"That's right, the shop owner has a bottom line, which is worthy of praise."

"Come on, only people like shop owners who have a bottom line are worthy of trust."

"I am a loyal buyer of the shopkeeper. I found that the fish in the shopkeeper's house are all caught by fishing, and none of them are caught with nets. If there is no fishing line in the mouth, you can also find hook marks near the lip of the fish. The shopkeeper's business is really worth it trust."

"Come on, owner!"

"The character of the owner is trustworthy, but the fish is too expensive, when will the owner launch a wave of small miscellaneous fish..."

After hearing Zhuo Rong finish speaking, the barrage in his live broadcast room also began to praise him.

Of course, if some people praise, others will naturally criticize.

Among other things, those who want to find the fishing company where Zhuo Rong is located will naturally not mind spending some money to hire some people to attack Zhuo Rong.

"Pull it down, no profiteer, no business, do you know what they have done?"

"That's right, let the fish go, I know if it's the fish you released?"

"I don't believe these guys have any bottom line."

"Garbage, you have three days to get out of the platform!"

"It's disgusting, I've already reported it, it's really a shame!"

01 Regarding these comments, Zhuo Rong directly asked Xiaozhuo to see one and block the other, and then permanently silenced, just kidding, is Zhuo Rong the kind of person who will get used to these people?

A thousand years from now, the real name of the Internet has already been changed, and a person can only have one account on one platform, and it will be blocked directly, depending on how many trolls these people want to find.

And even if you look for it, you can't shake Zhuo Rong's online store.

Zhuo Rong also started fishing again after putting the corrugated lip fish in the pressurized tank.

I don’t know if it’s because of Zhuo Rong’s kindness, but when Zhuo Rong hooked again, suddenly on his sonar detector, a huge school of fish suddenly swam over from a distance , and magic bugs are the best food for these fish.

Zhuo Rong's hook didn't sink to the bottom this time, and he was swallowed by a fish in an instant.

Tun's position is only about 30 meters below the surface of the water, so Zhuo Rong immediately began to winch the fish with an instant thrust.

Not long after, Zhuo Rong pulled a big fish about six to seventy centimeters out of the water.

One look at the fish, Zhuo Rong knew what kind of fish it was.

When it comes to the name of high-body mantis, not many people know it, but when it comes to octopus, probably many people know it. This is a very famous fish that is used as a daily food.

It is found in tropical and subtropical seas all over the world.

The individual size also varies, the most common one is 35 to 50 centimeters long, because the farmed ones are basically this big, but the wild ones can grow up to 150 centimeters and weigh 380 jins, but obviously, Zhuo Rong’s One is not that big.

This one of his weighs about eleven or two catties, which is not too small.

The price of this kind of fish in Yanhuang is not high, a catty of frozen ones is about forty or fifty, and fresh ones can be sold for about sixty.

what? why no live ones

This fish has a characteristic, that is, it is somewhat similar to a tuna. When it is caught, it must be killed, and then it must be bled, and it must be killed while it is still alive. The taste will also be poor.

But this is meaningless to others, and to Zhuo Rong.

Because Zhuo Rong's live warehouse can raise this kind of fish, not to mention this kind of fish, sharks, tuna, he can give them all!

But don't look at this kind of fish is not expensive now, but in the future, this kind of fish will not be cheap, and it will sell for about ten thousand per catty, that is to say, Zhuo Rong's fish is worth hundreds of thousands.

And the most important thing is, now it is not as simple as a few fish, there is a school of octopus fish under his boat now!

So Zhuo Rong didn't have time and leisure to take care of these.

Quickly throwing the fish to Yang Tao, Zhuo Rong immediately started to get the line group and went fishing again.

When it sank to 30 meters, it didn't even reach three seconds, and the fish was caught again!

The electric winch pulls the fish, throws the fish, and then lowers the rod again.

All of a sudden, Zhuo Rong performed to the people in the live broadcast room what is called crazy fishing.

"I wipe, I wipe, I wipe!"

"Crazy, is there someone hanging fish down there?"

"Hanging fish is not so fast!"

"Exaggerated, shopkeeper!"

"One, two, three, four... Oh my god, it's only been a while since the owner has already caught eight fish!"

"What is this? I think the shopkeeper will go crazy for a while."

"According to my estimation, this should be a school of fish. In the current sea, it is difficult to touch a school of fish with a high body.

"When I went fishing near the equator, I also encountered a school of fish. One person in the boat caught more than 20 fish. According to the captain, this is the best state in the past ten years.

"Twenty for the average person... I think the owner of the shop has more than twenty..."

"As expected of the shop owner, he is truly invincible!"

Watching Zhuo Rong's performance, the people in his live broadcast room were also shouting 666 frantically. Well, no one will shout 666 in the next thousand years.

This is the same as people in the Tang and Song Dynasties who would applaud when they saw someone performing well and were happy. The current 666 also has the same meaning as the original "cai".

But in fact, lottery is the mark on the dice at the beginning, and the people who played the dice applauded for winning money, and they didn't know when it started, so it turned into applause.

But no matter what these people called, at this time Zhuo Rong's attention was on these octopus.

Zhuo Rong pulled the fish onto the boat one by one, and Zhuo Rong didn't even sink to 30 meters later, because he found that there were fish at about 20 meters.

And the fish at 20 meters is obviously faster than 30 meters!

The crazy fishing lasted for about three hours. Even Zhuo Rong felt his arms ache after the school of fish left.

However, what he gained made him forget these pains in an instant.

Zhuo Rong just asked Xiao Zhuo to count them. While this group of octopuses swam by, Zhuo Rong caught a total of 217 octopuses, with an average weight of about 12 jin.

In other words, Zhuo Rong caught fish worth 28.46 million in these three hours.

Good guy, just spent more than 10 million to buy a multi-purpose barn a few days ago, but now the money has not only been earned back, but it has nearly doubled.

Seeing this, Zhuo Rong couldn't help laughing. Sure enough, although he is less and less interested in money now, the feeling of making money is really cool!

Smiling flatteredly, Zhuo Rong glanced at the sonar, because the fish here had already been scared away because of the school of high-bodied catfish passing by.

Obviously Zhuo Rong can't fish here even if he fishes again in the afternoon.

So he also went to the live warehouse, and in the eyes of everyone in the live broadcast room, he released the recovering Su Mei into the sea.

As for the remaining high-bodied amberjacks, there is nothing to say, let’s start selling them!


Today's update, the third chapter, just came home, I went to buy things for a day today, and the next two chapters will be delivered later, please support me a lot!.

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