My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 117: The First Protective Fish

"On the fish!"

As Zhuo Rong felt that the fish was hooked, he immediately lifted it and stabbed it, and the feeling that the fish was caught on the hook also came from his hand.

Then Zhuo Rong began to lift the fish up slowly at an even speed. It was more than 60 meters. If it is too fast, the fish fat will be fried directly, and it is useless to have a pressurized chamber.

So what Zhuo Rong mentioned is okay, not very fast.

As the first fish arrived on the boat, Zhuo Rong also picked up the fish. When he saw the fish, Zhuo Rong recognized it.

"Pepper sea also good."

Looking at the big fish in front of him, Zhuo Rong said with a smile.

Pepper bream, as soon as you hear the name, you know that it is a member of the bream family. This fish is not too expensive in the wild. It is about 120 pounds per catty locally. In the future, it can be sold for 15,000 pounds per catty Around, this fish weighs about six catties, which is 90,000 yuan, well, it’s actually a lot.

Seeing that the fish swallowed dead, Zhuo Rong directly burned the fishing line, then threw the fish into the pressurized tank to ensure it was alive, and then re-hooked and threw it into the sea.

"As expected of the shop owner, other shops may not catch a single fish for a month, but the shop owner will catch a fish now!"

"It's too exaggerated. Now I seriously suspect that the magic worms used by the shopkeeper are not the same as ours. Otherwise, why would my magic worms eat these fish?"

"Ahead, technical issues..."

"Fuck, I'm the 735th champion of Earth Speed ​​Fishing, do you think I have a problem with my skills?"

"Speed ​​fishing is all about fishing in pits full of fish. What's the point of being a champion here? If you have the ability to catch some big fish in the wild! You don't need to be like a shopkeeper, fishing in the sea or in the river. Anything in here will do."

"That's right, anything from the reservoir will do!"


While watching the fishhook sink, Zhuo Rong also looked at the conversation of these people on the barrage, but their conversation really made Zhuo Rong stunned for a moment.

He remembered that he had seen it before. There were freshwater wild fish sold on this website. Although the price was not as exaggerated as sea fish, it was definitely not cheap.

A wild carp can be sold for between 3,500 and 5,000 per catty, which is actually more than a thousand times more expensive than farmed carp.

But compared with the wild ones, it’s not an exaggeration, because the wild fish here in Zhuo Rong are also classified into three or six grades. If it’s pure wild fish from the river estuary, the most expensive fish is like mandarin fish. Fish and the like can even be sold for more than one hundred catties.

No worse than wild yellow wings or something.

But if it's from Lingquan Lake or a reservoir, it costs about a dozen yuan a catty.

Because these fish are not purely wild. The fish in the reservoir must have been put in it when someone raised fish in the past, and the fish in Lingquan Lake may have escaped from the fish farm.

But it doesn't matter if it's wild or not, because the system can detect it.

He sells the wild ones on the Internet, and he keeps the wild ones for himself to eat, or put them in the small river in his manor.

The most important thing is that if the freshwater fish can sell well, then Zhuo Rong can give it a try. After all, the sky on the sea is too bad.

He can't go to the sea when the wind is blowing, he can't go to the sea when it's raining, and he can't even go to the sea when the tide is wrong. On days when he can't go to the sea, he can go to Danshui to play, which is also a good choice.

While thinking, Zhuo Rong's hook sank again. This time, there was no fish hook until the end, but not long after reaching the bottom, Zhuo Rong suddenly felt his hand sink, and he lifted it subconsciously. , Once stabbed, you will know that you have caught the fish.

Moreover, this fish is much bigger than the pepper snapper just now, and it can even compete with the green spot that weighs several tens of catties that he caught at the beginning. Thinking of this, Zhuo Rong also started to press the electric winch, slowly Slowly and carefully pull the fish up.

The more he pulled, the bigger the fish became. When there were more than ten meters left in the water, Zhuo Rong even felt that the fish was even bigger than the big eel he caught at the beginning.

You must know that the white eel is a giant that weighs more than a hundred catties. Could it be that this time it is also a giant that weighs more than a hundred catties? For a while, he also began to think in his mind, what kind of fish can exceed a hundred catties, after much deliberation , besides the shark, Grouper also thought of the Dragon Tomb.

In fact, besides the giant grouper, there are many other groupers that can weigh more than 100 jin, such as the Eastern Pacific grouper, which is the giant grouper, and the Atlantic Goliath grouper, which can easily weigh more than 100 jin. giant grouper.

But these two kinds of grouper are not found in China, so it is most likely to be Long grouper 0.

But when Zhuo Rong pulled the fish to the surface, he realized something was wrong.

Because this fish... is turquoise.

"Warning, warning, warning, the fish that the owner caught is the corrugated lip fish, which is a second-class protected animal in the country." When seeing this fish, the car also started to send messages to Che Rong.

After seeing this message, Zhuo Rong was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed.

Corrugated lip fish, this is its scientific name, its nickname is Sumei fish, and it is known as the top quality of Cantonese fish dishes. Before this kind of fish was not listed as a protected animal, the price of a catty was as high as 2,000 soft sister coins .

But now there is no price, because it is against the law to eat this animal and catch it. Although it does not belong to the category of prison animals, it is also a second-class protected animal.

What's more, the fish that Zhuo Rong caught was not small, almost weighing more than 100 catties. It was obviously an adult fish that had grown up and could lay eggs and mate.

Such fish cannot be caught even more.

"Damn, corrugated lip fish..."

"Su Mei?"

"Isn't this fish said to be extinct?"

"It's not extinct, but I remember the last time it appeared, it seemed to be four or five years ago.

"This should be considered a living fossil fish!"

"Shopkeeper, is this fish for sale?"

"Shopkeeper, please set a price, I will buy it for any price!" 2.7

When Zhuo Rong saw the fish, everyone in the live broadcast room also saw the fish, and the whole live broadcast room became lively for a while.

It seems that in the future, Su Mei will be almost extinct in the wild.

Under such circumstances, it is even more impossible for Zhuo Rong to sell. Of course, he did not intend to sell at all.

"I still have to pay attention to the bottom line when selling fish. I will not sell this kind of fish, but it is pulled out of the water by me now. It must be in a bad state. If it is released now

Then it probably won't survive, so it needs to be put in the pressurized chamber to get used to it first, and I will release the fish when I leave. "

Directly rejecting the bidder in the live broadcast room, Zhuo Rong took off the hook hanging from the fish's mouth, and then threw the fish into the pressurized tank.

And listening to Zhuo Rong's words, the barrage in the live broadcast room also quickly brushed up. .

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