"Let's go, the tide is starting to rise!"

Zhuo Rong and the others came down after eight o'clock and played until after twelve o'clock. They were not the first group of people to come. When they came, the tide had receded far enough.

So when everyone was a little hungry, the uncle Pang Liqiang in the distance also called out, signaling that everyone can go back, the tide is high.

The tide was actually rising very fast. Not long after Zhuo Rong and the others went ashore to clean up, the tide over there had submerged that piece of tidal flat back into the water again.

"Today's harvest is not bad, it weighs more than two catties, but a few were accidentally killed!"

Now that the blood eels have been dug, it's time to calculate the harvest.

Looking at the blood eel in the back basket, Pang Liqiang said with some regret.

"It's okay, I haven't eaten this thing before, let's eat it at noon if it's dead, and I'll take it all away!" Zhuo Rong was also very happy after playing all morning, so he said with a smile

Hearing that Zhuo Rong was about to order, Pang Liqiang's uncle also took out a small scale.

The blood eels he dug up today totaled two catties and three taels.

Zhuo Rong accepted it at the price of 330 yuan per catty 01. A total of 759 mouths were transferred to Pang Liqiang's uncle for 750 yuan.

After the old man received the money, he was really happy, that is, he didn't need to sell it himself, and he didn't need to bargain for the price, and the increase was so much, it was indeed a profit today.

"Master, if you find a live blood eel in the future, you should contact Qiangzi and send it to me. I'll wrap it up. But sir, you must pay attention. As long as I'm alive, you don't need to clean up and gut it."

Looking at Pang Liqiang's uncle, Zhuo Rong was also very happy.

Although he makes a small profit, Zhuo Rong is definitely not losing money. When Pang Liqiang's uncle was about to ride the battery car away, Zhuo Rong made a point of telling him.

"It's what you want. You, a little boss, offer such a high price, and then pay immediately. I will definitely keep it for you, old man!"

Hearing that Zhuo Rong will ask for more in the future, Pang Liqiang over here also responded with a smile, and then rode away quickly on a small motorcycle.

The reason why Zhuo Rong collects blood eels from Master Pang Liqiang is because there are no breeding eels here, and there is no way to breed them, so the ones he catches are all wild ones. I don't mind, but surely we can't let outsiders go, right?

"Then what are you going to do now?" Seeing Pang Liqiang's uncle leave, Pang Liqiang also asked at this time. He is not in a hurry now. He didn't plan to go to sea today, so he naturally wanted to play in the afternoon.

"What are you going to do? Go to your house, your pigeons have grown up! There are a few dead blood eels, let's mend them too!

As soon as Pang Liqiang said this, Yuan Tianqing smiled and said it beside him.

Pang Liqiang likes small animals very much. Zhuo Rong knew this when he first met him. According to Yuan Tianqing's words, there is a small zoo in Pang Liqiang's home.

For example, they are often raised in the countryside. He must have chickens, ducks, geese, dogs, etc. in his house. In addition, there are also pigeons, parrots, starlings, sheep, and even cormorants.

Yes, the osprey, the kind of cormorant that fishermen use to catch fish.

To be honest, this thing is good at catching freshwater fish, but it can't catch sea fish, so it's actually useless for Yuan Tianqing to keep this thing, it's just for fun.

But speaking of this game, Zhuo Rong had never seen it before, so he was quite curious.

But Yuan Tianqing was obviously not interested in this thing.

"Let me tell you, this cormorant smells like a thieves. It smells old and choking. You'll know when the time comes." Seeing that Zhuo Rong seemed to be interested in cormorants, Yuan Tianqing also reminded him In a word, well, most people have never seen this thing, and they really don't know what it tastes like, but looking at Yuan Tianqing's cheap smile, it is estimated that what he said is true.

"How long do these blood eels live?"

But no matter what the cormorants smell like, Zhuo Rong is still very interested in going to Qiangzi's house to see, but before that, he still needs to deal with these blood eels.

"It's not a big problem to live for two or three hours, but you'd better solve these things first, and then I'll send you the address of Qiangzi's house, and you can come over when the time comes!"

As soon as the blood eel was mentioned, Yuan Tianqing also remembered that Zhuo Rong still had business to deal with.

So the three of them got into the car immediately, and then sent Zhuo Rong and the blood eels home first. Of course, the dead ones were taken away by Yuan Tianqing and the others, and they were going to cook soup with the pigeons for a while, but Zhuo Rong After returning home, he also washed the blood eels, but he didn't directly sweep them into the system platform.

Because after removing the dead blood eels, these live blood eels are only about seven taels a catty, which is too little, even if a catty is worth 40,000, but the total is only more than 60,000, which is not worth selling for a dollar. After a while, Zhuo Rong drove to the boat again, and put these guys into the live warehouse to raise them. When he was free tomorrow, he could go to the mangrove forest to get some extra ones and then sell them, at least You have to get a few hundred thousand out!

After arranging the blood eel here, Zhuo Rong drove to Qiangzi's house.

Qiangzi's home was not difficult to find, it was also in Lingquan Village, and within twenty minutes of driving, Rong had already parked in front of Qiangzi's home.

Qiangzi's house is also a small two-story building, and its layout is similar to Yuan Tianqing's. Zhuo Rong feels that it is very likely that he saw Yuan Tianqing's construction method and then built it himself.

The first floor is directly connected to a 937 compound, the compound is connected to the living room, and the second floor is where people actually live.

After Zhuo Rong parked the car, Yuan Tianqing and Qiangzi who were busy inside also came out.

"Brother Rong, so fast!"

"Well, Jia Min and the others heard that I was coming to play, so they sent it to me."

Hearing Qiangzi's words, Zhuo Rong also laughed and said.

"I have to say, my brothers and sisters are really mean to you... Hey, all I have to do is envy. By the way, Qiangzi has also found a partner. Shit, now I'm left alone, no, No matter what, eat one more pigeon today!"

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Yuan Tianqing couldn't help saying something with emotion, and then thought it was wrong, Zhuo Rong couldn't be compared, but it seemed that Pang Liqiang couldn't be compared either.

Mental imbalance, no, no matter how you say it today, you have to make up for it!

So after finishing speaking, Yuan Tianqing went directly to the backyard of Pang Liqiang's house. All the good things in his house were in the backyard.

Seeing that Yuan Tianqing had passed, Pang Liqiang immediately followed him, just joking, his family properties are all in the backyard, don't let Yuan Tianqing ransack them!

This guy Yuan Tianqing is jealous now, he'd better go and have a look...

And looking at Yuan Tianqing and Pang Liqiang, Zhuo Rong also walked in with a smile, blood eel stewed pigeon, well, we can still do it!.

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