Now that there are no more fish, Zhuo Rong is also ready to download and then go to eat.

At this time, Yang Tao and Qiu Xiaoxiao had already prepared their lunch.

As for whether to fish in the afternoon, let’s see when the time comes, Zhuo Rong can’t let go of the gun, he has to drive to the coordinate point, and only after he confirms that there are fish below, will he start the live broadcast, and it’s impossible to drive there all the time, because he Although this ship is said to be from the future, his ship is not the only one on the sea.

In case of encountering any fishing boat, or freighter, warship, etc., Zhuo Rong may reveal his secrets, which he absolutely does not want to see.

"Okay, everyone, there are no more fish down there now, and I'm going to take a break too. Whether it will be broadcast in the afternoon, let's talk about it then!"

"Wow, shopkeeper, you left so soon!"

"Shopkeeper, let's chat for a while, God."

"Shopkeeper, I really like your live broadcast room, I have fishing to watch, and everyone in it is talented, and they speak nicely.

"Huh? I remember it as an old saying..."

"After archaeological research and development, it seems that this sentence was said by some leader.

Seeing the wind in the studio gradually crooked, Zhuo Rong also smiled, then closed the studio, and went to the kitchen to have lunch.

While Zhuo Rong was eating, Carambola's micro-brain controlled the boat, and it sailed smoothly to the second fishing spot. According to Kangle's label, this fishing spot was dedicated to fishing stone bream.

Stone bream is the kind of fish that Zhuo Rong caught before. This kind of fish is also very valuable and expensive, but Zhuo Rong glanced at the sonar and found that there are not many fish here.

And judging from the sonar feedback, the fish here don't seem to be that big either.

There is nothing to say, Zhuo Rong doesn't like this point, just keep changing.

After changing three points in a row, Borong finally found the fish in a piece of music.

According to the sonar detection, there are at least a few thousand fish below, and it is indeed possible to catch it. After reopening the nest and baiting it, Zhuo Rong is ready to start live fishing.

But just as he was about to go fishing, his phone rang suddenly.

Zhuo Rong saw that the caller was none other than Jia Min who stayed at home.

"Hello? Minmin, what's the matter〃々?" As Zhuo Rong and Jia Min became more and more familiar with each other, they also got a lot of nicknames between them, like Jia Min, sometimes Zhuo Rong would call her Min Min, Xiao Min, Min'er, but they also have a tacit understanding that Zhuo Rong is calling her.

"Master, if you're not busy right now, you'd better come back. Fu Dou and Ashes caught a little guy in the mountain, and it's a bit troublesome..."

Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Jia Min over there couldn't help speaking hesitantly.

"Huh? Caught a little guy?" Hearing what Jia Min said, Zhuo Rong couldn't help but typed a video in doubt. Fu Dou and Ashes on the grass, and in front of Fu Dou and Ashes, the four Ashes are now surrounded by a kitten-like creature, howling there.

And when he saw this kitten, Xiao Zhuo had already scanned it without Zhuo Rong's orders.

"South China Tiger, Animal Kingdom, Chordate Phylum, Vertebrate Subphylum, Mammalia, Eutheria, Carnivora, Schizopoda, Felidae, Pantherinae, Leopard Family, Panthera, Tiger Subgenus, Tiger The species, it is recommended, was hunted and extinct by humans a thousand years ago..."

Looking at the message popped up by Xiaozhuo, Rong felt a little emotional.


Well, no matter what the future says, anyway, in Zhuo Rong's memory, this kind of tiger is indeed extinct, at least in the wild. The current South China tiger seems to be only found in zoos and scientific research institutions.

Where did Doudou and Ashes get such a tiger cub?

If this tiger cub is wild, it means that there are at least two adult tigers in the mountain, one male and one female, and of course there may be more.

But no matter how many there are, this is a real prison animal, a first-class state-protected animal, and it should be cherished even more than giant pandas...

"Damn, stop fishing, go back!"

Looking at this picture, Zhuo Rong couldn't care less about fishing. Besides, he has already sold more than 28 million yuan here, so if you don't lack money, you don't need to work too hard.

After talking to Yang Tao, Zhuo Rong took back the fishing rod and told Jia Min to take good care of the little guy, and then drove all the way back to the old pier.

When he got home, it had actually been more than an hour.

When he saw the cubs Jia Min had put in a pile of old clothes and was looking around vigilantly at the cubs, Zhuo Rong was really in the first three days.

"Aww, aww!"

When the cub saw Zhuo Rong approaching, it was obviously still very vigilant, its big paw was raised, and it opened its mouth full of small deciduous teeth, and roared at Zhuo Rong.

But obviously, its threat is meaningless to Zhuo Rong.

He still directly grabbed the back of the little tiger's neck and lifted it up.

Xiaozhuo, scan the condition of this little tiger. "

"Species name: South China tiger

Gender: male

Age: A 52-day-old cub based on bone age

Current health status: mildly malnourished

Current status: Slightly hungry. "

"It's still a little guy, Xiao Zhuo, what should I feed this thing? Meat?"

Looking at the little guy who was screaming in his hands and didn't dare to struggle, Zhuo Rong continued to ask Xiao Zhuo, and Xiao Zhuo also recommended some food.

"It is recommended to feed compound animal milk mixed with super pureed meat."

Hearing Xiao Zhuo's words, Zhuo Rong also searched the future website, which has these two things. It seems that the future website also has a lot of guys who raise carnivorous creatures.

After buying the delicious food, Zhuo Rong also mixed it according to the proportion, and specially heated it to about 30 degrees, and then made a bowl for this little guy.

At first, the little guy didn't dare to eat, and just screamed there, but after seeing that Zhuo Rong really didn't seem to be threatening (Qian Nuohao), he quietly came over and started to eat.

Seeing the little guy started to eat, Zhuo Rong temporarily relieved himself, and then went outside to find the bucket and ashes that were still lying on the grass.

"You two, where did you get this little guy?"

Zhuo Rong knew that Fudou and Ashes would sometimes bring four cubs into the mountains, and they did this to train the four cubs' instinct to hunt when they were young.

So even if Zhuo Rong knew about it, he didn't say anything, but today they undoubtedly caused a little trouble for themselves.

Because this little guy is different from Ashes, Ashes is a wolf, a second-level protected animal, not to mention the second-level protected animals, Xiao Zhuo can fiddle with Zhuo Rong online, so that he has the right to keep it. It is said that Ashes is the daughter-in-law kidnapped by Dahei, and she is not aggressive in Zhuo Rong's manor, so it is justified.

But this wild South China tiger is not the case!.

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