these three kinds of mutton are said to be among the top three, they are eaten differently.

Although Jingyuan lamb ranks first, this kind of lamb is actually not particularly suitable for roasting, nor is it suitable for rinsing. It is the most delicious, and the most suitable way to eat it is to boil it. The hand-picked mutton tastes pretty good.

Yanchitan mutton is suitable for stewing. The stewed mutton is soft and sweet, and the taste is also superb.

Ujumqin sheep is suitable for shabu-shabu, and it is the best material for mutton shabu-shabu.

Although they are all made with water, the method is very particular.

Like the current mutton, the future mutton will also be divided into many varieties.

After Zhuo Rong had a meal of boiled mutton, when he returned to one of his courtyard houses to rest, he was thinking about going back to buy cattle and sheep.

Originally, he was planning to go back to the open sea to go fishing.

As a result, Yuan Tianqing told him early this morning that the typhoon had come again, and he couldn't go out to sea for the past few days.

So he can just go back and solve the problem of life.

While reading the introduction on the website, Zhuo Rong spent the night in the imperial capital. Early the next morning, he took a taxi and brought Yang Qian, Yang Sitian and Guo Xiang back to his hometown by plane. When leaving the airport, Jia Min and the others drove over to pick them up.

After returning home, it was natural that Xiao Biesheng was newly married again. After playing at home for an afternoon, Zhuo Rong finally remembered to get down to business.

"You think it's better for me to raise cattle and sheep~!"

While speaking, Zhuo Rong asked Jia Min and the others.

"This, we don't know too well, or you can buy some sisters who are good at farming and animal husbandry!" Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Lin Xiaoqiao also said with a smile

Good guy, these girls want to recruit more sisters back every day, how can there be such a...

"You don't know how to raise, why don't you know how to do it, hurry up, don't make any more monsters." Now there are fifteen girls around, Zhuo Rong feels that he can't bear it, if he comes again... Well, he is a little moved, but his body is not good.

"Well, I think I have bought four kinds of mutton in the past few days. They are Han sheep, a specialty of Pluto, Keke sheep, a specialty of Mars, and grass sheep and sea sheep, a specialty of Earth."

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Gao Wen here thought for a while, and then spoke.

These days, she is basically the one who cooks mutton, so she is more familiar with it.

It has to be said that people named them casually after a thousand years. This should be related to the lost history. These sheep are basically called wherever they were born.

"Han mutton is firm in quality, not smelly, and it is best eaten when grilled. Keke mutton is soft and tender, suitable for cooking and rinsing, and has strong adaptability. Moreover, the most important thing is that grass sheep has the largest body and the most adaptable ability." Poor. It has high requirements for food. It is also called noble sheep. It is indeed the most expensive kind, but it also tastes the best. It is more versatile. Because sea sheep are brought out in coastal areas, they have a special Fresh and sweet, fresh is the best."

At this time, Ding Jianguo was also thinking about talking beside him.

"Why don't we just buy some of the same?"

"No, these sheep live in different environments. If we want to rebuild them, we need to renovate the pasture. The loss outweighs the gain. In fact, we can directly raise grass sheep. Although this kind of sheep has high requirements and is difficult to raise, but its own The taste is the best, and it is more versatile, besides, we don’t raise many, this pasture is enough for them to grow.”

Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Wang Qian over here shook her head and explained something.

Seeing what Wang Qian said, Zhuo Rong also nodded. For large-scale raising, grass sheep is definitely not the best choice, but if you compare it, raising grass sheep can indeed save a lot of work, and raising it yourself is also cheaper. Not many, a thousand are affordable.

That’s fine, let’s raise grass sheep for sheep, what about cattle?”

Nodding his head, Zhuo Rong looked at these people and asked about the cattle.

Compared with mutton, the domestic situation of beef is not so good.

The top mutton in the world is basically ranked first in China.

But beef, except for one Luxi yellow cattle in China, there are really no rare breeds of other cattle.

Some people will say that all kinds of these things are fried.

But in fact, it is not the case. Good beef and bad beef can be eaten as soon as you eat it.

Take buffalo beef for example. This kind of beef is unpalatable. Any kind of buffalo is not tasty. The beef is rough and hard to chew. "The only uses are farming and making leather goods.

So good beef is basically the meat of yellow cattle, but there are not many famous ones in China.

But in the future, there will be no such titles as Wagyu and Angus cattle.

In the future, there will be more than a dozen types of beef cattle, but the top ones (Wang Wang Zhao) will only be those types.

"My idea is to raise Qingsong beasts. The taste of this kind of cattle is relatively average, and the most important thing is that the meat quality is really good, so it's easy to raise."

Hearing Zhuo Rong's question, Li Ke also spoke up.

Qingsong Beast, this is the name of a beef cattle in the future, because the hair on its body is as long as the needles of a pine tree, hard and sharp, and the whole body is blue and black, hence the name

This is also a hybrid beef cattle breed, which has obvious advantages in itself. It grows big, grows fast, is resistant to rough feeding, and does not require too many people to manage it.

Bulls can grow up to 1800 kg, which is 1.8 tons, and cows can grow up to 1300 kg, and the meat yield can reach about 72%.

And even positions such as the shoulder of the cow can still kill the snow pattern.

So this kind of beef cattle will be very popular in the future, and for Zhuo Rong, this kind of life is also very suitable.

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