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Chapter 123: Fist Is Still Easy To Use

Bear, tiger, and human, when the three meet in this forest glade, in fact, whoever is the most cowardly will show his flaws first.

Among the three, the most obedient ones cannot be Zhuo Rong and the others. With Gao Wen around, Zhuo Rong doesn't have to worry about these things. As for the tiger, as the king of beasts, it is naturally impossible for him to be cowardly, so it is conceivable. , the first one to be cowarded was the black bear...


There was no advance and no movement, suddenly the black bear stood up and roared loudly towards the tiger and Zhuo Rong.

And when it roared, originally its idea was to shock the sound, but who knew, it stimulated the tigress all of a sudden.

"Wow!" The tigress looked at it, yelled, and went straight to kill the black bear. Seeing this scene, Cao Ya also sighed softly.

This matter, because of the fighting and the ashes, so Zhuo Rong, it’s really not good, so let’s just ignore it. After thinking about it, he decided not to let the two fight and lose both!

"Come on, Gao Wen, you take care of that South China tiger, and leave this black bear to me!"

"Okay, master!" 01 heard Zhuo Rong's words, and Gao Wen's body instantly rushed towards the tiger, and the tiger naturally saw Gao Wen from the corner of his eye.

In fact, from the very beginning, Gao Wen was the only one threatening in the eyes of this tigress, including Zhuo Rong, that was dinner!

So it has been paying attention to Gao Wen's movements, and now watching Gao Wen kill him, the tigress also instantly landed on all fours, changed direction directly, and rushed towards Gao Wen, but compared to the tigress , Gao Wen's reaction was faster!

Not to mention that she had been implanted with top-notch fighting skills, and the physique of a cyborg was not even lower than that of a cosmic warrior. The microcomputer she assembled could predict all the movements of this tiger. It's a close call, but it's actually all calculated.

With a slight raise of his head, Gao Wen dodged the tiger's pounce. At the same time, when he passed by the tiger, his hands immediately hugged the tiger's waist, and then he fell to the ground!

With a loud "bang", the tiger was directly thrown to the ground by Gao Wen. Before the tiger could react, she turned over on the tiger's back, clamped her legs around the tiger's waist, and squeezed hard. Sit down.

Why in ancient times, there were horses, donkeys, mules, oxen, and even elephants as the main mounts, but there were no ferocious beasts such as wolves, tigers, and leopards?

That's because most of the beasts, whether it's tigers, wolves, leopards, or lions, have poor waists.

Anyone who has practiced boxing knows that the strength starts from the ground, and the waist must play a turning role.

When your strength is greater than that of a tiger, if you sit on its waist, it really can't get up, and Gawain's legs are still clamping it, making it impossible to turn over.

The impotent and furious tiger could only turn its head to bite Gao Wen, but Gawain turned his head firmly forward, unable to move!

Zhuo Rong was very relieved about the situation on Gao Wen's side, so he didn't pay attention to that side at all, and when he finished talking to Gao Wen, Gao Wen rushed out at the same time, "Che Rong also rushed out.

As mentioned earlier, black bears are not brown bears, polar bears, this kind of bear is very small.

When the female bear landed on all fours, it was only about 1.2 to 1.3 meters.

Standing up now, she is half a head shorter than Zhuo Rong.

So when it raised its paw, Zhuo Rong blocked it effortlessly. The bear's strength is great, but Zhuo Rong's power is even greater.

The black bear pressed down and saw that Zhuo Rong in front of him didn't move at all after pressing down for a long time, so it changed its move and went straight to bite Zhuo Rong.

But Zhuo Rong is naturally not easy to mess with, his body turned around in an instant, and at the same time he dodged to the side, he grabbed one of the black bear's paws with both hands, and directly used it with an over-the-shoulder throw

With the same "boom", the black bear hit the ground directly.

Then Zhuo Rong didn't let it have any chance to fight back, and instantly knelt down on the back of the black bear's neck, pressing the black bear's big head to the ground.

Don't look at the excitement just said, but in fact this is a matter of lightning and lightning.

The tigress here was just knocked down, and the black bear over there was also pinned down to the ground by a belt.


Seeing his mother being knocked down by humans, the tiger cub and the three bear cubs were also yelling to rush over, but Huo Dou and Ashes blocked the four cubs in the first place. The little tiger looked at Ashes and was already too scared to go.

Can it remember that when it saw Ashes for the first time, Ashes wanted to eat it.

And those three bear cubs, who were bigger and tougher, rushed towards Zhuo Rong, but were stopped by Fu Dou in the distance. For the three bear cubs in front of them, Fu Dou really slapped each of them, and they all slapped each other. It was blown away, but it didn't hurt them.

After these little guys were beaten into the air, they only rolled a few times, and then lay down in the distance, knowing that the powerful enemy in front of them was no match for them, and even one of the most cowardly guys had already started climbing trees. Yes, the bear is Can climb trees "Especially when I was young.

In order to find wild fruits and the like, or to escape danger, they often climb trees.

However, when he grew up, he gradually lost his ability to climb trees due to changes in his body shape.

This is somewhat similar to tigers. Tigers can climb trees when they are young, but when they grow up, 820 seldom climbs trees. Sometimes, they just jump up trees to hunt prey like monkeys. Unlike leopards, they don't stay in trees for long.

But now these two adult mothers have nothing to do with the tree or not, because at this time, although they heard the cry of their own children, they were powerless, because the human beings on them put pressure on them. too big.

Don't talk about attacking, protect the children, they can't even protect themselves!

Looking at the two guys who were finally tired after struggling for a long time, Zhuo Rong couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. In fact, he didn't plan to fight them at first, and now it's for their own good.

After raising his head and looking at Gao Wen in the distance, Zhuo Rong also saw from Gao Wen's eyes that the tigress had no strength at all, so Zhuo Rong made a gesture of three, meaning three After counting, let go!

They want to stop these two guys from fighting, but they don't really want to kill them.

"one two three!"

At the same time Zhuo Rong shouted three, Zhuo Rong jumped away from Gao Wen in the distance.

Bringing Huo Dou and Ashes with him, he came back in front of the four Ashes, watching the tiger and the bear in front of him warily.

After the crushing just now, I hope they can understand that it is not a wise thing to use force in front of them!.

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