"Master, don't worry, I must charge more than the market price, because I will give away these things, Qiangzi, how is your harvest?"

Looking at Pang Liqiang's uncle, he is an old man who looks to be in his 60s. He is still in good health. Unlike Zhuo Rong and the others who are wearing water jackets, he only wears rain boots and a motorcycle helmet. Very dark, but very healthy.

At this time, he was carrying a hoe, looking at Zhuo Rong with a smile.

"It's not bad, it's almost a catty, eleven or two." Hearing Zhuo Rong's question, Pang Liqiang immediately showed the small backpack hanging on his body, Zhuo Rong looked inside and saw a dozen of them The pink eel is wriggling in this small basket.

To be honest, if it's an ordinary girl or something, looking at this play, I'm probably going to be terrified, after all, this "597" thing looks pretty disgusting.

But Zhuo Rong doesn't care. He even raised snakes when he was young. When he used to fish in fresh water, he had to get red worms and earthworms, and in sea fishing, he needed to get clam worms. These things are much more disgusting than this one. , He can bear it all, not to mention blood buns.

So Zhuo Rong was quite moved when he saw it.

"It's as if you dug it.....Have you dug it?" Yuan Tianqing who was next to him also saw these blood eels at this time, and then consciously began to tear down Pang Liqiang's platform.

"Dig, if I can dig, I will go fishing with you, sir, but I still got some clams." Looking at Yuan Tianqing contemptuously, Pang Liqiang also took out a few children's fists The big and small fur clams laughed and said.

"Okay, let's go on, dig more before the tide comes." Seeing the three young people talking here and there, Pang Liqiang's uncle couldn't stand up immediately, so he urged them to dig quickly. .

"This is for you, I concentrated on helping my God catch it and brew it!"

Hearing his uncle's words, Pang Liqiang also handed over a rake of his skills to Yuan Tianqing, and then went to learn how to catch blood eels from his uncle. In fact, the main thing is to watch and fight. Learning this thing is not so easy.

Zhuo Rong was curious at the beginning, so he also went to see it, but to be honest, the playing experience played a big part in it. The two holes are the same, and Pang Liqiang’s uncle can tell that the hole below is from the past. Where did it go, but Zhuo Rong didn't understand after watching it for a long time.

He even asked Xiao Zhuo to record the difference between the two holes, but after recording for a long time, he couldn't even tell whether there was a blood eel in the hole or not, not to mention the trend below the hole.

Blood eels are different from rice field eels. Although the two are similar in length, in fact, there is a big difference. Rice field eels are easy to catch. Generally speaking, rice field eels have holes in the aquatic plants above the water surface. , Just pay attention, this is not a place with serious water pollution, and then there are white foam and mucus at the hole, you can be sure that this is the eel hole.

Of course, this trick is not 100% easy.

But the hit rate is very high, for some novices, it is easy to judge.

But there are no such things here in the blood eel. Zhuo Rong asked Xiaozhuo to record for a long time, but he didn’t learn anything. According to Xiaozhuo’s words, he might have to buy a micro-sound detector to detect it, but the old fisherman saw it at a glance. , we can make a rough judgment.

"I'd better wait until I go to the mangrove forest and study it myself!"

After studying for a long time, Zhuo Rong didn't learn it, so he went to play with the rake with Yuan Tianqing.

This rake is actually a tool with many functions. This toy can catch blue crabs, jumping fish, blood eels, clams...

As long as it is an animal in the mud, it can be caught. Of course, this is theoretical.

The usage is very simple, you only need to insert the rake into the mud, and then pull it sideways, everything in this piece of mud will be pulled out.

At this time, most of the women who are chasing the sea here are using this rake, but their target is not blood eels or anything, but clams.

Hairy clam, scientific name is hairy clam, it is a kind of very big shellfish, this thing sells in the market for more than ten yuan a catty, it is not cheap.

Compared to catching blood eels, this thing is easier to catch.

For a woman, it is not a problem to catch more than ten catties a day, and sometimes even twenty or thirty catties. Once they are sold in the market, those people also like to eat fresh and wild ones.

Then earn more, which is indeed a good income.

After Yuan Tianqing played with the rake for a while, Zhuo Rong also took it, imitating his appearance and began to paddle here. Not to mention, although there are not as many things in this beach as Zhuo Rong's, it is definitely not counted. less than 0.

After drawing for a while, Zhuo Rong really pulled out a lot of good things.

Most of them were clams, and Zhuo Rong had pulled out more than three catties in such a short time. Besides, there were even a few razor clams.

You must know that razor clams should live vertically in the mud, and the rake has gaps, so if you pull it vertically, it is easy to let the razor clams out.

As a result, Zhuo Rong got a few more.

In addition to razor clams and hairy clams, there are many other things, such as small crabs. These small crabs are not the cubs of crabs, but they can only grow so big. Once they are turned out, they Then I started running around, swearing in my mouth.

In addition to them, there are mantis shrimps, that is, shrimp crawlers and Pipi shrimps, but this kind of Pipi shrimps on the tidal flats are much smaller than those in the sea, obviously they are still babies.

So after Zhuo Rong dug them, he buried them back in the mud. Since he didn't eat them, there was no need to kill them. "The ecological environment still needs to be maintained.

In addition, there are scallops, but this thing is even less than razor clams.

According to Yuan Tianqing, there would still be a lot of scallops here when the tide just ebbed, but they had already been picked by the scallop pickers, so naturally there were not many.

And this kind of scallop is also the most common scallop. It costs 3 yuan a catty in the market here, and 3.3 is really not worth much.

Don't look at Zhuo Rong playing here for a long time, but he didn't catch anything valuable, but he was very happy, because he used a rake to make the muddy ground and so on.

Just like opening a blind box, you don’t know what’s there after you dig it up. It’s quite fun, and the grass sprouts you get want to get some of these mice.

However, if he wants to get it, he has to get new metal from the future, because he feels that the wooden handle of the rake is really not good enough, and the most important thing is that whether it is a blood eel or a blue crab, their holes are actually is very deep.

If it is the blue crabs from those razor clam farms, it is just a layer above the mud surface, so it is easy to catch.

Like this kind of tidal flats, they will be hidden very deep.

It is very difficult for a modern rake to penetrate this deep, but the material of the future will!.

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