My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 135: The Mountain Guardian

"Well, delicious, delicious!"

"Eat more if it tastes good, you are growing up!"

"Well, thank you little lady!"

"Xiaoxue, I feel that sister Jia Min and the others make better food than your father's.

"That's, that's my dad didn't do it seriously!"

"Oh, Xiaoxue's father specializes in barbecue, it's different, but they're all delicious, hehehehehe...

After finishing the phone call, Zhuo Rong and the others officially started eating.

This may also be the first time they eat future food in May. At least in terms of taste, future food is indeed better than current food.

And the most important thing is, don't forget that Jia Min and the others all have the cooking skills of top chefs, and chefs are also divided into three, six, and nine ranks.

The ability of a real chef depends on how much the taste of the ingredients can be brought out.

Someone said, this is not right. For example, Hunan cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, etc., aren’t they spicy? As long as the seasoning is good, it will be delicious.

The dishes made with seasoning mentioned here are only the most basic level of chefs.

Anyone who really understands Sichuan cuisine knows that the top Sichuan cuisine is not spicy. Taibai duck, 563 casserole fish, steamed rice balls, chickpeas curds that have been passed down for hundreds of years, and boiled cabbage, the top dish of state banquets, are not spicy. vegetable.

The same is true for Hunan cuisine, braised pork, salted duck in sauce, and steamed cured meat.

A real chef can see how much the taste of the ingredients can be brought out, instead of covering the original taste of the ingredients with the taste of the seasoning, and forcing them into the taste that others like to eat.

Generally speaking, for ordinary housewives, if they can adjust 50% of the taste of the original ingredients, it is already very good. When 60% is reached, it can be at the level of restaurants outside.

If it can reach 70%, you can work as a chef in some bigger restaurants.

If it reaches 80%, you can go to some top seafood restaurants and the like as chefs.

90% must be the executive chef of a famous five-star hotel.

100%, then it must be a super top chef at the state banquet level, a special chef.

And Jia Min and the ten of them all have the ability to increase the taste of raw materials to 120%, so everything they do is particularly delicious.

As for Xiaoxue and Shen Xuejia's words, Zhuo Rong and the others can listen to it. In the eyes of girls, father is naturally omnipotent, so no matter how delicious the food in front of (abbg) is, it must be the best made by her father Eat, so no need to argue with little girls over things like this.

One lunch, but these five little guys are full enough, if they don't really can't eat it in the end, they might still eat it.

Of course, the rest of the food will not be wasted, Zhuo Rong and the others still raise pigs, these things are the best feed for pigs.

After lunch, the five little guys also sat on the sofa at Zhuo Rong's house, watching TV for a while, but soon, they gave up watching TV and went to play in the yard

I have to say that the things in Zhuo Rong's yard are really too tempting for children, and it's already night before they know it.

Originally, Zhuo Rong wanted to keep these children here for dinner, and then send them back. After all, they were all in the same village, so he knew the way.

But before it was time for dinner, the parents of the five children came.

Chang Zhengtao's father, Yang Lihao's father, Shi Lei's mother, Xiaoxue's mother, and Wuyue's grandfather, the five little guys who had been playing wildly at Zhuo Rong's place for a day ran over immediately after seeing their parents, Looking at their sweaty faces and smiling faces, I know they are having a great time.

"Oh, I'm really bothering you. These monkeys have caused you a lot of trouble!"

Seeing his son's sweaty face, Shi Lei's mother said to Zhuo Rong while wiping his sweat.

"It's okay, I have something to do at home today, they come to my place to play, and give me a little more popularity, if you want to come to play in the future, you can come anytime, basically there are people here." Listening to Shi Lei's mother's words, Zhuo Rong also smiled and waved his hands. The first half of his sentence was for the parents, and the second half was for the children.

"Hahahaha, I heard from my brother-in-law that Brother Zhuo is a man of temperament, and he is not that particular. My little kid runs around every day. If I come to play with you in the future, I can rest assured." At this time, Chang Zhengtao was next to him. His dad laughed too.

"Shengzi also told us that he and brother Zhuo are classmates and have a good relationship. If our children come here to play in the future, I will trouble you to take care of them!"

At this time, Yang Lihao's father who was next to him also started talking. They said that, not because they wanted to take advantage of Huo Rong, but because they stood at the door and took a look at the environment here. It is really suitable for children. We played.

"Okay, let's go then, come to our store for barbecue when you have time!"

At this time, Shen Xuejia and her mother looked at the phone, it was getting late.

Barbecue restaurants are different from ordinary restaurants. Here, the more nights come, the more people are eating. At this time, Shen Xuejia's father should already be busy. It is not good for her to stay for too long when she comes to pick up the children.

"In that case, let's take our leave first." Listening to Shen Xuejia's mother's words, Wu Yue's grandfather also said with a smile.

Seeing Grandpa Wuyue's hearty smile, Zhuo Rong also nodded in response.

"Hey, okay, go slowly!"

After hearing Zhuo Rong's words, the group of five families also turned around and walked towards the village.

Looking at their backs as they left, Zhuo Rong also set his sights on Wu Yue and her grandfather. Zhuo Rong also learned a little about the family situation of these five little guys today.

Needless to say, Chang Zhengtao and Yang Lihao, Shi Lei's house is a construction team, Shen Xuejia's house is a barbecue shop, only Peng Wuyue, Zhuo Rong doesn't know much

So in the afternoon, he also inquired about the situation in May's house.

The situation in this girl's family is a bit special. A few years ago, her parents went to other places to work together, but her mother didn't seem to have withstood the temptation of the outside world.

So she cheated and ran away with others, and her father was disheartened and had been working outside. Except for sending money, no one came back. Wu Yue has been living with her grandfather now. Her grandfather's name is Peng Jianjun. When he was young I was a soldier, and then retired, and became a forest ranger in this nearby forest.

But now the forest is getting smaller and smaller, there is no need for forest rangers, and he has already reached the age of retirement, and now he only relies on his pension, plus Peng Wuyue's father

The money sent here and there from time to time keeps me alive.

It is also the most difficult life among several families, but looking at Wuyue's smile, it seems that she does not take the problems in life seriously, which also makes Zhuo Rong a little infected.

"Sure enough, children should be carefree."

Looking at the setting sun, May was talking to his grandfather about what he was playing today, and the corners of Rong's mouth couldn't help grinning.

But when Jia Min and the others in the distance looked at Zhuo Rong, they felt a little entangled in their hearts...

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