My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 116: Exploring The Far Sea Again

For the next few days, Zhuo Rong stayed at home.

Because the newly arrived cattle and sheep really need to get used to it.

Originally, Jia Min and the others didn't care whether Zhuo Rong was at home, and he was busy at home when he went out. After all, it was their dereliction of duty to let the master work with them.

But Zhuo Rong is willing, then they have nothing to say, but feel sweet in their hearts. In fact, biochemical people should not have such emotions, but they still have them, and they feel so good.

After a few days of familiarization, Zhuo Rong's cows, sheep, and pigs have basically adapted to the conditions in his home. Every morning at eight o'clock, the cowshed, sheep pen, and pig pen will open the doors to let these guys They went out to forage for fresh grass.

Then at night, they also know to go back to their room to rest.

At the beginning, Zhuo Rong and the others may need to watch, but they don’t need to watch specifically, because if two animals enter a circle, the circle will remind Zhuo Rong and them, and then tell Zhuo Rong and the others to take the extra animals. That one is captured, and it will be marked as an 'intruder' and which room to capture.

After a few days, these simple-minded little guys have gotten used to their positions.

And Zhuo Rong and the others were not as busy as they were a few days ago, and at this time, the typhoon that had been blowing had gradually subsided.

Now the typhoon is rubbing Yanhuang's side and flying directly to South Koryo. It's already sunny here, so Zhuo Rong's sea fishing trip has been stranded for a long time, and he is ready to officially launch a new one.

The online store is just like the host of the live broadcast, or the UP host of the updated video-.

If it has been in a half-dead state, it must gradually become cold.

Zhuo Rong doesn't say that there is a new update every day, but at least the time interval is not too long.

So early this morning, after making home arrangements, Zhuo Rong took Carambola and Qiu Xiaoxiao and drove to the old pier. Today he is going to the new one.

And if possible, he is ready to broadcast live again.

After driving, they soon came to the old pier. During Zhuo Rong's walk these days, the yachts on the old pier have been taken care of by Cao Min and the others.

So Zhuo Rong doesn't have to worry about whether the boat will be damaged or whether it is safe or not. Basically, two of them will come to check every day, check the engine, the bottom of the boat, etc., and make sure there is no problem, and they can sail at any time.

So after Zhuo Rong boarded the boat, he just started the boat and left.

Driving a boat is the same as driving a car, and you need a 'driver's license', but Zhuo Rong doesn't have one, so you have to drive with Carambola and the others.

According to the coordinates obtained from Kangle, Zhuo Rong soon came to the open sea.

As long as he is the only one, his boat can drive extremely fast. Xiao Zhuo can naturally solve the satellite and radar problems, but the human eye can't solve it, so if he detects that someone nearby can see him, Carambola They will slow the boat down.

But even so, the speed is extremely fast.

When others go fishing in the open sea, they leave at four o'clock in the morning, and if they can arrive at eight o'clock, they will be fast.

But Zhuo Rong leaves at seven in the morning, and can reach the fishing spot before nine.

This time the position they picked was also a position where no one was there.

When the sonar is scanned, the number of fish below also appears on the monitor. Just like modern times, sonar scanning is allowed in the future, but underwater cameras are not allowed to kill fish. It’s just a thousand years later. Sonar, finer, and more precise.

After roughly confirming the location of the school of fish, Zhuo Rong went to the nest first, and then began to prepare the fishing rod. When Yuwu was ready, he also turned on the live broadcast option.

"Hello, everyone in the live broadcast room, we meet again."

As the news that Zhuo Rong started broadcasting popped up, thousands of accounts flooded into his live broadcast room in an instant, and as soon as Zhuo Rong spoke, these accounts also started talking.

"Wow, shopkeeper, you are still alive!"

"Shopkeeper, you don't have to be particular about it, it's been almost a week since the last time you delivered the goods."

"That's right, we thought you were exposed and killed by those fishing giants!"

"The shopkeeper is indeed very powerful, because I also received news that the big boss of the fishing company felt that you were breaking the industry rules, and was already looking for you. Didn't you find it?"

"Shopkeeper, what a blessing!"

Looking at the rolling barrage on the screen projected by Xiao Zhuo, Zhuo Rong also smiled.

Compared to saying that some big boss is looking for his own problems [the car industry is not worried at all.

Because of these big guys, no matter what, it is impossible to travel back to a thousand years ago to kill themselves.

It was also an accident that he got this platform system himself. He also asked Xiao Zhuo what was going on, but Xiao Zhuo didn't know. He only knew that this situation was extremely accidental and absolutely impossible to become the norm, so he was not worried at all. The other party will threaten themselves.

0 looking for flowers...

Let alone the humans in the solar system, even in the Milky Way, no, the bosses in the universe want to find themselves, but they can't find them...

Rong was actually more worried about the fact that he hadn't sold anything for a long time than that some big boss wanted to find him.

It seems that the last time he sold something was two days before the Mid-Autumn Festival.

That day he went to dig a lot of crabs, caught a lot of jumping fish, and sold these things after returning home. Then, the day before the Mid-Autumn Festival, he went home after picking up the things, and met his mother. Give him a wonderful story about a blind date.

Then he didn’t come back on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Two days after the Mid-Autumn Festival, his parents stayed at his house to see their daughters-in-law. As soon as the parents left, Ali sent out an invitation letter.

Then he went to Ali's place again, stayed in Shanghai for two days, and stayed in the capital for one day, and then came back. Before he knew it, eight or nine days had passed.

It has been more than a week, and it seems that the buyers in these stores of mine are concerned about whether they have been killed, and it is understandable.

"Everyone, don't worry, since I opened a store, I am naturally not afraid of them coming to trouble me. It is true that there are some things in the real world that have not been live broadcast these days, but they have been resolved now, and I should still be there every few days in the future. There will be a new day."

Seeing the people pouring into the live broadcast room, Zhuo Rong also laughed and said.

And at this time, his fishing rod is also installed, since this is the case, there is nothing to say, let's start fishing directly!

In the eyes of everyone in the live broadcast room, Zhuo Rong also threw the fishhook in his hand into the sea.

As the lead pendant quickly ran down with the fishing line, Zhuo Rong was also watching the depth of the sea, but unfortunately, the fish here, just after the typhoon, are actually hungry.

There was no chance for Zhuo Rong to sink the hook to the bottom. When he was about 60 meters underwater, suddenly a black shadow flashed across the reef and bit Zhu Rong's hook directly. Today's first tail, let's go!

big big big big big big

My dad was out of the ICU yesterday, his condition is stable, and I was replaced, but I don’t think he will be able to stay for a few days, so I have to go in and take a look at it, so hurry up and write these days, but fortunately, the person was rescued, so the problem is not big! This is also a good thing. .

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