"Otherwise, give me your bird!"

Seeing the starling and Pang Liqiang with a troubled face, Zhuo Rong thought for a while and said.

"Brother Rong wants to raise a starling? Then I'll find you a cub. How good it is to train it yourself. I can train it for you. I'll give it to you after training."

Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Pang Liqiang gave Zhuo Rong another idea without even thinking about it, not because he was reluctant to part with the bird, but because he really received a lot of favors from Zhuo Rong

In terms of fish, every time Zhuo Rong collects fish, it is higher than the market price. Although Yuan Tianqing told Zhuo Rong once because of this, the price is undoubtedly suitable, but it can save a lot of trouble in selling fish. This is also good for yourself.

And during the Mid-Autumn Festival, I really didn't deliberately prepare a portion of fruit and beef and mutton for him.

The fruit and beef and mutton were the best things he had ever eaten in his life.

So the current Qiangzi really takes Zhuo Rong as a friend, how could he give a dirty starling to Zhuo Rong?

"No, I should have a way to pull it back, if I can't pull it back!"

Hearing Qiangzi's words, Zhuo Rong smiled, not because he had any confidence in himself, but because he had confidence in the elixir, so he looked at this starling, and he laughed. 080

And looking at Zhuo Rong's evil smile, the starling who was still very arrogant suddenly turned his head away, and it felt that it might suffer...

And when Qiangzi heard that Zhuo Rong had a solution, he had nothing to say.

Since Zhuo Rong wants it, it doesn't matter if he gives this starling to Zhuo Rong.

Of course, Zhuo Rong definitely won't let him suffer, but he won't buy it with money, Qiangzi also sincerely treats him as a friend and buys it with money, it's like hitting someone in the face...

To make friends, the future will last forever, there is no need to settle today’s matters, and we will get along in the future, don’t worry.

After deciding on the ownership of the starling, Zhuo Rong and the others also went downstairs.

Yuan Tianqing here has already set the table next to the stove where the blood eel and squab are stewed.

They are going to play poker here for a while, and they can watch the blood eels and squabs by the way.

They are fighting what people all over the country will play, fighting against ranchers.

It is indeed money, but the win or loss is not big. If you want it, it is one yuan. At most, you can flip it three times, which is eight yuan for a family. At most, you lose sixteen yuan, which is not too much.

Boys' happiness is sometimes very simple, just like that, a deck of cards, plus Zhuo Rong and the others, just watched it all afternoon, and had a great time playing.

In the end, Zhuo Rong came out on top and won 50 or 60 yuan. Before the blood eel stewed squab was finished, he went to a small restaurant nearby to buy a lot of vegetables.

Zhuo Rong didn't drink because he had to drive at night, otherwise he would have asked Jia Min and the others to pick him up, but Yuan Tianqing and Pang Liqiang both drank a lot.

Yuan Tianqing slept directly at Pang Liqiang's place at night. Anyway, it was only the two of them who were old men, and these were minor problems.

For a meal, although eating has been fast-forwarding, Zhuo Rong and the others really enjoyed their meal.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, after Zhuo Rong and the others finished the game, Zhuo Rong also took the starling that Pang Liqiang gave him and got into the car, and then returned home under the staring eyes of the starling.

When he walked into the house with myna, Jia Min and the others came out to welcome him.

"Master, you are back, oh? Why did you bring a little guy?"

Looking at the mynah who was frightened in the cage at this time, Jia Min and the others also said with a smile.

Even the tiger scared Zha Mao when he saw Jia Min and the others, let alone a little starling.

"It's okay, this little guy has a dirty mouth, and Qiangzi doesn't really want it anymore. I happened to think that the elixir can increase its wisdom, so I thought about coming back and giving it some elixir to try. !"

Hearing what Jia Min and the others said, Zhuo Rong smiled and explained to them.

"The elixir can only improve the IQ of animals, but it is not very useful for training. (abbb) In fact, the best way for the master is to buy two more sisters and equip them with the ability to train animals." Seeing what Zhuo Rong said, At this time, Yang Qian also laughed and said beside him.

Good guy, she has only been here for a few days, and she has already learned from these people. How can she persuade Zhuo Rong to buy some more cyborgs? Zhuo Rong has to think about her kidneys!

"What are you thinking? I asked Xiao Zhuo to search it just now. In fact, there is still a chance for the dirty mouth. With these high-tech things, it will not be tossed to death, so just keep tossing it. For example Hang it in mid-air, don't let it go up and don't let it go down, toss it, it knows it's afraid, and it won't swear anymore!"

Gazing at Yang Qian, Zhuo Rong squatted down, first fed the starling some elixir, and then he also explained how to search for his car on the Internet.

But he had just finished speaking, and the starling in the cage who was still drinking the potion suddenly said in a very serious accent: "Hello...good morning, handsome guy!"

"Uh, master, it seems to understand what you said." Hearing what the starling said, Carambola also pointed at this guy, then covered her mouth and said with a smile.

"Hey? You don't call me bastard anymore?" Hearing what the starling said, Zhuo Rong looked at it with a half-smile. Although the elixir is effective, the effect will definitely not be so fast. After all, the starling just drank it. It is not certain whether the water has reached the stomach or not.

This guy changed his words so quickly now, there is only one possibility, and that is that this guy himself has a high IQ.

Come to think of it, mynah's brain capacity is limited after all, so generally speaking, an ordinary mynah may only be able to learn a few sentences, at most a dozen sentences.

But Qiangzi's starling can obviously know more than a dozen sentences, and it can speak out with such a clear mind, which means it has a certain thinking ability.

In other words, it is smarter than the average starling.

In addition, now that it has drunk the elixir, it is estimated that it will become even smarter!

"That's right, keep working hard, remember, don't let me hear dirty words, or I'll hang you up!" Seeing the starling's tilted head, Zhuo Rong also laughed, and then directly hung it on the on a hook in the distance.

And Gao Wen here has also taken the initiative to go to the kitchen, and brought some future millet and shredded beef for it, yes, these guys are omnivorous "I want to eat meat B.

Zhuo Rong doesn't have bugs here, because they were chased away, or he can go out and catch some bugs and feed him back, but now he has beef and millet to eat, which is already good.

After seeing that the starling had already started eating, Zhuo Rong and the others also went upstairs to rest.

This is the real business. .

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