"Hey, Lao Zhuo, are you done with your work?"

Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Yuan Tianqing also asked questions over there.

When Zhuo Rong came back, he also told Yuan Tianqing and the others that Yuan Tianqing wanted to find Zhuo Rong to go fishing these days, but Zhuo Rong was busy with cattle and sheep at home, and later he went to overseas live broadcast, and then I went to the mountains again tomorrow and was busy all the time, so I didn't go to sea with Yuan Tianqing.

But today, if Yuan Tianqing wants to go to sea, then Zhuo Rong will not refuse.

"It's over."

"I just said, don't call us if you have anything to do, can we help too!"

Hearing Zhuo Rong said that he was done with work, Yuan Tianqing also started talking there.

"You can pull it down, do you know how to raise cattle or herd sheep, what's the use of looking for you..."

In fact, the first time Zhuo Rong wanted to buy cattle and sheep, Yuan Tianqing and Yang Sheng here had already told Zhuo Rong that if they needed help, they could go~ help.

But they can help a fart, - more than a hindrance.

And Zhuo Rong's things, after all, can't be seen now, so he still refused Zhuo Rong's help, and he and Cao Min took care of it alone.

"Hahahaha, that's right. By the way, I'm just kidding with you. Are you interested in blood eels?" Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Yuan Tianqing over there also laughed, and then suddenly remembered that he had given Zhuo Rong still had a serious business to call, and then asked.

"Blood eel? Eel?" Hearing Yuan Tianqing's words, Zhuo Rong asked with some doubts.

"It's a blood eel, not an eel. This is a top-notch supplement. Haven't you seen it in the market? It's quite famous. Qiangzi's uncle specializes in controlling blood eels. It's a good day. He told Qiangzi to go Help, I thought you were interested in these wild little guys, so I came over to ask if you were interested.

After hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Yuan Tianqing also explained over there.

At this time, Zhuo Rong also knew what was called a blood eel through Zhuo.

Blood eel is a kind of moray eel in the ocean. Because of the blood under its skin, there will be obvious blood red on the skin. The fish body is long and cylindrical, with smooth skin and no scales.

The adult body length is generally about 30-40 cm, the diameter is 1-2 cm long, and the weight is generally between 25-50 grams. It is a small eel.

From this introduction, you can see that Yanhuang people pay attention to what they eat and what they nourish. This kind of blood eel has a lot of blood, so it is naturally a holy food for nourishment. When the local blood eel was the thinnest, it would sell for about 180 yuan a catty. Now it is Autumn is the time when blood eels are at their fattest, and they sell for 300 yuan a catty.

You know, this is the current price. In the future, this kind of blood eel can be sold for 40,000 a catty, and the supply is still in short supply.

Because this kind of blood eel is not only food, but also half a tonic.

This kind of eel lives in the deep mud of shallow seas and likes to inhabit places where there are sea worms, because this is also its main food.

This kind of blood eel is actually very difficult to catch, because it lives in the mud and doesn't run around, so netting and fishing are meaningless to them.

If you want to catch them, you have to dig deep in the mud, and it is difficult to easily load them.

Moreover, digging this thing requires skill, and it is difficult to dig.

To see if the hole is the blood eel's hole, to judge the direction of the blood eel hole, and then to cut off the back road in advance, because the blood pomfret is much faster than people digging in the mud.

So many people who dig blood eels are old people, and young people really don't understand it.

As for the old people who dig this thing specially, they can only grab one or two catties in a big tide at most, but even if it is one or two catties, it is still a considerable income.

"Go, interested, give me an address!"

After hearing Yuan Tianqing's words, Zhuo Rong immediately spoke up.

"I'll pick you up. It won't be easy for this thing to die this time. You don't have to drive so many cars." Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Du Wuchuang here also laughed and said.

We made an appointment to dig blood eels, and then Zhuo Rong prepared them at home, including water jackets, things to hold blood eels, and so on.

Without waiting here for a while, Yuan Tianqing's car also drove over.

After Xiao Zhuo opened the gate, Yuan Tianqing also drove the car to Zhuo Rong's villa.

While waiting for Zhuo Rong to come out, he also glanced at the cows, sheep and pigs that were happily grazing on the pasture in the distance inside Zhuo Rong's house.

"They're still cubs, I can't eat them now!"

Seeing Zhuo Rong get down and get into the car, Yuan Tianqing also spoke with emotion.

0 for flowers 0

"The cow is definitely not edible, it's too small, but the sheep can be eaten after a while. The lamb meat is better than the adult lamb, and I'll ask you to come and roast the whole lamb.

Listening to Yuan Tianqing's words, Zhuo Rong also looked at the flock of sheep in the distance.

Although these little guys are cute, as long as Zhuo Rong doesn't have feelings for them, they are food, and I'm pretty sure of that.

"That's a good relationship, haha, let's go, Qiangzi has already gone into the sea with his uncle!"

As soon as he heard the roasted whole lamb, Yuan Tianqing wiped his mouth, for fear that the saliva would flow out like this. Zhuo Rong's lamb is already very delicious. If it is still lamb or roasted whole lamb, well, he I can hardly control myself anymore.

Forcing himself to calm down, Yuan Tianqing kicked the accelerator and drove Zhuo Rong towards the place he had agreed with Pang Liqiang.

I have to say that the place where Pang Liqiang and his uncle dug the blood pomfret is really not close.

It took almost half an hour to get here by car.

This is a huge tidal flat. If you look at it from left to right, you can't see the side, but if you look into the sea, there must be at least four kilometers of mudflat, which is quite large.

Naturally, there must be more than Zhuo Rong's group of people who came here to catch the sea.

In fact, in this area now, there must be at least twenty or thirty people rushing to the sea.

There are many women, and many men are busy in that piece of mudflat.

"I saw Qiangzi and the others, let's go too!"

At the same time that Zhuo Rong and Yuan Tianqing changed their water jackets, Yuan Tianqing here also called Pang Liqiang, and seeing two little black spots waving to him in the distance, Yuan Tianqing also said to Zhuo Rong, Then Zhuo Rong followed him, wading through the mud, walking towards Pang Liqiang and his uncle in the distance.

"Brother Rong, this is my uncle, uncle, this is what I called Brother Rong. The blood eels we dug in a while can be sold directly to Brother Rong, so there is no need to go to the market anymore." Watching Zhuo Rong and Yuan Tianqing leave Come over, at this time Pang Liqiang also introduced Zhuo Rong and his uncle to each other.

"That's a good relationship, old man, I just dig it." Hearing what Pang Liqiang said, Pang Liqiang's uncle also laughed hard. .

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