"Master, good morning!"

When Zhuo Rong got up early the next morning, the mynah watched him go downstairs and yelled at him. It was obvious that after a night of enlightenment, its brain was indeed stronger than last night. Even better.

Not only learned Jia Min and the others' address to Zhuo Rong, but also organized freely.

"Hehe, growing up is pretty fast!"

Walking up to the starling, Zhuo Rong also teased the little guy with his hands.

For Zhuo Rong's finger, the mynah also ran over, but instead of hitting his head like fighting them, he bit Zhuo Rong.

Of course, its bite didn't hurt, but Zhuo Rong flicked its head lightly.

He knew that although this player had become smarter, he was still not close to him, so there was no need to be too anxious.

"Master, now there is another bird in the house, do you want to name this bird and the caiman in the backyard!"

When Zhuo Rong walked into the kitchen, Li Ke, who was busy at the moment, also looked at Zhuo Rong and asked curiously.

"I'm really not very good at naming things, let's talk about it later!"

After thinking for a while, Zhuo Rong shook his head and named Fudou because dogs are very common creatures. If outside, he directly called Fudou a dog, then Fudou didn't know he was calling himself, but Kaimen Alligators and starlings, are not so common.

So the unnamed ones are not too important.

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Li Ke also nodded. She also knew that Zhuo Rong's name was really not very effective, so let's listen to him.

In fact, even if Zhuo Rong named them one, two, three, and four, they wouldn't have any opinion, because biochemical humans don't know how to name them.

Maybe this is human nature. If there is nothing, there is a desire for something.

They can't be named, so they are willing to watch Rong Rong name it, no matter what it is.

After breakfast, Zhuo Rong didn't go out today. He looked at the blood eels he caught yesterday, and he was thinking, where to get some more of these eels and sell them in the future.

He has the location, the tidal flat where he caught jumping fish last time, there must be blood eels, because according to Qiangzi's uncle, there are basically such things in the tidal flats around here.

As long as there are shellfish, sea worms and the like on this tidal flat, which blood eels eat, there must be blood eels here, so there is Zhuo Rong.

But he didn't have the tools to catch blood eels.

Zhuo Rong definitely doesn’t have the ability to dig with a hoe, so what he thinks is the rake, but it’s different from the original rake in this world, he plans to make one himself with future high-tech materials, what? Will no one drive the sea in the future? ?

Really not, in the future, wild animals will basically be extinct, why rush to the sea?

Run a few kilometers, and then pick up a few sea rainbows to eat? It's not worth it.

Therefore, there will be no such thing in the future, and Zhuo Rong needs to make this game by himself.

Fortunately, this thing is very easy to make. Yesterday, when Zhuo Rong watched it, he had already learned about it. He just needs to make some hard and tough metal strips. The metal strips can’t be made too thin, but they can’t be building.

It's fast to get thinner, but once you use force, the blood eel will be cut in half.

But if it is thick, it will be very troublesome to insert it, so this also needs attention.

Then the iron bars are welded together with two pieces of metal to fix the position, and then the handle is ready. Although it is a bit troublesome, it is still within the scope of what Zhuo Rong can do.

After breakfast, Zhuo Rong went to the door and found a small chair to sit on. Zhuo Rong basked in the autumn sun and the autumn wind, and directly opened the future online shopping platform.

He soon found a seller of metal bars.

However, the metal bars sold now are different from what Zhuo Rong knows so far.

Just like modern steel, it took thousands of years of evolution to become what it is today. I still remember watching movies and TV dramas from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

At that time, people's main weapons were bronze wares.

Because at that time people used the block smelting method, and in the middle and late Western Han Dynasty, Yanhuang already had the technology of frying steel, but the development of this technology was not too fast when it first appeared.

It was not until the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period that a new steel filling method appeared, which led to the widespread use of ironware.

In the Tang Dynasty, in fact, at this time, steel weapons really became popular, and it was in the Song Dynasty that it reached its peak.

However, the era of the era is indeed a huge span.

Indeed, if you take a small knife to the Song Dynasty, compared with the magical weapons of the Song Dynasty, it is estimated that no one is as good as others, but if you take a small knife to the Song Dynasty, compared with the kitchen knives of ordinary people in the Song Dynasty, then this is Divine weapon!

0 for flowers...

The hardest metal in the world is Ming.

However, compared with the future, this thing will be much worse.

Of course, even now, it is impossible to buy high-tech mesh materials on online platforms, and it will be the same in the future. The best metal that can be bought in online stores in the future is something called sky alloy. According to the introduction of the system.

This is the timeline of the future. Five hundred years ago, that is, a metal synthesized five hundred years later. What are its characteristics... In the present, it is undeniable!

The kitchen knives, basins, pots and the like in Zhuo Rong's house are basically made of this alloy.


When Zhuo Rong was free, he also tried to cut with this kind of kitchen knife and the Damascus steel knife that Zhuo Rong bought now. The alloy kitchen knife can cut this kind of Damascus steel knife basically like cutting tofu. The steel knife was cut off, and there was not even a white seal.

The metal bars that Zhuo Rong buys now are also like this.

I bought thirteen in total, eleven of which were used for hooks and two for welding.

Sitting at the door, Zhuo Rong started to fiddle with this thing.

But anyone who has ever welded something knows that it is very dazzling when the flames shine together.

Although it was said that there was something blocking it, Zhuo Rong's flashing eyes were almost blind after a while, when he raised his head and looked around.

Then he found that after he came out, Huo Dou, Ashes and Four Ashes, who were still surrounding him, had already run away. Zhuo Rong even found the trace of the crocodile in the distance, and he was also curious. Looking at Zhuo Rong, but also far away.

Beasts are naturally afraid of fire. When Zhuo Rong started welding these things, they had already run away. It was too late for Zhuo Rong to find out.

"These guys!"

Looking at these guys who ran to the distance, Zhuo Rong couldn't help shaking his head, and then he was about to continue welding, but when he lowered his head and was about to continue welding, his peripheral vision also glanced at the gate, and the result was unexpected. I discovered that at the gate, at some point, there was an extra figure... the knife...

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