

Following Zhuo Rong and Gao Wen jumping away, the tiger and the bear also slowly stood up.

But this time, they didn't act rashly anymore. The vigilance between the two of them turned to Zhuo Rong and the others at this moment. Obviously, they also understood at this time that the two-legged beast in front of them was actually stronger than the other. more dangerous existence.

"Okay, it's fine if you don't fight, let's go!"

Seeing the appearance of the two guys, Zhuo Rong also waved at them and said.

But obviously, he overestimated the IQ of these wild animals. After seeing Zhuo Rong waving, these guys unconsciously took two steps back, but they didn't leave.

"Master, I don't think they can understand your words." Looking at Zhuo Rong's expression, Gao Wen also reminded him at this moment.

"Then what should we do? We're leaving now, they probably still have to fight." Listening to Gao Wen's words, Zhuo Rong scratched his head and asked Gao Wen.

"Master, in fact, you can feed them some meat with elixir. I guess they can understand it. They don't need too much. Wild animals that are too smart are too big a threat to nearby humans. You just need to let their If your IQ is raised to about two or three years old, you should be able to understand." After hesitating for a while, Gao Wen also proposed a solution.

Opening potion, this game should enhance the brain and develop the ability of intelligence.

Of course, this mainly depends on the situation of the creature.

For example, the red arowana raised by Zhuo Rong, even if he drinks the elixir as water all day long, it can only improve the IQ of a one-year-old child at most.

As for Fudou, after drinking a lot of elixir, his IQ is now roughly equivalent to that of a six- or seven-year-old child. to respond.

Ashes is worse than Huo Dou, but after all, they share a common ancestor, and their genes are very similar, they can both give birth to wolf dogs, without reproductive isolation, so they are naturally very smart.

Now it is roughly equivalent to the IQ of a five-year-old child.

Because they came to Zhuo Rong's side too late, this may be the only way to go in this life.

But the four grays, the future IQ is estimated to not be too low, at least it should not be able to keep up with border herds and the like.

After hearing Gao Wen's words, Zhuo Rong also felt that what he said was right.

So he directly bought two large pieces of beef from the future, then smeared the potion on them, and then threw them to the two mother beasts.

These two guys are obviously very vigilant about being fed by strangers, especially Zhuo Rong is not a good person, and he just beat them, so it's a ghost if they are not vigilant.

But the beef in front of him was really delicious. After hesitating for a while, the foodie black bear mother over there couldn't help it, and started to eat it when she walked to the beef.

The South China tiger mother on the other side saw that there was nothing to do after the black bear finished eating, so she also picked up the meat and started to eat.

After eating the two large pieces of beef, the eyes of the two mother beasts could not help but shine.

This is not only related to the elixir, but also related to the DNA in their bones, because this beef is really delicious.

"Okay, do you understand this time? You all back away, don't fight here~!"

Watching the two guys maintain their standing posture for a while, they looked at themselves again.

Zhuo Rong here also waved his hand and said to them.

This time they really responded to Zhuo Rong. After taking a deep look at Zhuo Rong, the mother tiger here also walked to the left with her cubs, and the mother black bear over there also took three cubs. , walked in the direction of coming!

A war was resolved by Zhuo Rong in this way, but to be honest, Zhuo Rong knew that this was actually only temporary, and this virgin forest was too small.

If there were only omnivorous bears and wolves as hunters, the animals in the forest would barely be enough to eat. He also saw a lot of animals along the way.

Rabbits have been seen at least a dozen times, and there are even signs of deer in the forest.

But if you want to add another tiger on top of this, no, next year it will be two tigers, then it will not be enough points, and it will be very troublesome then.

"Should I tell the wildlife agency?"

Seeing the receding South China tiger, Zhuo Rong scratched his head, forget it, let's talk about it later.

After all, Zhuo Rong is not a professional member of the Animal Protection Association. It is better to let these things take their course, and I will not interfere here.

"Wen, let's go!"

After saying something to Gao Wen, Zhuo Rong also turned around and walked back the way he came.

The speed of their return is much faster than when they came.

One is because the roads were not familiar when we came here, and many roads need to be explored.

The ghost knows whether the grass in front of him is a pit, a snake, or flat ground.

But it's much faster to go back and walk it all over again.

Fudou and Ashes are alright, the physical fitness of the two guys has grown very fast recently, and they can keep up with Zhuo Rong's speed, but the four Ashes are going to be far behind.

So later Zhuo Rong and Gao Wen went on their way alone.

Even so, it was still dark around five o'clock in the afternoon.

In the forest, because there are too many original trees, the sunlight is almost blocked out, so it gets dark very early.

However, with Xiaozhuo and future things, there is no problem in terms of lighting.

But Zhuo Rong's speed couldn't be as fast as it was at dawn.

In the end, when Zhuo Rong and Gao Wen came out of the forest, it was around 8 o'clock in the evening before they knew it. When they pushed aside the grass in front of them and saw a car parked in the distance, Zhuo Rong was shocked. out of breath.

Then he raised his legs and was about to walk towards the car, but at this moment, Gao Wen who was behind him suddenly grabbed him, and he pulled out the stick that was used to scare people this morning from Zhuo Rong's waist (Li Mo Zhao), It shot directly at a position more than one meter in front of Zhuo Rong.

And at the same time as the stick slapped it, the head of the stick suddenly stretched forward, and then instantly caught a black stick in the distance, which seemed to be buried in grass.

As the noose was tightened, in an instant, a huge snake with a black background and yellow rings and a yellow-white belly was lifted up by Gawain from a distance, especially after he saw clearly what kind of snake it was, Gawain directly He took out a pair of glasses from his body and put them on for Rong.

At the same time, he looked at this guy warily.

At this time, Zhuo Rong finally reacted.

After opening Xiao Zhuo and scanning it, he couldn't help but gasped.

He has always heard that there are many snakes in this virgin forest, the snakes are fierce, and the snakes are venomous.

But he didn't see a snake all day today, but now he saw a snake, and it was a real big one!.

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