Zhuge Liang once said: Whoever realizes the big dream first, I know it all my life. The thatched cottage is full of sleep in spring, and the sun is getting late outside the window.

The next day, when Zhuo Rong woke up, it was already late outside the window.

But looking at the cloudy sky, it's too late, anyway, I'm not in a hurry.

After getting up in the morning and having breakfast, Zhuo Rong went to the pasture.

After asking Xiaozhuo to block himself here so as not to attract anyone's attention, Zhuo Rong opened the platform and began to study the problem of the multifunctional barn.

Here on the platform, there are many stores that sell this item, but Zhuo Rong deliberately found a store that can customize the appearance, after all, the items in the future will look too weird.

If it is released suddenly, it is difficult not to attract the attention of others.

So he would rather spend more money and get one that looks normal.

Never mind, soon he found one.

This seller specializes in selling a personalized version of the multifunctional barn.

It is not more expensive than other houses, one only costs 300,100, and the 1,000 is the renovation fee, so I directly ordered fifty-five barns here.

Ten of them are for cattle, forty are for sheep, and five are for pigs.

After the request was finished, the other party called the designed barn not long after.

From the outside, these barns are no different from ordinary bungalows, but inside they are unique.

Each barn has many separate rooms, one animal is placed in each room, there are ten rooms for cows and pigs, and twenty-five rooms for sheep.

Each small room will be automatically cleaned and ventilated at any time, and it also has automatic heat preservation and moisturizing functions inside. It is really more comfortable to live in than the current house...

Every morning and evening, the cattle, sheep, and pigs are groomed, the health of the cattle, sheep, and pigs is checked, and regular baths are also taken.

As for mosquitoes and the like, this uses the ability of bionics, and any insects will not approach these cowsheds, and this technology is also used in Zhuo Rong's villa.

So now in autumn, those big mosquitoes that are poisonous now, at the end of their lives, causing infinite waves, are almost invisible from Zhuo Rong's side.

Maybe there are some corners, but not in places where people often move.

The manure of these animals will be automatically decomposed by these barns, and then poured into the nearby land to make the pasture here grow better.

After the order was submitted, (abab) 16,555,000 yuan disappeared from Zhuo Rong's future account, but the other party was very fast, and within half an hour, he had already told Zhuo Rong that the delivery was ready, and Zhuo Rong Under Xiaozhuo's arrangement, these fifty-five small bungalows were placed around the pasture. As these small bungalows were put down, they also began to automatically connect to the water pipes of Rong Rong. Don't worry about electricity, these small bungalows The bungalows were given nuclear fission batteries.

It is estimated that before Zhuo Rong's death, this battery will not be broken or used up.

After the fifty-five small sheds were completed, Zhuo Rong also began to buy cattle, sheep, and pigs. The ones with milk, which have been tested by the system, have no problems at all, one hundred.

Then the sheep are grass sheep, 1,000 heads. As for the pigs, what Zhuo Rong bought is also a breed in the future. This breed is called Snow Diamond.

Because this kind of pig is a large white pig, but different from the current big white pig, the hair of this kind of pig itself is white, and it is cold-resistant and not heat-resistant.

According to Yang Tao and the others, these pigs were specially bred on Pluto in the past. They don’t grow fast, but they have an advantage. Although they grow slowly on Pluto, the meat quality is very good. Zhuo Rong raised these things mainly for his own food, so he picked the best tasting ones.

This is true of grass sheep, and so is drilling in snow.

The calf of Qingsong Beast, a three-month-old half-pile calf, sells for an average of 6,000 yuan a piece, and one hundred is 600,000 yuan. Compared with the cost of equipment, this is a small amount of money.

The price of grass sheep and calf is about 1,100 yuan for one, and 1.1 million for 1,000.

Drilling in the snow, the price of piglets is around 800 yuan for one, and only 40,000 yuan for 50 piglets, which is the cheapest among all animals.

After Zhuo Rong bought all these things and delivered them in batches, to be honest, even with the high-tech barn, Zhuo Rong and the others were still busy for a long time.

It has to be said that the cows, sheep, and pigs a thousand years ago did not become humans, and their IQs were still the same. When they were teleported, these guys made a fuss.

Fortunately, Zhuo Rong has a lot of people here now, there are sixteen of them, and all of them are strong.

So Zhuo Rong didn't have any problems in catching these guys.

When he locked these guys into their respective sheds, it was almost dark.

After going back very tired and having dinner, Zhuo Rong went to wash up. At this time, he could see the importance of Yang Wu and Cheng Jingjing. The massage techniques of these two girls were quite professional, which made Zhuo Rong relieved quickly. Tired of the day.

After one night, Zhuo Rong was not idle the next day, and he had to go to the barn to check on the conditions of the animals.

After yesterday's day, plus a night's rest, the state of these animals is much better, at least not as panicked as yesterday.

Zhuo Rong squatted in the barn, checked a sample, and had to say that the future breeding technology is really strong, and the body of these animals is quite good.

The eyes are bright, the hair is neat, and there is no peculiar smell on the body, which is very clean.

"This guy, if I don't mention it, I would think these guys are pets, not something to eat!" Looking at the cute calves, cute lambs, and... the cheap little ones Zhuo Rong couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

To be honest, Zhuo Rong doesn't plan to look at these small animals for too long, because the animals are very cute when they are small, and if they look pleasing to the eye, he will not be willing to eat them at that time.

When he came out of these barns, he saw Fu Dou's family lying in the distance looking at these barns, especially Ashes, whose saliva was about to flow out.

"Tell you, you will be responsible for releasing them in the future. They are not your rations. Uh, after killing them in the future, it will be a big deal for you, but you are not allowed to catch and eat them privately, or I will eat dog meat!"

Seeing the appearance of Ashes, Zhuo Rong walked over, kicked it, and warned it at the same time.

"Wow!" Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Ashes also yelled, and then clumsily waved its big tail. The effect of the elixir was quite domineering. It obviously understood it, but it would take a while to understand it. If you don't do it, then no one will know....

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