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Chapter 120: Sending Off The Cubs In The Mountains


Maybe because he felt that he really got Zhuo Rong into trouble, at this time, Fu Dou also pawed Zhuo Rong's shoes with his claws to please him, and then wagged his tail.

"Don't be silly here, let me ask you where did you get this little guy?"

Seeing Fudou's appearance, Zhuo Rong pawed it with the back of his foot, and then asked it. Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Fudou, who had already been developed, obviously understood.

Then the big head looked directly into the forest in the distance.

"Have you seen the cub, have you seen its parents?"

Seeing Fu Dou's appearance, Zhuo Rong continued to ask it.

Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Fu Dou also shook his head, but Ashes next to him nodded at this moment, Zhuo Rong certainly would not think that Fu Dou was lying to him.

It should be that Fudou has never seen it, but Ashes has seen it before when he was with the wolf pack.

"How many adult tigers are there in this mountain?"

Now that Ashes knew about it, Che Ye also asked it.

Then Ashes took his paws and scratched the turf five times, which meant that there were five adult tigers in total, and seeing Ashes' movements, Zhuo Rong was stunned.

There are five South China tigers in this mountain? It shouldn't be!

You must know that these 520 forests are not very large, only 28 square kilometers in total, not even 30 square kilometers. You must know that an adult tiger needs at least 400 kilometers, and at most 1,000 square kilometers to grow. can support themselves.

Twenty-eight square kilometers, five tigers, then these tigers have already gone down the mountain.

"Master, Ashes should be talking about the rewilding training at the nearby South China Tiger Breeding Base." Just when Zhuo Rong was wondering, Xiaocao found some reports.

Although the wild South China tiger has disappeared now, there are still artificially bred South China tigers, and the country has been doing wild training for South China tigers.

Obviously, the virgin forest on Zhuo Rong's side is a good rewilding area.

It is primitive enough, rich in species, and most importantly, small and easy to control.

In case the tiger escapes, they don't need to go to the local police station. The forest police can search the net and catch the tiger.

"However, wild trained tigers are unlikely to have offspring in the wild, because they still have to go back to the base after training. If they gave birth to a baby in the wild, the little guy should have starved to death long ago. right.

Hearing Xiao Zhuo's words, Zhuo Rong said hesitantly.

"Master, it is very likely that there was a female tiger in the mountain, which combined with a male tiger that received rewilding training and gave birth to this cub. Because the female tiger originally took care of the cubs by herself, the male tiger was not harmed after being recovered. Influence.

Listening to Xiao Zhuo's explanation, Zhuo Rong nodded, as if that was the only way to explain it.

"Did you only find this little guy?" Thinking of this, Zhuo Rong continued to ask about Fudou and Ashes.

And these two guys also nodded their heads. In fact, they caught this little guy because of Ashes' genes. Tigers, wolves, leopards, bears... these predators, when they found each other's cubs After that, ninety-nine percent of them will be killed directly.

Not to eat, but to solve their future competitors.

After all, there are only so many foods such as rabbits, deer, and wild boars, and they must be killed as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Ashes also took the elixir at this time, so before it was about to kill this little guy, it suddenly thought that it could actually catch it back and train with the four guys in its own family to develop their hunting skills.

As a result, Jia Min found out just after he picked it up, and then told Zhuo Rong, took the little guy into the room, and let his wishful thinking come to nothing.

"No, a tigress should have at least two to three litters. Forget it, no matter how many litters, this little guy can't be in my hands. Let's stay here for a while tonight, and then tomorrow, you two Come with me to send this little guy back, understand?"

Looking at the abag and ashes, Zhuo Rong shook his head and spoke helplessly.

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, the two guys also glanced at each other and called out, even if they agreed, then Zhuo Rong returned to the room again.

Speaking of which, he has never ruA a little tiger yet, this little guy really looks like a cat, it's the paw, it's too big!

Playing with this little guy all afternoon, probably because Zhuo Rong fed it, in the afternoon, this little guy was not so afraid of Zhuo Rong.

Instead, he was having fun with Zhuo Rong, and seeing Zhuo Rong having fun with the little tiger, at this moment, the four Huier of Fudou also ran over, well, one was also playing "five are also playing.

So Zhuo Rong turned into the sea king again and played with a little tiger and four little wolf dogs.

Originally Zhuo Rong thought he was not young anymore, after all he was already twenty-eight years old.

But when he played with the five little guys, it was still very interesting...

At night, Zhuo Rong personally fed them and had dinner before going to wash and go to bed, without talking all night.

Early the next morning, Cao Min and the others had already prepared everything for the car industry.

The jacket, protective boots, water in the backpack, lighter, and a multifunctional saber that I will buy in the future have all been prepared.

Not only Zhuo Rong went into the mountain today, Gao Wen also accompanied him and took care of him.

After fully armed, Zhuo Rong, Gao Wen, the little tiger, Fudou, Ashes, and four Ashes rode into the mountains together in a car.

But this time, they didn't take the path that Zhuo Rong used to go to pick mushrooms, but another path, which was much more difficult than that path.

Yuan Tianqing introduced to Zhuo Rong that this road was actually the real way to enter the mountain before.

In the past, many old people in the village would go to the mountains to collect wild herbs through this road.

Compared with the road to the mountain to pick mushrooms, this road is much more difficult, but the resources are also much richer, but it is not an easy task to walk here.

Later, the old people who collected the herbs were getting old, or they were gone, or their hands and feet were no longer dexterous, and the young people were naturally unwilling to take this risk in the mountains.

Gradually, the road on this side disappeared, and now it has become a shortcut for Fudou and Ashes to go to and from the mountains.

After Zhuo Rong and the others got out of the car, Zhi Ye took out a snake sweeping stick that he bought in the future.

This stick can easily sweep the grass aside, and when a snake is found, it will automatically eject the snake pliers inside to catch the snake. Zhuo Rong is the only one who should play this game.

While walking into the mountains, Zhuo Rong swept the grass in front of him, and the grass was getting taller and taller. .

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